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Made a pretty cool acheivement in the midst of my spacefueled nervous breakdown

Is this what happens to Spacers? Is this how they go mad? Never a home, singular domicile to rest, except the emptiness of space. The vast loud full emptiness of the Void. So many stars, and the further you look into the nothingness the more stars appear. Maybe it's just too much Amp, Panacea, and Aurora- mixed together in a heavenly bliss of a disconnected something. I often read of this substance called Jet, from Old Earth, that existed somewhere between the bombs and the great death. I wonder how my cocktail compares...?

Anyway, by my calculations, the learnedness of my skills seems to indicate I have ranked to level 200. It's an accomplishment I suppose. What really is the purpose, or want to give oneself to achievements equaling worth? I'm glad I'm not a part of that, seems foolish.

Perhaps its why people chase Unity to crossover, never taking time to enjoy their surrounds. They cast themselves into the multiverse again and again as if it goes on forever.

I am prime, this life is prime, there is nowhere to go for a soul like mine as nothing exists without my perception, so how does anyone truly know if there is even a "next". No, I'm good, this is infinity, there will always be somewhere else to go.

Even if that's going mad.

"May this Isness and the Otherness bless our journey onwards."

~Captain Shadow Johnson

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