Elite: Game talk

02 Jun 2024, 5:26am
JargeTYPE 8 - WOW
This is just what I've been waiting for , a sizeable cargo [ Hopefully ] that can use outposts -

Also my fingers are crossed for a reasonable choice of internals.
Currently using a MK4 Cobra as an exploration ship in the black, because it's the only one I can use for detailed mapping AND some mining capability when I come across those pristine ring hotspots. Trouble is the cargo capacity.

Previously I was using an Asp for the explore - [ maxed out fsd range ], but if I found anything worth mining I had to nip back to the carrier and switch to my Python MK1 miner.
It's just so much more efficient to be able to do it all with one vessel, so just maybe the T8 can also be adapted for this.

Sadly though if there is going to be focus on the defense capability I think it will likely be the same situation as the Python MK2 with reduced internals , albeit some might be class 6 or 5's.

The problem with the Python MK II is that she is equipped with Class 6 Power Plant and Power Distributor like the FDL or Mamba, but the ship herself is 200t heavier, in fact, not the same class, she seats between them and the Corvette with ton less shielding capacity.

This T 8 should offer a good alternative to those who don't want to buy an Imperial Cutter especially for mining, I have one (Imperial Cutter) and rarely use it, for mining the Python MK I is even better suited, since I don't spend hours mining she has enough internal capacities at least for me.

What I hope we will have with the Type 8, is a fighter bay.

Type 8

Last edit: 02 Jun 2024, 5:44am
02 Jun 2024, 6:07am
Kasumi GotoSo far, these ships scream “Muh Powerplay 2.0” to me. If you’ll believe they are designing new ship variants for new human stupidity.

… yes, I don’t really have a particularly high opinion on that thing, since so far the Titan atory has been getting shoved aside rather unceremoniously and without the narrative that even kept it vaguely interesting in the first place.

You're starting to p*** me off with your insult, if you don't like this game just bugger off somewhere else and stop spitting your venom over here, you contribute nothing but negativity to the debate, how many of the ship you bashed up did you posses?

You need mental health help or a good dentist.

Kasumi Goto
The money aspect…

Do you refund the free ARX you're given? If no just shut the bark off.

Whatever I did to sour your morning cereal? That was coming from out of nowhere and your aggressive barking up the tree because somebody else dropped an apple with a comment about the ships being made to earn money - to which I simply commented it’s enough to provide an early access period where you pay for them, no need to tie extra features to the package - is also quite uncalled for.

If I “hated this game” as you seem to imply(even though I’m perfectly happy to throw down some for cosmetics every now and then), I wouldn’t be on this here forum playing it (a lot of days), having fun with it, and spending a fair amount of time writing RP stories for it. Also, I don’t know, bought the game twice to have an alt account.

… as for your snapping around about free ARX and telling me to bark off, those “free ARX” get used every once in a while. So unless you’ve been stockpiling them for a year - starting from 0 ARX, you’re looking at 41 weeks of it for the early access, assuming the pricing point for the early access ships remains the same.

What I pointed out was - the design looks like it is very much being done with a certain focus to the Powerplay rework, not just to be cash earners… with my usual manner of saying things, which apparently steps on your toes for absolutely no reason. You haven’t seen me go off the rails because you have an interest in the ship that’s currently in the early access period and keep mentioning it and how it’s about “supporting the devs”.

My mental and tooth health are also fine, contrary to your baseless internet assumptions with no knowledge about my real life situation. Nothing is immune to criticism and personal preferences still exist even when the thing talking is digital avatars with real people behind it. Whereas you seem to take other people not liking things in a meaningless virtual sphere like a personal insult.

If you want to take issue at someone claiming the whole thing is just being done to rake in cash(which I don’t agree with as a claim and also… don’t really even care about, positively or negatively), look at the post above mine which you quoted.

And it’s not even like what I said is untrue. Frontier are throwing out the Titans for the latest thing in their playbook, and as someone who is interested in the Thergoid story arc, just seeing it unceremoniously shoved aside gets on my nerve quite a bit too. Because they’ve pretty much stopped providing the story that actually made following it worthwhile, up to this point, for about three months.

I really shouldn’t be having to do this kind of writeup at 8 AM in the morning after four and a half hours of sleep, sheesh.

Last edit: 02 Jun 2024, 6:13am
02 Jun 2024, 6:15am
It's only Sunday morning (and a very early one) and people are already getting mad about pixels, because somebody else had the audacity not to share their love for a particular bunch of pixels, or whatever. This show never ends. :p

Kasumi Goto What I pointed out was - the design looks like it is very much being done with a certain focus to the Powerplay rework, not just to be cash earners…
Did you mean the visuals, or the internals? I doubt it's going to replace T9's and Cutters in cash earning though. Unless it has a gigantic cargo capacity... In that case, by the rule of min/maxing, it should replace them completely and instantly, lol, at least in cargo hauling.
02 Jun 2024, 6:55am
MeowersIn that case, by the rule of min/maxing, it should replace them completely and instantly, lol, at least in cargo hauling.

What I’m saying is that - by information which I’ve heard in this thing having stupid speed along with its cargo capacity(whatever it will end up being… because it has to stand up to the almighty Python [original]) - it looks made to get around people trying to be in the way of someone doing the cargo thingy for Powerplay. Especially for medium pad hauling with those outpost-only systems.

… will it replace a Cutter or T9? Probably not, but it occupies a different niche than just brute forcing as those two do (and as elegant as a hauler can get). I’m sure people will also find creative ways to use the ship outside of the “intended” role. Just like some people have killed Hydras with small ships.

All just theory until it gets to that point anyway. And the design philosophy, if I am right about it, will probably also eventually meet “Go to PG/solo”. Not that I’ll be one partaking in powerplay - that’ll be someone else’s thing.
02 Jun 2024, 7:27am
Type 8 is to fix a Type 7 flaw - half a meter taller than medium landing pad's hangar height. This was the only issue which stopped Type 7 being better hauler than python. The second flaw is that Type 7 have too few hard points making it not viable even as mining ship.

So yes, Kasumi is right here. However, I am not sure a Type 8 will have any chance at anything related to combat - those engines are way too exposed. Once it drops in normal space it is a slow brick with unnecessary large shield hitbox thanks to those "horns" Infront and vulnerable engines.

My guess is that it will be noob trap v2 but I am sure people will make it "good" exploration or AFK farming ship as with the v1.
02 Jun 2024, 12:01pm
EpisparhType 8 is to fix a Type 7 flaw - half a meter taller than medium landing pad's hangar height. This was the only issue which stopped Type 7 being better hauler than python.

Give me some sand paper and let me at it.

... a lot of sand paper. Industrial grade.

EpisparhThe second flaw is that Type 7 have too few hard points making it not viable even as mining ship.

T8 will have 4 of them too afaik/as I'm told, so I think it's the size that matters. (For once, and not an inappropriate joke about body proportions this time... I know, shocker, coming from me) But the T7 only has C1 weapon slots, unless my memory is horribly off. And I don't think that there's any C1 core mining equipment (for the hardpoints).

... have they given us any kind of hard stats for the thing yet or is it just "superficial" info on how the ship will perform, without the numbers?
02 Jun 2024, 3:42pm
Hard stats will be given during bets testing period if you pay with arx
02 Jun 2024, 9:52pm
So really brave... and stupid: I bought a Diamandback Scout, upgraded it properly and joined in some fighting at Groomebridge 34, which really wasn't any of my business. And of course I promptly got my ass kicked.

So I sold all my stuff again and went back to being a merchant and explorer. "Cobbler, stick to your last!"
yesterday, 12:06am
Well, you learned from it, so it wasn’t stupidity for nothing.

I’d really try combat with something a little better suited to it. A Viper MKIII should be a decent choice to start out in it, hunting some low level pirates… unless you’ve somehow gained a bunch of combat rank from other causes already, like the silliness of killing scavengers and such in Odyssey gameplay getting you the same combat rank as fighting in your ship would (instead of only the corresponding on-foot rank).
yesterday, 12:55am
Ralph ThumSo really brave... and stupid: I bought a Diamandback Scout, upgraded it properly and joined in some fighting at Groomebridge 34, which really wasn't any of my business. And of course I promptly got my ass kicked.

So I sold all my stuff again and went back to being a merchant and explorer. "Cobbler, stick to your last!"

i recently did something similar in my cobra mk III. thing is, i think if i had fully engineered it, it wouldn't have been so bad lol
yesterday, 6:01pm

i recently did something similar in my cobra mk III. thing is, i think if i had fully engineered it, it wouldn't have been so bad lol

Yeah, that's exactly what I thought, and then came this adder... an ADDER... and and kicked my butt all the way over the River Nile]
yesterday, 6:16pm
Kasumi GotoWell, you learned from it, so it wasn’t stupidity for nothing.

I’d really try combat with something a little better suited to it. A Viper MKIII should be a decent choice to start out in it, hunting some low level pirates… unless you’ve somehow gained a bunch of combat rank from other causes already, like the silliness of killing scavengers and such in Odyssey gameplay getting you the same combat rank as fighting in your ship would (instead of only the corresponding on-foot rank).

I don't have the Odyssey expansion, I'm playing the classic game, so I'm (still) not aware of some of the things others are experiencing here. I don't usually fight much either, only when it's absolutely necessary for rank increases or missions. You're absolutely right, I need to save up for a better ship and above all I need to improve my fighting skills before I can really do anything.

And yes, sometimes you have to experience live and in color what you could actually think of beforehand
yesterday, 7:40pm
I turned on ED again after longer time and I saw that at my current station is located my T10 and 7B SCO FSD. I got funny idea: Do it and try it. I did it, and performance, speedwise not as much fast as Python Mk 2 but similiary stable. So for first time flying flat block was quite fast
yesterday, 8:44pm
The slow brick probably isn't maneuverable enough to notice the control interference of SCO (no offense). I'd think about fitting A-rated though - B rated is pretty much the same as the C rated SCO, except it generates a lot more heat, but uses a lot less fuel. A rated is the fastest and makes slightly less heat than B.

... I'm also going to go and say that unless you min max to the extreme, a B rated drive is probably not what you want, anyway. I stuffed the original C rated one with engineering into my Bubble work/hopper Phantom, thrown an A rated into my Cutter and explorer Phantom. A medium ship is definitely more affected by the throwing around once you get to 3,000c and higher.

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