Captain Capt. Shadow Johnson
Hacker / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Slippery Shadow
4,500,000 Cr

Logbook entry

Fetching and Surveying

Stupid first entry I started writing today got deleted. Got to be careful when trying to type stuff in fast, hit the exit button before saving.

So today is fetching stuff for Denis, and then I'll be knocking out surveys for wherever I go.

I'm currently at a location called "Abandoned Research Center", first time here actually. Filled with the dumdum Ecliptic. Gonna clear it, loot it, and look around for Contraband. Always seems to be Contraband around Ecliptic. They're Contraband thieves, as working for both UC and Freestar as mercenaries I can only image they get a free pass smuggling.

I'll put this location in my notes, on my Contraband list, which has become more of a location list, as I'm putting all locations on it. My list has a designation of "NFY" which is short for "None Found Yet", because who knows.

*update: there's a dead pirate in here amongst the Ecliptic...

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Another chunk of writing lost. Stupid keypad.

Just going to make this quick:
-Abandoned Research Center - Cleared, Searched, looted. No contraband, at least "NFY".
-Denis sent me to get sidestars, only 1 in location, but pulled more off dead bodies, still not enough, got some in my stash.
-Going to survey the planet while I'm here
-Human points of interest found, going to pillage or say hi depending on who is haunting the place.

Came across another Abandoned Ecliptic Garrison. There is typically Contraband found in the ship on the elevated pad, it's usually in one of the open cargo hold areas. Only 1 usually. Currently clearing Ecliptic out. Funny that the term is Abandoned, as its most defiantly occupied regardless of not that many. Wonder what fun would be had if it was extremely occupied...

(I will be posting in the middle of editing to avoid losing progress...

<post entry>
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