EVE Online | Pulse – Uprising, FW Battlefields

18 Nov 2022Source: EVE Online ︎
Welcome to EVE Pulse from inside Jita 4-4! Start playing EVE for free at This week's episode contains details on the following:    00:00 - Intro 00:25 - Uprising – new navy ships 00:43 - Frontlines and Advantage systems 01:18 - New FW Battlefields 01:43 - Emblems and Paragon 02:15 - Upwell Hangars and EVE Evolved 02:58 - Quality of Life updates 04:10 - Uprising offers 04:42 - The Scope 04:58 - Alliance Tournament XVIII finals 05:28 - Fanfest 2023 05:45 - Spanish capsuleer celebration 06:06 - Black Friday offers 06:27 - Outro Uprising expansion – Factional Warfare Battlefields - Uprising Packs - The Scope - Alliance Tournament – Fanfest 2023 – Black Friday – Patch notes - Huge thanks to the following EVE Partners and content creators for the use of their footage in this episode: DocGotGame, Erstschlag, AceFace, Low Put, Revenant, Reborn_Live and Altertimesk.