Cmdr Maul Montresor
Hacker / Freelancer
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Imperial Courier MA-21E
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Imperial Deathwatch

Logbook entry

Chasing Ghosts XII: Various Methods of Escape

08 May 2024Maul Montresor
---Click Here For Previous Post---

"Hallucinate in high fidelity
The pieces of a plan
Construction of the highest quality
The blood from my own hand
A line of lyric looping in my head
Nobody listening
It doesn't really matter anymore
Guess it doesn't mean a thing

An effigy so wondrous to behold
A statement so profound
A place to bury everything I did
And burn it to the ground
The fire illuminates the final scene
The past repeats itself
I cannot tell the difference anymore
I cannot trust myself

I think I could lose myself in here

I've got to let go
I've got to get straight
Why'd you have to make it so hard?
Let me get away"

The bodies were gone and I no longer held their hands in mine. Tessa too was gone, no longer standing over them as I’d seen moments ago. It was just me and the chime of the ever dwindling battery powering my suit, that now sat at 25% capacity. I hadn’t shed a single tear over the memory of my parents death resurfacing. After all, it had always been there and I’d mourned the loss for years, meanwhile doing everything in my power to try to forget about it ever happening. Every time I started remembering, I'd throw myself into something else and let that consume me. Eventually I turned to narcotics, booze, whatever I could get my hands on to aid in making my life a blurry mess. I wanted to forget everything...everyone. I wanted to tear myself from this reality or at least die trying. It’s why I’m here. It’s why I’m always here. Taking on jobs with unknown factors, hoping something would eventually do what I could not do myself. This could be the one if I let it. Nothings stopping me from staying right here and letting my oxygen reserves deplete.

"P̵u̶l̸l̴ ̵y̶o̶u̴r̸s̵e̴l̴f̵ ̸f̴r̶o̸m̷ ̶y̵o̵u̷r̷s̴e̷l̸f̵ ̸a̷n̷d̸ ̶s̷t̵e̴p̴ ̷t̷h̸r̷o̵u̷g̷h̸ ̶t̵h̴e̴ ̴d̸o̴o̵r̵s̷ ̸t̵h̷a̴t̸ ̷s̶t̷a̸n̵d̸ ̷b̵e̶f̸o̶r̴e̴ ̴y̶o̸u̸"

Mother had appeared again and approached me from behind, resting their head on my shoulder. I reached up to pet the deer, feeling its soft short hair between my fingers. It's large black eyes closed momentarily as if it were enjoying the affection before opening them again to gaze at me. A reflection of myself and a large archway was present in its eye. I turned to look and saw a blinding red glow from within the room beyond the archway that had suddenly appeared before me.

"T̴h̸r̶o̴u̵g̵h̴ ̴t̵h̸e̶ ̷t̶h̶r̵e̶s̷h̷o̴l̴d̷,̵ ̵y̷o̸u̸ ̸w̶i̷l̴l̷ ̷b̷e̷ ̴u̵n̵o̷b̷s̵e̶r̶v̵e̵d̷.̴ ̸Y̴o̵u̵r̷ ̴p̷a̶t̶h̴ ̴i̶s̸ ̸m̷a̴n̷y̴.̷ ̶A̴l̸l̶ ̴c̶o̷r̸r̴e̷c̵t̷.̸"

I slowly rose up from my knees and stared at the massive open archway and pondered its existence. My mind had proven unreliable this entire time. I'd lied to myself and to you. I'm not certain what was real anymore but all of it felt real to me. I felt an overwhelming urge. Something, whether it was inside me or within the room, compelled me to enter. Everything within me pushed and pulled forward, as if it had always been bringing me to this very place and at this point in time. This had to happen. This was always going to happen.

"D̴o̶ ̸n̶o̵t̴ ̵f̷e̵a̶r̷ ̷w̴h̷a̵t̸ ̴i̷s̵ ̸t̷o̸ ̸c̵o̴m̴e̸.̷"

And for the first time in years, I didn't fear a thing. Fear was the thing that drove me in every decision I'd ever made. Fear of hurting those around me, fear of confronting my past, fear of never making my mark, fear of being powerless. Fear may have been the very thing to bring me here, but it would never allow me to leave.

I stepped through the archway.

"It was dark and silent. A part of me wished to stay"
"When I opened my eyes, Vega was gone and I felt emptier."

I was lying.

I was lying.

I was lying.

"There I stood looking over the edge"

"No chance of escape. Besides, I wasn't sure I even wanted to escape"
"I was so tired. I felt like I'd been running from something."

"It didn't help. The voice in my head felt like someone else."
"Traversing into the labyrinth of hallways, it grew progressively darker the further I went."

"I'd been deceived multiple times by now, whether that was purposeful or not was up for debate."

"I closed my eyes. There it was, that oh-so-familiar feeling."
"I was simultaneously the most content I’d ever been and the most disconnected from reality I had ever been."

As I stepped through and allowed the red light to wash over me, becoming all that I see, I felt what I can only describe as echoes of memories rushing through my mind. Like a story being relayed to an averse recipient, but I was both the storyteller and the recipient.

I was simultaneously the most content I’d ever been and the most disconnected from reality I had ever been.

Now within the room, the red light dwindled to nothing and I found myself located at the top of the control tower at last. The Journeys end; a new beginning. The room was round and every wall was made of thick glass. The exterior of the entire ship was visible from here, with Sector C being the closest. Something was wrong though. I rushed to the glass, placing my hand upon it as I peered out at the hull of Sector C. The massive blast hole was gone. It was there earlier as I passed through but now it's just...gone. Suddenly a streak of light forced my eyes to momentarily shut. By some miracle, a Krait MK II had exited supercruise near the megaship. Perhaps they'd managed to find the signal just as I had before and came to investigate.

"Hey!" I shouted and pounded on the glass excitedly. I needed to quickly hack the control terminal and turn off the jammers or risk another person boarding this ship only to lose themselves in the madness, as I had.

I hurried over to the large console located in the center of the room and hastily plugged in one of the E-Breaches I'd brought along with me. A holo monitor came to life pixel by pixel in front of me with the word "ERROR" spelt across it. In a last ditch effort to warn the pilot, I recorded a looping S.O.S message using the console and sent it out via a communication link request.

"Do not Board this ship. Even if Armed, Please, you will not Survive."

"Message send quality: poor due to weak signal." The console voice assistant informed me as I sent the message along.

"Fuck!" I shouted and bashed my fists on the keyboard. As my fists made contact, the entire tower shook. I ran back to the glass to see if the Krait had began to open fire on the jammers to disable them as I had once considered but no, the tower shook because Sector C had just exploded.


My thought was interrupted by the holo monitor chiming from behind me. A pixelated purple smiley face with its tongue out was now displayed on the monitor. The E-Breach had somehow miraculously worked, even though it hadn't just moments ago. I rushed back to the console and now with full access, I navigated to the systems power management and shut off the jammers, releasing the megaship's automated S.O.S. signal at last.

I stepped back from the console and exhaled. My suits battery life had reached 0%. With Sector C being between me and the rest of the megaship, I wouldn't have enough oxygen to cross back through to reach Darling and the others. I was stuck here in the control tower with full control of the megaship but powerless to do anything. It was in no shape to attempt a jump to another system. The power plant was too badly damaged to spin up the FSD.

I sluggishly walked back the the glass to see the Krait still sitting there. The bastard never left. I thought perhaps now that the jammers were down, I could actually make proper contact. Approaching the console again, I opened the contacts and targeted the Krait.

"The Ghoul"
...the ship...
...was mine...

The entirety of Sepultus Memoriae began to shake violently as if it were being shredded by a hail of missiles. I ran back to the glass again to see what, if anything, had occurred. As I went to place my hands upon the glass, I fell forward onto cold steel. The glass had vanished and I was now somewhere else entirely. No longer within the confines of the control tower.

"Yes, but will it work?"

A woman's voice. Familiar. She sounded stern but worried.

"I truly do not know, ma'am. Nothing like this has ever been done."

I peeled my face from the steel and looked up to see a man in a white lab coat hunched over a cluttered desk with a woman pacing back and forth in front of him.

"It better. I can't continue living knowing that she's—"

They both had vanished at once and I was now standing, as opposed to lying on the ground as I had been mere moments ago. I now stood in a long hallway littered with corpses. The walls were red with blood and the word "Mother" was written again and again upon them. The lights overhead blinked on and off, the bodies and blood disappearing and reappearing with each flash. I closed my eyes tight and turned away. Opening them again had placed me back within Sector A, standing in the middle of the makeshift medical bay with Darling, Victor, Rayna and the rest of the survivors. They all looked upon me with worry. My head spun. It felt like the fabric of reality was contorting, twisting, destroying my mind in the process.

"Maul, are you—"

Darling approached me and tried to ask something but she and everyone else became mangled corpses within an instant. Then within a snap of a finger, they weren't. They stood again in place of their corpses. Their looks of worry grew greater as they all began to approached me. Dead, living, dead, living, dead, living. My head was pounding with each step and form they took, with the pain becoming unbearable to the point that I felt nauseous. The smell of their rotten bodies filled the air just as quick as it dissipated. My mind, my eyes, everything had began to fail me. Nothing was true but everything was possible here in this twisted version of hell. I doubled over to vomit, causing Darling to reach out and place her hand upon my shoulder. As I felt her touch, I fainted.

Destiny cannot be denied.

-init 0-

The dark void and I met once again, perhaps for the final time. Besides, that's what I had wanted deep down. Pure nothingness. Feel nothing, see, hear, taste nothing. It was peaceful. Not like a "sitting in the park of the hab ring of a station" kind of peaceful. No, something different. Just as I had been embraced by that blinding red light so many times before, I had now embraced the void, staring into it as it stared back at me with eyes of black, much like "Mother". Though, unlike the eyes of that creature that called itself "Mother", there was no reflection of me within them. Reflections were no longer needed. A reflection would insinuate that I were existing here in a physical form of some kind, when truly, I no longer existed at all. Death's cold embrace felt warmer than that of what had embraced me in life. Fear, loneliness, spitefulness, hatred, guilt, dread, anger; all of which were far colder than death.

However, this was just how I'd felt at the time, and feelings are usually irrational when compared to facts. The fact of the matter was, that I had not been dead long, if even at all. I'd survived whatever hell my mind, body, or whatever supernatural being had created for me. The facts on THAT whole experience were blurring with the irrational feelings and unreliable memories I'd had while aboard Sepultus Memoriae. I know what I felt, and it felt real. Facts would have me believe otherwise, but there were very little facts here.

I awoke in the medical bay of the Ravenwood Detention Center six days ago. This name may not be familiar to you and that is because I had forgotten the name of it myself. My mind hasn't been the most reliable thing as of late. I mean, a story is only as reliable as it's narrator and I've been nothing if not unreliable to whoever dares to read this abstract excursion into my point of view of the events that happened on Sepultus Memoriae. The Ravenwood Detention Center was the very same prison megaship that Christoph Dox had worked at. The man that I had held at gunpoint and threatened for information. Him and that poor child of his. I'd never planned on hurting them, but as we know, it's not just physical damage that can cause life altering trauma. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I were staring down the barrel of a gun in the hands of that kid in a mere 15 years time.

Waking up on a prison ship had initially rattled me, especially considering it was the very same prison that Sepultus Memoriae had been sourcing its "test subjects" from. Thankfully, before I grew too paranoid and violent, I was calmly informed by a nurse that the prison had changed hands due to the investigation of the previous wardens dubious and unethical business strategies. Many of the higher ups had been relieved of their duties. Likely with varying levels of violence accompanying the word "relieved" in this situation. I've seen many people "relieved" of their duties as a form of resolution, and this particular case didn't appear to call for a peaceful resolution.

After a few days rest and after I had regained some of my energy, a man named Mathias Fletcher visited me. He claimed to be investigating the events that occurred on Sepultus Memoriae and was in no way affiliated with Ravenwood. A mere independent investigator working on building out the case against the prior leadership to aid in their prosecution, a vigilante with a pen, or in this case an Achilles personal compute system. After introductions and pleasantries, I gave him my side of the story over the course of a few hours and he recorded the whole thing for his investigation.

After I'd finished recalling the events to him and assured him that as crazy at it all may sound, that is how I remember the events happening, he then agreed to answer some of my questions to the best of his ability. Though, the only notable thing I'd really discovered during this, was that I'd not been aboard Sepultus Memoriae for about a week, as I had previously thought, but literal months. He seemed dumbfounded on how any of us had survived that long with such few supplies and according to his other interviews, none of us knew truly how long we were even there. The reported ship logs and nav records had shown the departure and arrival time of the megaship, which made it hard to argue otherwise. He then explained how the rescue team were able to retrieve mostly everyone with minimal casualties with them further reporting that there were very few survivors on the ship, and even less deceased. "Eerily empty, they say it's as if the majority of them had simply vanished." he said, just as I too had recalled during my time there. I was warned of madmen, yet I was the only madman traversing those halls. I then asked about Destiny and the others, to which he smiled. He said that it had been Destiny that pointed the rescue team in my direction and that I was found unconscious, floating in the blast zone of the Sector C Hold with very little oxygen in reserve. That didn't add up to me, as I had recalled being at the top of the control tower. Regardless, it was as happy an ending as I could ask for considering the situation.

Before my departure from Ravenwood, we spoke one last time. He rightfully expressed how absurd my side of the story was compared to the others accounts, but did agree that something strange must have occurred judging by the evidence.

That said, I don't trust the man. I've dealt with enough goons in suits to know when I'm being led on to further their own ends. But I couldn't care less about him, or even the truth of what had happened on that megaship. At least not right now. As far as I'm concerned, that was a chapter of my life violently ending to make way for something new. As I said before: "The journeys end; a new beginning", and this new beginning will start with making amends to those I've hurt. After that, I'll see to it that I find answers of some kind.

I've been disconnected for so long, it's now time to reconnect, starting with a few old friends. As I write this, I am sitting aboard a long range passenger ship heading towards Dalton Gateway; where I grew up. "The Ghoul", my personal ship, was nowhere to be found, no black box either. Yet another mystery for another time. But seeing as I am a shipless pilot, Ravenwood offered to take me anywhere I wanted as thanks for assisting in the recovery of Sepultus Memoriae and the uncovering of shady business practices by the previous warden. Now I think it's about time I went home.

U̷̖͚̩̩̮̪͗̉̅͜n̷̛͎̱̩͎̆̑͋̑͛o̸̠̤̤͂̋̽͘̕͝͠ḅ̵̨̓ŝ̷̗͕̈́̽͗̐̉̽͑́̐͗̅̈́̑ę̸̛̭͇̙͓̩̗̩͂̆͛̅́͛͂̚͠ͅͅŕ̶̜́̊̃̽v̷̲̒͊̉̈̚e̵̢͇̘̳̮̺̯̍͗ḑ̵̡̥̭̣̬̟͕̰̮̳̯̯́̏͗̄͂́̚͜ ̴̨̰̰͇͖̋̈͛̓͗̑̀̽͊̈̾̕b̴̼̰͚̻̼̘̺̔̀̓́̓͋̆̎͜͝e̷̡̝̪͚͙̥̝̱̭͖͍̜͊̒̊̊̾̑͝h̴̨͖̾̓͋͂̽͝i̷͙͈̫͗́͒̉̈́͒̀́̊̉̾͘n̷̡̨͕̻͇̳̟̥̞͎͇͈̼̲̉͆̑̈́̑̑̌̒̆͐͋̚͠͠d̵̠̱̈́͗̈́̋͑̐̂̈́̎͘ ̶͇͊̿̽̓̚t̸͕̔̃́͋̂͆͒̈́́̆͂͌̚͝h̷̤̑̋̈̈̈́̑̏́̀̌̒̃͜͝͠ę̷͖̼̣̗̦͉͍̗͚̖̀̈́̋̌̒̐̽͛͜ ̸̝̲͔̭̖͕̹̗͉̗̀̇̎́͌̿́͗v̵̩͖̲̞̜̭̯̪͎͚̍ͅe̷̡͔͉̠̺̯͔̞̓̐̌̊̇̊̈́̓͌́̌̀̽̕i̵̺̥̝̘͉̹͎̯͂̏̀̀͛̑͊̽́̈́͛̇l̵̡̪̖̣͓̼̲̪͚̩̬͎̓̒͐̀̓͂̄̚͝,̴̡̖̬̲̬͉̩͎͚̀̑̍͗̾̇̅͊́́͘̚ ̶͚̙͈͇͑̈̏̋̾̒́̒̾̈́͠w̸̡̡̢̡͍̫̥̤͍̻̞͓͋̔͆͘é̶̤̦̳͓͉͙̯͋̒̋ ̵̨̡̛͙͓̘̺̏͋̎̏̓͒͝ḩ̴̨͎̤̤̬͕̥͉͔̺̦̥̿́͂̂̔̈́̆̒̕ę̷̘̫̟̥̜͎̱̫̰̬̩̄̄̾́̌̾̒͜͠ͅǎ̵̡̪̍̃̈́̂̓͒́̎̑̚͝r̵̮̠͚̱̯̠̭̱̝̗̼̠͖̎̋̅̅ͅ ̴͙̤̝̮͑̐͒̓̽͝i̵̢̢̯̹̩̰͍͕̿̍̓̎̈̂͗́͘̚t̷̛̙̼̄͘ ̴̧̨̭̜͚͈̳̯͚̤̳̪̇̆͛́͐̌ͅs̶̢̹̀̆̊͋p̴̧̞͚͙͉̼̌̈́̋̋͑̂͋̈͜͜͜e̴̢̡̪̞̮̝̖̟͈̤̤̗̾̑̽̓͒̾͆͘͜a̶̺̼̬̼͚͈͎̞̲̲̽̾̈̓̎͆͆͝k̷̗̥͙̯̤̣̻̠̈́͆̓̄̈̽̚͜,̵̡̡̙̲̼͍̹̜̤̘͐̐̏͑̂̚͜͝ ̴̨̤̻̓̄̎̽̈̎̃̈́̅̇̓͛̈́w̴̫͙͉̖̯͙͙͖̏͛̃̋̊́̈́̏̔͆͗̅͘͜͠ë̸͍̫̰͍́̎͛̈́̀̇̌̚̕͘ ̸̧̱̞̬̞̹̹̻̳̙̤̑̇̚h̸̘͈̤̭̥̝̪̖̭͍̽̎ę̶̦͉̗͓͕̲͔̅̾̂̌̓̒̋̈́̉̋̆̓̆͠ả̵̪̲͚̜̠̞̬̫̖̤̊͑̀r̵̖̰̼͉̠̩̅͆̿͗̉̚̕͘͝͝ ̵̢̜̤̣̗͙͚̜̙̫̃̒̀̉̌̂̇̚̕i̵͉̳̣̰̠̎͒̓̈́͝t̶͈̀̇́̽̆͂͌͒̍̏̿ ̸͉͙̃̐̍̓w̸̞͉̳̤̿͊̋̋̋̑͠ā̵̜͔̦̫͕͚̮̣͙̓̀̄͂̓̓̐́̿̇̚͜ͅͅi̸̢̨͇̊͑̈́͛͑̓̑̓͒͝l̶̠̹͇͖̍͌̊̽̋̚

Mathias Fletcher stood alone on the observation deck, watching the ship depart through the glass. He sighed heavily, the sound filling the void of silence momentarily. The door behind him slid open. Mathias didn't flinch, he already knew who had joined him.

"Director Fletcher, my apologies for disturbing you. I'm just...eager to hear about your findings."

Director Mathias Fletcher turned slowly to face the man, like a goliath being pestered by an insect. Another heavy sigh spewed from his nostrils like steam escaping a pipe through a loosened valve.

"Well, I believe this "entity" manifested for Mr. Montresor, much like it did with Ms.—"

"What? What evidence do you have to back these claims?" The stranger interjected excitedly, cutting The Director short.

"For starters, he claimed to have spoken to a deer that called itself "Mother". Second, he saw memories of things that he should know nothing about. They were fractured segments, but still enough accuracy in his recollections to convince me that he'd actually been there when we have evidence that proves otherwise. Last but certainly not least, according to him and a few others, you're a dead man, Dr. Karazija."

The doctor furrowed his brow and narrowed his vision on Mathias.

"What exactly do you mean?"

Mathias angrily shoved the personal computer into Karazija's chest and stepped closer to convey the seriousness of the situation.

"I've interviewed every survivor that has any semblance of sanity left about them and most of their accounts differ. Some in slight ways but others in rather substantial ways. Such as your death, doctor. Nothing adds up and I feel like I'm left standing here with my dick in my hand! I've delegated a near unimaginable amount of credits to the research division and this is the second time you've insisted on testing this experiment in the field, this time with even more subjects than the last. The results across both tests have proven inclusive and demonstrates very little, other than the machines innate ability to drive the people around it completely mad."

Karazija took hold of the computer, swallowed hard and took a step back from Mathias.

"Director, sir, the entity being present in both cases proves that—"

"It proves nothing doctor! As I said, this "entity" of yours may simply be a side effect of the machine running within such close proximity to the subjects. The only lead worth chasing here is how Montresor was capable of experiencing a memory that wasn't even his and of an event that happened four years ago! I'm starting to believe that you yourself have been driven mad by obsessing over this "entity"."

Karazija dropped his gaze down to Mathias' shoes, inspecting the floor for nothing in particular.

"Now doctor, I suggest you take two weeks time off to reevaluate your purpose within this organization. We'll discuss your future within E.N. when you return."

Mathias individually tugged at each cuff of his sleeves and stepped past Karazija, leaving him alone.
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