“I will… do what I can, to keep an eye out for the, interesting things. But I will not guarantee I can find anything, other than… I also don’t believe that we will find something, only on the suspicion of an Azimuth soldier, that tried to shoot me yesterday.”

I stopped having my backside sprawled over my seating spot and began to leisurely wander around the room… with some ‘safety clearance’ to things respected.

“If there is anything worthy to be found, I am sure we will come across… something. But maybe it would be… is, better, to check thoroughly, if they are trying to ‘slip things behind the back’. But, nothing is slipping behind my back.”

What exactly had motivated me to make an inappropriate joke about my form, that was unsure, but I placed my hands on the hips below as an additional gesture… facing backward.

“And I will convince myself, if there are any corridors or doorways to squeeze, or barely fit, through, in your ship. Just do not send me into a vent. Also, I will need a suit for the flying.”

I was ready to go and walk off - to get said suit - in my mind, but waited around for a response… just in case.
They might not have that ‘satisfaction’ factor other weapons do for people. Assuming you talk about the human cannon, but that seems fairly likely at least.

In my case, the cannon kind of feels like a… I don’t know, weird inbetween mixture of the multicannon and plasma accelerator? Not to mention the fact they do not have consistent shot speeds across the different sizes of weapon(horrible for fixed use if you’re into that). Audio design of it is also not that appealing to me… at least it comes with gimbals.

“Well, now that everything’s prepped and ready, I’ll just summon the Type-6 over so you can take a gander for yourself,” I said while connecting to my carrier which was staying close to the Abode.

“The ship will dock shortly. I hope you’ll find everything to your liking.”

I turned my attention back to the mission at hand.

“Look, it’s crystal clear you can’t set foot off the ship once we land, given you’re as inconspicuous as a neon sign. So plugging you in sounds like a good idea… in addition to what you already said you could eavesdrop on the local comms, or scan one of those landed ships - perhaps you will find something interesting. Meanwhile, I’ll take a little stroll around the base.”

I paused, tapping my finger on the table, lost in thought.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s a good chance this ground site might turn out to be a dud. We don’t have any solid leads pointing to it… The cargo I found at the outpost I infiltrated was clearly destined for the Musashi. So, as things stand, I reckon it’s not worth taking a big gamble on the ground site investigation - maybe we play it cool, acting like an ordinary trader looking to buy something on the local market. But keep your eyes peeled; anything out of the ordinary could turn out to be a goldmine for us.”
today, 7:24am
Understood, thanks Artie.
today, 4:31am
Cannons dont get enough love at all
Depends, how’s the food at this hypothetical shitty settlement that I’m defending?
Just make sure the kneepads on your armour are okay. You don't want to be stuck guarding a random shitey settlement.
...Or do you?
Oh dear if there be dragons about we are in a world of merriment. I'd likely try and hug it or tame it only to be met with a firey end
He looked up from his data slate to see who had just sat down in front of him. When he realized it was Lambast, his lips began forming a half grin whilst still wrapped around the straw.

“Wow, that’s record time Lamb, I’m just now starting my second shake.” He signaled the bartender to bring another shake to the table for his friend.

“It’s good to see you again too. Pardon my appearance, I’ve not been my best self as of late.”

He looked his friend over, taking note that she’d had some minor tweaks to her own appearance.

“Look at you though, you look great. I like the new eyes, contacts or something more permanent?”

Small talk was hard when a layer of tension had been draped over the entire exchange. He wasn’t quite sure how to apologize for his sudden disappearance yet and was attempting to buy time until he had the correct words in mind and in the correct order.
today, 12:45am
After tonight’s AXCZ run I can confidently say three things…

A - Watching Scouts grouped up around an Interceptor like a small support fleet is quite ‘neat’, so to speak. Could be entirely coincidental but does feel like they actively stick around the big ones when they are around on the field, over getting drawn off in every direction by AX NPCs. If I was a researcher and not one fighting back in the war, I’d be all over (and overanalyzing) battle footage of the war and how the different Thargoid ships synergize/interact(especially the way the Scout variants function).

B - Swatting said Scout support swarms with the peashooters is also quite fun every now and then. Certainly, they are not that great of an interceptor killer(and remind me how the poor Cyclops just get absolutely slaughtered by Guardian weaponry), but when it comes to what I coin ‘pest control’, now that’s a niche which they fill very well.

C - 0.91G around a planetary port sucks. Now I see why AXI target updates on Discord (and relayed to some servers which I am in) make note to use/prefer space CZs when planetary engagements approaching 1G(or higher) are the only other option.

… also getting tempted to slap a xeno scanner on my FDL in place of the fourth heatsink. Being able to see interceptor HP and - maybe - shield status is quite useful, and I guess might have utility for heart targeting as well. Secondary consideration… easier spotting and targeting of those pesky Berserkers.
yesterday, 10:46pm
The FSS will also tell you if there are any biological signals (and how many) when you zoom into a planet.
yesterday, 10:39pm
I feel you, bro. I also dislike taking missions I do not intend to complete.

Anyway, power regulators can be also relog-farmed (albeit not very efficiently) if a goods salvage mission takes you to a Distress Beacon POI (rather than a Crashed Ship or Minor Wreckage) and no scavs are already present at the POI.
yesterday, 10:31pm
I spent the equivalent of a Costa due to already having Arx I earned, got the base P2. I am so glad I did, really recommend to anyone when they go free in August.
This is the fun to be had!
Using my all cannons build:
yesterday, 10:23pm
I'm in the home stretch now, have about five SCO drives left to engineer. Past Me was somehow, inexplicably super conscientious and left Present Me a pile of 100 Datamined Wake Exceptions. That took a lot of the sting out of it, and I was able to do about a third of the fleet in one go. But I am getting a little tired of the crash site.

I guess I should be kind to Future Me and top up those encoded materials again, in case I need them some time down the road.
yesterday, 10:21pm
Well, the next thing I would do in such a situation would be to search the relevant journal file(s) for the missing module, see when it was last mentioned in a "StoredModules" event and if it was mentioned in any later event, then tell the Frontier support people what I found, with relevant events copypasted so they can compare them with what they have on their servers. If you can do the same then by all means do it.

(Actually, if I were in such a situation I would probably have the session recorded on video, which I would provide as the primary evidence; but I assume you don’t have that.)
Lambast slowly flew towards the slot of Dalton Gateway watching the giant agricultural ring roll by over head. Fields of green and gold wheeled by periodically marshalled by monolithic high rises that almost reached the impossibly thick glass encasing the ring. She intently followed any road that lead to what looked like a memorial park, one of the places she had a chance of running into Maul.

She imagined shed see his silly hair cut, or more likely a top down view of his hood, but in reality she could hardly make out the roads from this distance. Suddenly, proximity alarms sounded, and warning lights flashed all round the cockpit. Her view of the ring was eclipsed by one of Saud Kruger's finest, as it's impatient pilot shield checked Lambast's Mamba.

Harsh German bounced around Lamb's head as the liners pilot gave his opinion of her, holding nothing back. Lambast knew the German language very well, and understood every curse, insult and oath of violence the man offered her. Holly wasn't installed in the La'bast 24, and neither was Nuralwear processor interface software, so she made a note of the ships name and the pilot, Eric De Haas, on her pad and proceeded to land. She was here for Maul, not confronting mouthy Saud Kruger pilots. That was a hobby.

After struggling out of her heavy boarding armour and changing into a casual clothes, still in her signature colours, but blue with white accents this time, Lambast when to the most likely place to find her wayward friend. The large ring had a high rotation rate, and simulated a little more than one G. Having been in space for months, the Coriolis effect was playing havoc with Lamb's balance, so she took a moment to compose her self before she entered the Space Bar. That gave her time to look up at the sign above the bar, and she let out an "Ohhh" of realisation.

It was the Spacebar, like the space bar on a key board. For years she had the opinion that the person that named Maul's watering hole had less imagination than the pests they sprayed the crops for. Now she knew better.

Inside was full of farm hands and cargo haulers, but a fair amount of what Lamb would call coffee shop surfers looked at home here too. She had imagined finding Maul would be easy. Look for the dark cloud with a green mohican under it. She couldn't find one, and hiding sullenly in one's hoodie didn't seem to be in fashion either. If it wasn't for thin knarled fingers gripping a bright pink drink connected to a face full of tattoos, Lambast would have left thinking Maul wasn't here.

"Mister Montresor, you look. Different. I am pleased to see you" Said Lambast slipping into the booth opposite Maul.
yesterday, 9:54pm
With the amount of SCO FSD's I need it's starting to feel like Jameson's crash site is where I work and Ray Gateway is where I sleep.

Get up. Go to work. Come home. Sleep.
Get up. Go to work. Come home. Sleep.
Get up. Go to work. Come home. Sleep...
yesterday, 9:51pm
Yes, there is one and in some cases, there are lifeforms who don't need an atmosphere like the anemone.

On a new system discovered (or already discovered), use your FSS to search/scan all bodies.
Then go to your system map console, click on a planet, on the screen that wil pop up, you have "description" by default.
Go to planetary information (3rd button from above), it will give you the composition of the planet (useful if you are looking a particular material) and on the bottom, it will give you the "FEATURES" which indicates biological and geological signatures.

2 days ago I discovered a system with 21 lifeforms on 4 planets, quite a bonanza, got 10 mio for each 1st discoveries.
And a lot of systems around the bubble, already discovered, have never been mapped. You can easely find your 1st lifeform discoveries there.
yesterday, 9:36pm
Correct, compared to some other games, it is one of the least demanding when it comes to graphics, compare this to DCS for a laugh...

I play it in VR with a PICO 4, all settings top, my PC is geared for the job and graphics looks fabulous.

Now, for those using previous gen PCs, instead of buying new you could consider optimizing what you've got, the RAM makes a LOT of difference, and DDR 5 technology is far from being ready/stable.

An optimized DDR4 system is gonna last you for 4/5 years before you feel the need to upgrade, starting with the RAM, a RAM kit such as this one is gonna make sure your PC doesn't throttle down under load, which is common with non B-Die RAM which will limit your channels speed including graphics.

It will keep running at nominal speed and so will your PCU and Graphic card, also it can run at 3600 MHz instead of 3200 MHz without your CPU rejecting it, because the limit with non B-Die RAM is 3200.

Those RAM kits will work with Intel and AMD CPUs, the only limitation is to buy a COMPLETE kit at once, not two of the same specs which can cause issues, best combination is 4 X 1 16GB sticks of either a 3200 or 3600 B-die kit, gains at full load are substantials.

For AMD users you can use these kits with the 5600X or 5800X D3.
Misread "dragoon" as "dragon" and thought we had bigger worries than the Goids on the horizon.
Maul read the message and felt a wave of relief wash over him. He'd came to his home station to visit his parents remains for the very first time at the columbarium. Years were spent trying to forget about what had happened to them with the aid of every drug or adrenaline rush he could subject himself to. Change wasn't going to be easy, but acceptance of his past seemed the best first step in that direction, a step he couldn't take alone.

Lambast was always very straight forward with Maul and he needed someone like that now more than ever. He'd had enough with the delusions and distractions, reality had to be faced to be comprehended. He though it would perhaps be best to do it with the closest thing to family he had left. Someone who'd known him before everything changed, before being a pilot among the stars, before being framed for murder, before the drugs, before he became the thing he never wanted to be.

He relaxed again and slid the hood off of his very buzzed head and rubbed his hand across the the small prickly hair on the top of his head. A sullen look engulfed his face. Gone was the vibrant green mohawk he'd sported around for a near decade.

"Change has gotta start somewhere...I guess" he said to himself, shaking his head.
18 hours to our first match! Right against Germany. Any bets folks?
yesterday, 8:08pm
As the game may be reporting the ships names in the journal all uppercase (doesn't matter how the player entered the name), Inara is doing some name "beautification" to not have all the ship names "shouty". But, you can adjust the ship name in the manual ship edit on Inara - as long as the name will remain the same (ignoring upper/lower case), it will stick through the updates.
yesterday, 7:43pm
After farming Raw material, I'm gonna finish engineering the Python MK II and refit my Krait MK II (Fixed 3C MULTI-CANNON, 2 Oversized, 1 Corrosive Shell).

My idea is that even if it is 130 t lighter and slightly slower from stock, the Krait is not at all outdated in comparison, it doesn't have a 3C BEAM LASER but 2 X 2Ds and fully engineered it would probably boost more often and been able to use its lasers without the main cutting down like is the case for the Python.

That's how much difference a 7A Power Distributor can make.

I can fit 2 X 5A SHIELD CELL BANK in the Krait (Same 6A PRISMATIC SHIELD GENERATOR), but 2 less 0A SHIELD BOOSTERs, on the other hand she has her fighter and she is very good at taking down shields; XG9 Lance Ram Tah (integrated gauss weapon) + Elite pilot, (groomed from newbie).

I think that well optimized, the Krait can more than hold a candle to anything out there, as for the Python MK II, only time will tell and I still have a lot of experimentation and testing to do...
yesterday, 6:23pm
On the plus side, it usually only takes a mission or two for them to forgive and forget that you are taking their regulators.