yesterday, 9:16pm
Ask yourself if you want to do a space exploration/combat sim or a space based FPS.
If its the latter, there is much better out there. If its the former, then it doesn't really add much
I bought it expecting more from the Exobiology aspect and was disappointed, its a real pain, wish I hadn't bothered.

and its the FPS that takes the extra PC oomph. If you have a lowish spec PC you'll have no problem doing Horizon type stuff, and then experience Frame lag on foot.
I did as prompted and pushed the weird swan button before some cargo followed. Whatever that would do. Target for limpets was locked, but I didn’t do that yet, not knowing if I or she was supposed to do that. But I did have time for a remark.

“I will survive. But my breast will not like it.”

A factually true statement, but I still surprised myself in how much of a factual, dry tone I managed to bring something so weird over. At least the suit would do its job in keeping those big funbags in place… mostly. They still carried a lot of mass behind them, comparative to their placement on the body. I could always help it with an arm… if need be.
As the spaceship ahead began to pivot towards the docking bay of the mega-ship, the crucial moment had arrived.

“Now, Kasumi! Hit the Black Swan first, then eject the cargo!” I shouted, fingers dancing across the console to kill the autopilot. The upcoming maneuvers, feigning irregularities, were best flown manually. I shot a warning glance at my passenger.

“Brace yourself. It’s about to get choppy, but that’s all part of the show.”
yesterday, 5:30pm
My advice is that if you want the on-foot content, buy it on sale.
yesterday, 4:43pm
It just add on foot gameplay. Shooting, looting etc. No particular need for it if you are into ships things but some things like BGS, PP, etc are more effective in Odyssey way.

P. S. The negative reviews are mostly because it was released undercooked with some junky aspects. It's a lot better now but it is not completely bug free.
yesterday, 3:56pm
It's been 4 years that I've been playing elite I took odyssey in early access in all I have 6500 hours of games and I can't get enough of it,
yesterday, 3:31pm
Odyssey is in a better place now than when many of the negative Steam reviews were posted. I would recommend it provided your PC has decent specs and with the further advice that it comes with a lot of grind for engineer unlocks and material gathering.
Frontier have indicated their intent to review the whole engineering process, particularly the collection of resources, but there is no specific timeframe. Most likely when Power play 2 drops later this year, I suspect.

Odyssey has a lot of detractors, but I am one that enjoys the option of on foot gameplay in addition to the normal space action.
yesterday, 3:21pm
Odyssey was clusterfuck of bugs at release. Most likely still is now but i dont experience those that much like before.
yesterday, 3:09pm
Next noob question:

Odyssey DLC, yes or no? The reviews on Steam are largely devastating, what do you say who use or have used it?
And yes, I know there's an Odyssey forum, but I'm assuming everyone there uses Odyssey and might be a bit biased.
A logo with a black swan… finding it was a thing of its own, at first, until I realized it could be on an instrument panel or somewhere above me. And, of course, it was on one of the two that refused to cooperate with my big thighs. Or, rather, my oversized self refused to cooperate with them.

I could survive that for a few seconds. I held the corresponding panel down until it clicked in, trying to not mind how it squished the soft thigh. Lock seemed sturdy enough to resist my body wanting to retain its nice, round curvature.

If that logo held any kind of significance, I couldn’t tell. Given its purpose, I doubted it was anything like the black cat, though. Now… I just needed to wait to be told, when the right moment was.
"This button is the best thing since some bright spark inspired me to jettison biowaste over settlements…” I joked.

“But really, it’s an old smuggler’s trick, originally meant to delay or even prevent those pesky system authority checks by faking a dangerous situation. Look for a logo with a black swan, that’s the trigger. But hold your horses, wait until we’re a bit closer.”

I was piloting the ship, trailing behind the lumbering Type-9 ahead of us, inching ever closer. Soon, the ship in front would change course to slowly veer towards the docking bay, and shortly after, it would position itself just right - between us and the mega ship. For a brief moment, their scanners would only pick up one object - the perfect time for our covert operation.

As I manoeuvred, I felt the roar of the engines and the slight vibration under my feet, and the tension increased. It was all about the right timing. One more brief moment...
You know what? It's listed as 0 in the codex too, and it's been over a week since I have been fighting in them. Maybe I have this wrong...were those stats tracking for conflict zones in space, or ground combat? I've been doing the conflict zones in space. It doesn't help they have the same "conflict zone" name for both types...
It has so niche use that it's unlikely that a number of bodies will be added as a search option, I am afraid. You can however search for the specific body types, etc. in the nearest body search and you can see how many of the bodies of the selected type are in the star system in the results.
I haven’t compared the size of the T9 to the ISS, no.

And from the shape alone I’d more consider calling the T7 a space truck or bus(along with it being a brick, almost literally). It still manages to be less of a pain to maneuver, I expect, though. Never having flown either…
you are aware the Type 9 is loosely around the same size in terms of width and length as the International space station right?
Its not a space truck so much as a space cargo barge
"The... prepared junk? Do you have a button for this?"

Because I didn't really have much of a clue what that meant. I did have one for how to do the cargo dumping thing - which I got busy setting up while waiting for the answer... a few power generator canisters on top of whatever the 'junk' was, that would hopefully do...

And a targeting solution for the recon limpet. Or two, however many were needed. I expected just one, but since the 'mission coordinator' wanted two, that would be it. All I needed to do now was push a few buttons... once I knew which one handled the secret ingredient to the surprise. To which I could also add a touch of my own, if the limpets themselves were not enough for security. I looked at my counterpart with a certain awaiting gaze, and slightly raised arms... maybe it would've been better to cover that aspect of the plan beforehand, but so far, there was no rush.

Our 'ghost contacts' were also relatively keen on remaining at their positions... and it didn't seem to be enough for a full Black Flight wing, unless the others were completely 'silent', and thus undetectable. If it was them, their reaction to this distraction getting set off was of greater concern.
03 Jun 2024, 11:02pm
"Glad you’re back, I thought you had completely checked out… are you feeling fit enough to continue with the actual plan?"

I corrected the course and confirmed the receipt of the message. Then I turned to my passenger and continued:

“As soon as we’re in position, you have to dump some of the prepared junk, along with some of the cargo - there’s a small but impressive fireworks show ready which should distract from the launch of the drones - better safe than sorry, two instead of one, in case something goes wrong at the start… I’ll then simulate an emergency maneuver… and if everything goes well, the confusion will be enough for the drones to do their work undetected and undisturbed. They don’t need very long luckily, and once they deactivate themselves they look to scanners like any other floating debris.”

It was a daring plan, but one that could lead to the desired success. The fact that power generators were among the cargo, which had to be handled with some caution, added to the credibility, and it was common knowledge that even a small explosion on board could have devastating effects.
So, I would say that I apologize for making fun of the T9 at hand of my character's bodily features, but... nah, not really.

You may slap me for being silly and having such an inappropriate mind though.
I'd closed my eyes, by now, turning the vulnerable, protective form into something more... helpful, maybe.

Think. Concentrate. Focus.

Those three words kind of, resonated, through my mind, as... guidelines, directives, to keep the mind going in one direction - words, thoughts, that didn't quite feel like my own... yet they were. The joys of having two personalities in the same head that were both aware of each other, and practically identical.

This would be a lot easier if I pulled myself together... and, maybe, we only really had one good shot at this to start with. I had half been expecting the 'Kira' half to take over, especially considering how simple this was - though I had never done it before - but she hadn't. As if, by now, she knew that I kind of had to learn how to handle these kinds of unfavorable situations, myself, too.

I came out of that 'internal' space, feeling... strange, almost, my head focused on just the task ahead, trying to ignore all of the external stimuli... mostly. And, finally, I picked up on that I had, somehow, managed to find the right button. Maybe. I wasn't sure if throwing a recon limpet at the problem was the right or planned way, but it would work. Assuming it got to its target without us getting blown out into the void. For that reason... I hesitated to push the launch function, even though the drone was programmed and ready to fleet out toward the only valid target it had.

I hoped it wouldn't try to latch onto that fat Type 9 when I did hit the button, at least. Because it was even wider and worse than me at fitting into stuff, and maneuverability.

"We need a distraction.", I said out loud... maybe a bit louder than intended, but with a quite definite, convinced tone. "They could notice the drone, otherwise."

My body would probably thank me later by being really exhausted from the focus, but it was necessary for now. And I was planning to go be lazy afterward anyway, and let my companion do the decrypting work... with the help of my stuff, if it was wanted.
I didn't expect any complications to arise from this relatively simple mission, but they did, and they had everything to do with the history of my passenger. Personally, I would have been more nervous about the time on the landing pad than this. But you never know, and who knows what set her off.

The Gullveig was getting closer to the communication array of the mega ship. By now, we were also hailed by the behemoth itself. Fitting its size, the hail had such a volume and presence that it made my ears ache.

"This is the Musashi, an Azimuth Biotech vessel. You are authorized to begin the landing approach on landing bay two. Please confirm receipt of this message and line up behind the ships flying ahead of you."

Somewhat surprisingly, my passenger had managed to prepare the launch of the recon drones. The console in front of me indicated the opening of the hatch from which the drones were deployed.

All that was left was to somehow pull this off.
03 Jun 2024, 8:44pm
The slow brick probably isn't maneuverable enough to notice the control interference of SCO (no offense). I'd think about fitting A-rated though - B rated is pretty much the same as the C rated SCO, except it generates a lot more heat, but uses a lot less fuel. A rated is the fastest and makes slightly less heat than B.

... I'm also going to go and say that unless you min max to the extreme, a B rated drive is probably not what you want, anyway. I stuffed the original C rated one with engineering into my Bubble work/hopper Phantom, thrown an A rated into my Cutter and explorer Phantom. A medium ship is definitely more affected by the throwing around once you get to 3,000c and higher.
I turned on ED again after longer time and I saw that at my current station is located my T10 and 7B SCO FSD. I got funny idea: Do it and try it. I did it, and performance, speedwise not as much fast as Python Mk 2 but similiary stable. So for first time flying flat block was quite fast
03 Jun 2024, 6:16pm
I don't have the Odyssey expansion, I'm playing the classic game, so I'm (still) not aware of some of the things others are experiencing here. I don't usually fight much either, only when it's absolutely necessary for rank increases or missions. You're absolutely right, I need to save up for a better ship and above all I need to improve my fighting skills before I can really do anything.

And yes, sometimes you have to experience live and in color what you could actually think of beforehand
03 Jun 2024, 6:01pm
Yeah, that's exactly what I thought, and then came this adder... an ADDER... and and kicked my butt all the way over the River Nile]
Star System search feature request...

I would like to request the search/results of a StarSystem request include # of planetary bodies..
also, if possible, what types of bodies they are.

Useful for the search of resource rich systems, and yes Raxxla .. 8th moon of a gas giant and all that.