Cmdr Pain Coldblood
Special agent
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Federal Corvette TSK001
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Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

3310 May 06 - A terrorist among us

06 May 2024Pain Coldblood
Another day on the front line. The battle teeters on a knife's edge, yet our forces gain ground. Suddenly, we find ourselves under fire from a human vessel. A terrorist, armed with anti-xeno weapons, targets us with malicious intent.

In a split-second decision, I initiate a daring maneuver, hurtling toward the ground and sacrificing my ship. Thanks to the swift response of our rescue services, I am swiftly returned to my carrier. Without hesitation, I board my combat-ready Fer-de-Lance and race to the aid of my comrades.

I arrive just in time to find only two commanders still standing against the terrorist. Wasting no time, I engage the enemy. They return fire, but it becomes evident that I hold the advantage. This villain's bravado fades when faced with a proper opponent, shedding light on their cowardly tactics of preying upon ill-equipped vessels.

During the skirmish, I observe the terrorist blindly boosting towards me. Recognizing an opportunity, I adjust my altitude, luring them into a fatal mistake. As they charge at me once more, oblivious to the impending danger, I execute a decisive maneuver. With a swift upward pitch, I evade their reckless charge, watching as they hurtle toward the ground in a blaze of destruction.

In this ongoing struggle to preserve life and end the senseless suffering of millions, I cannot help but wonder: What drives this adversary? What cause justifies their wanton violence?
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