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Rare Goods Delivered for Harold Duval’s Memorial Ceremony

*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders*

Memorial preparations complete.

A request by the Empire to honour the passing of Prince Harold Duval with rare items has received an impressive response, earning the gratitude of the Imperial Family.

Shipments of Ngadandari Fire Opals, Esuseku Caviar, Lavian Brandy and Kamitra Cigars were transported to the memorial ceremony at the Imperial Palace on Capitol. The body of the Prince will remain in state for another week, prior to reaching its final resting place within the Hall of Martyrs.

Pilots who delivered these commodities can now collect their rewards at Oterma Station in the Baal system.

Achenar system permits will be processed and automatically allocated by the 3rd of October 3306.

In recognition of this achievement, Gutamaya Corporation ships will be available at a 20% discount from the 2nd of October 3306 to the 9th of October 3306.

Princess Aisling Duval told the media:

“I wish to thank everyone for their kindness during this difficult time. I’ve taken much comfort from knowing that my father will never be forgotten.”

“For now, I want to make it clear that all efforts to eliminate the brutal terrorists responsible for his death have my full support. I urge every citizen to reject the destructive dogma of Marlinism and work together for a stronger Empire.”

Imperial Crackdown on Marlinists

Senator Denton Patreus has mobilised Imperial military forces in response to terrorist acts committed by the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA).

The Empire has declared martial law and a lockdown in Ackwada, Beatis Chana and Nahuatl, where the republican ideals of Marlinism are known to be popular. Imperial Army troops have replaced local security forces, and potential NMLA sympathisers are being arrested for interrogation.

Senator Patreus received applause in the Imperial Senate when he vowed:

“There will be justice for the murder of Prince Harold Duval and justice for those citizens who perished in flames. The Marlinists will pay dearly for these atrocities!”

In related news, the Imperial Internal Security Service issued a report regarding the NMLA’s recent attacks on starports:

“Forensic results confirm that much of the station damage was caused by Thargoid caustic enzymes. Fragments indicate that the bombs were of advanced design but definitely man-made, not Thargoid in origin. Their payloads were identical in composition to enzyme missile rack warheads.”

“Our deduction is that the portable explosives were smuggled onto all four starports, then remotely detonated as one coordinated strike. We are interviewing station personnel and analysing recent traffic to identify any patterns.”

State Funeral Held for Prince Harold Duval

*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders*

Rare commodities required by the Empire in the Baal system.

The state funeral of Prince Harold Duval has begun on Capitol. An official week of mourning has been declared throughout the Empire.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval opened the ceremony, delivering a eulogy for her half-brother. Princess Aisling Duval, Harold’s daughter, was also in attendance but was too emotional to address the huge crowds.

Messages of condolence from across the galaxy were on holographic display, including from Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Federal President Zachary Hudson. Even Hadrian Duval, the exiled leader of Nova Imperium, paid respects to his late uncle.

The body of the Prince, contained within a jewelled transparent casket, was paraded through the city by a company of Imperial Guard. It will remain in state for two weeks prior to internment in the Hall of Martyrs.

The Imperial Palace will host a memorial ceremony to honour Harold Duval, for which rare commodities have been requested before Thursday 1st October. Ngadandari Fire Opals, Esuseku Caviar, Lavian Brandy and Kamitra Cigars should be delivered to Oterma Station in the Baal system, where the White Templars will transport them to Capitol after security vetting.

Commanders of the Pilots Federation will be assigned an Achenar system permit alongside financial rewards. To further encourage participation, Gutamaya Corporation will apply a discount of up to 25% for all ship purchases according to the amount of rare items provided.

Obituary: Prince Harold Duval

The Imperial Herald has published an obituary of Prince Harold Duval, who was assassinated by NMLA terrorists.

“Born in 3230 to Emperor Hengist, Harold Duval reacted against his father’s puritan lifestyle by filling his days with partying and debauchery, becoming the black sheep of the Duval family.”

“It was probably accidental that Harold had a child with entertainer Imogen Gabrielini, but they married shortly before her narcotics-related death. His daughter, Princess Aisling Duval, has always spoken warmly of her loving father.”

“Emperor Hengist eventually decreed that his son was not fit for the throne, despite being his only heir. Harold never contested this, perhaps relieved to allow half-sister Arissa Lavigny-Duval to take his place.”

“In recent years Harold became a recluse on Capitol, suffering ill-health from a lifetime of excesses. But a father’s protective instinct motivated him to travel to Aisling’s home system after it was attacked. Tragically, despite always renouncing power, merely being a Duval made him a target to those same republican terrorists.”

“As the Empire mourns Prince Harold, suspicions arise that the NMLA were aided by inside knowledge of his ship’s itinerary and security, throwing an uneasy shadow over the legacy of this eccentric, endearing man.”

Death of a Duval

Imperial news sources have confirmed that Prince Harold Duval was assassinated by NMLA terrorists while travelling incognito to the Cemiess system.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval broadcast this address:

“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Prince Harold. A state funeral at the Hall of Martyrs is being arranged and there will be a period of mourning, as is customary for esteemed members of the Imperial Family. There will be opportunities for all citizens to honour Harold’s memory in an appropriate manner.”

Princess Aisling Duval, Harold’s daughter, appeared uncharacteristically distressed when she gave a brief statement to the media:

“It’s a huge loss to us all that… I’m sorry… I can’t believe this has happened. He can’t be gone! I used to have some sympathy for the Marlinists, but now they… they took him from us. They took my daddy.”

The NMLA also attacked starports in the Cemiess, Gabjaujis, LHS 4031 and Rabh systems.

The Empire is now on heightened alert, and the Senate has approved new counter-terrorism initiatives proposed by Senator Denton Patreus.

Prince Harold Duval Assassinated

Prince Harold Duval is dead after a targeted assassination attempt by the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army.

The Empire has imposed a media blackout on these events, and no official statement has been made. However, independent journalist Gwendolyn Nash published this on-the-scene report for Vox Galactica:

“From interviewing multiple sources, we gather that a single assassin managed to infiltrate Harold Duval’s personal transport. He was killed by shipboard guards but not before shooting the Prince at close range.”

“The NMLA claimed responsibility for this attack in its latest propaganda broadcast, which referred to the Duval family as ‘imperialist parasites’. The extremist group also demanded that ‘Marlinists everywhere must rise up and demand a democratic Republic’.”

“Harold Duval was famously declared unfit for the throne by Emperor Hengist, and has been out of the public eye ever since. He rarely left Capitol but was making an unpublicised journey to visit his daughter Aisling Duval, presumably in response to the recent terrorist attack in the Cemiess system.”

“It remains unknown how the NMLA knew of the Prince’s itinerary, or managed to breach security on his ship.”

The Reign of Emperor Hengist Duval

In respect of the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval the planned article for this week has been moved to next week so that historian Sima Kalhana relates some of the key moments from his life.

Emperor Hengist Duval was the 15th in the Imperial Duval bloodline to lead the Empire and he saw a great deal of change in his comparatively short reign. He was born in 3163, only a few days before the death of his grandfather Hender Saik Duval. Some claim that the spirit of Hender had already passed to Hengist such were the similarities in looks and manner noted in Hengist’s later years.

When his father, Hesketh Duval, died in 3233, Hengist assumed his place on the throne. The live broadcast of the coronation created an impression of a serene transition. However lurking beneath this appearance lay significant tensions. Most significant of which was the growing power of the Senate which had developed during the extended period of his father’s illness. A parallel with the situation with Hengist’s coma can be seen in recent months.

At the start of his reign the cold war between the Empire and the Federation was starting to thaw, a process which continued for decades, although friction has recently resumed with the rise of certain powers like President Hudson and Senator Patreus.

Hengist’s reign witnessed a major technological advancement with the introduction of the new frame shift drive. This sped up travel between stars systems and even inside systems by an incredible margin. It created a more quickly shifting political, military and commercial landscape as reacting or causing changing became much easier.

Hengist fell ill early in 3300, and he managed to continue light duties throughout the first half of the year. His sickness worsened as the year progressed and during this time he remained in seclusion with only rare visits to the Senate. At the turn of 3301 he slipped into a coma. Many expected him to not awaken from the coma and it was a great surprise when he recovered several months later.

Near the close of 3300, Hengist decreed that his only legitimate child, Harold (who is Aisling Duval’s unmarried father), was not of sound mind and so unfit for rule, and in any case had no legitimate children himself. Following this announcement Arissa Lavigny-Duval declared that she was the illegitimate child of Hengist. The Emperor supported this claim by announcing his forthcoming marriage with Arissa’s mother, Florence Lavigny, and was expected to formally adopt Arissa and cement her claim to the throne.

With his murder and the marriage not completed the succession to the imperial throne is again not clear cut and many fear the potential instability this could cause to the Empire if not decided quickly after the Emperor’s funeral.

Meet the Powers – Aisling Duval

In this new series, exclusive to GalNet, the popular political commentator Marcus Macmillan looks at some of the movers and shakers in 3301. In this first article he examines the life of the popular darling of Imperial politics: Princess Aisling Duval.

Aisling Duval is Prince Harold’s eldest child, but has gained a substantial following on her merits. She appears to be a canny operator, although many would argue that her advisors provide her with a veneer of acumen. She is young at only 25, and very visible in the media. Her claim to the throne is technically nullified by the fact that her parents were not married, but her claim is no weaker than some of the other contenders.

The people’s princess (as she is sometimes known) is extremely popular with many citizens, clients and patrons. She regularly appears on lightweight chat shows, but tends to avoid anything where she might have to face tough questions.

At heart Aisling is a populist, taking many of her views from the public mood. She splits her time between managing her brand from Cemiess, and spending time with her father in Achenar. Her mother died of a drugs overdose when she was young which, combined with her father’s unfortunate legacy from a hedonistic life, has left Aisling with a passion for helping those whose lives have taken a turn for the worse.

Despite her youth, she enjoys considerable support from the people and also from elements who would benefit from shaking up Imperial society.