Logbook entry

First Fleet Carrier Jump Away From The Bubble

For weeks I wanted to experience what it was like to explore with my relatively new fleet carrier(named Rednarok)...

Most of the time I have been working for my squadron and upgrading my suits, I noticed a new frame shift drive was developed by Achilles, the first company to develop a different FSD then Sirius Corp. I was so surprised with the power and usage it would give to my plans I bought a couple of each grade to take with me.

After preparations and building two ships, a Federal Dropship for core mining and a lander ship for ex-biology the Courier, I set myself a target system 1200Ly away from the human bubble around Hawking's Gap.

Everything went as planned, as soon as I arrived I put in an Achilles frame shift drive and started to explore around with my newly named courier, Sojourner... what a beast! Stoppage power, hull weight and boost capability all were extremely satisfying, I think I have a favourite ship!

When I found my first sign of life in a system, I felt compelled to discover it and so I landed on that planet and started to search... little did I know what I was dealing with.
I took more then 2 hours to find the first markings! It was a bacteria with the same pattern and colour as the terrain hehehehe no wonder... finished the samples an hour after, at least I've learnt every trick in the book for any future similar endeavour... sheesh

After a few planets I did find what I was more interested in looking for, a Stratum, primary mission accomplished!
Now that I figured out all the ins and outs and idea, and returning to my carrier, I made another 700Ly jump and removed my vehicle hanger from Sojourner, added a guardian FSD booster, now with 21Ly jump range, I set out again to find out more flora!

On one of my breaks, I almost burnt my ship once, while I was taking a nap close to a star, didn't notice I was too close and the temperature was raising slowly, came back to my senses with all three heat alarms screeching, and got out of the situation in time.. phew.. I did melt all my computers so i had to manually fly it back until repaired.

So far I have crossed possibly over 40 stars and have landed in perhaps 20 planets, I did rank up exobiology a few times and already painted the new decals on my lovely ship.

I cannot express how satisfying it is to have so much control and landing capability with Sojourner, and the sound, wow what engines! The fuel scoop isn't the most efficient but I installed the max grade shields on it and boy they are strong! extra cushion in case I mess up a landing!

And this is my first log entry into hopefully a more filled logbook in the future..
I'm not writing this for anyone to read, I have trouble with spelling and vocabulary and hopefully writing here will keep me capable fluent for longer. it isn't that I forget words, it is more that I can't remember vocabulary when I don't train frequently.

May the spirit of the universe follow you.
29 April 3310

PS; I came across this rare geological occurrence, so I thought capturing it would make sense... off of one of my first landed planets;

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︎2 Shiny!
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