yesterday, 12:27pm
That's the way I equipped my Corvette, by far my most efficient Combat ship.

The reasons are: The 3C BEAM LASER Short Range Blaster Oversized on its own can easily cause damages to your ships by overheating.

The two 1E BEAM LASER Short Range Blaster Thermal Vent are on the side and above the 3C, occasionally they can miss the target if you aim (like I do) with the 3C Piper, so when one missed, the other hits and I have no issues with over heating.

The lower dot in the HUD is the 3 C Blaster, the two directly above it are the Thermal Vent.

I don't have this problem especially when my Power Distributor runs out of juice on the Python MK II, I guess it depends on ship and fit.

Since I changed the 3C from Long Range to Short Range Blaster, I increase its engineering Grade step by step.

From Grade 2 to Grade 3, I tested it, including firing in the void and with PIP exhausted to see how fast it overheats without the 2C THERMAL VENT. No problem there I just have to keep hitting the target to avoid overheating but I don't think I will go above Grade 3, DPS is already well high and with Abrasive Shells it get 25% higher.

That's 50.125/s which is a lot and the reason why I chose to use fixed Lasers in the first place, for comparison, a stock fixed 4A Multi-Cannon has a DPS of 28.00...‬
yesterday, 9:54am
Thermal vents help to cool your ship down . However, if you fire them on empty WEP capacitator they will self-cook themselves
So, I’m yet again redefining words with my latest (work-in-progress) entry, only this time it feels like I’m redefining long instead of short.
yesterday, 6:40am
I had already started to modified components by engineers, but I probably didn't pay attention to the negative side effects of some of the changes. Thanks for the tip
30 May 2024, 11:18pm
It also depends how you engineered them.

Beam Lasers are the most powerful of Laser Types, but they generate more heat as well, using THERMAL VENT EXPERIMENTAL EFFECT helps...
30 May 2024, 9:26pm
Ah, I see: always keep an eye on the displays, even in battle
And I have to be glad that there was a prison nearby, it could have been hundreds of LJ away.

Thank you very much, those were again very helpful answers. It's a very friendly and patient community!
"Hm ..."

I had to think on that for a moment... it was equally risk and opportunity.

"Why... not. But it will look strange if you, don't know access codes. And I am curious what he means by 'fallen superior' ..."

Most importantly, how he had been killed. Or, at least, died.
“Both good reasons to prefer a short way over a long one. I'll be back at the stairs in a jiffy.“ I replied.

I reached the door I had come through earlier and peeked around the corner. Nothing. So I made my way to the stairs and went down. As I arrived at the corridor, I was about to turn towards the server room when the door to the toilets opened not far from me.

"What the...?"

I turned my head to the side where the voice came from. In the door stood a young-looking man in uniform, sans headgear, and took a step towards me. His eyes briefly fell on my coat and then lingered on my helmet. He visibly paled and saluted.

"Beg your pardon. I wasn't expecting a senior officer."

I was so surprised by the situation that I kept silent while possible courses of action raced through my head, including reaching for my weapon. My silence was soon interpreted. Still in a stiff posture, the young man continued.

"I also apologize for not being at my post. May I speak?"

My experience from serving in the Imperial Navy, even though it was a long time ago, told me that the young man mistook me for a superior - probably because of the logo on my helmet - and was trying to excuse some wrongdoing. Following a spontaneous impulse, I nodded silently.

"I'm aware that the central station must be constantly manned and you surely expected to find me there, but we're hopelessly understaffed here..."

Well, I thought - that's something that exists in all armed forces regardless of their allegiance, always shifting the blame to the circumstances.

"...that's why I had to order double shifts. May I ask if you're here to take over the position of my recently fallen superior?"

I smirked under my helmet and spoke to Kasumi who overheard everything that had been said.

“I’m inclined to play along instead of murdering him. What do you say?“
30 May 2024, 5:52pm
Looks like they've got some inspiration from Star Citizen, not bad, a good change from the box-like designs.
30 May 2024, 5:06pm
Probably true. But it's interesting that the allegedly better Fallout games (3 and New Vegas) as well as the latest one (76) did not benefit as much from the popularity of the Fallout TV show.
30 May 2024, 1:02pm
Put pips to WEP and do not fire with empty WEP capacitator.

For the second part, when a criminal turns himself he is transferred to nearest detention center. Next time you can go to interstellar factions in different system and just pay the baunty with +25%
30 May 2024, 11:48am
Hello pilots,
I have some new noob questions, please:

What do you do to prevent your own beam laser weapons from overheating quickly? Am I perhaps using the wrong weapon types (one 3D and four 2E beam lasers - all as turrets - with a 6a power plant and 6a energy distribution, all in a Federal dropship)?

I got a wanted status when completing a faction mission, flew to the mission station, turned myself in to pay and found myself in a different system. It was very close, but a different star system. Is this a bug in the game or is it normal?

Thanks in advance for your help
30 May 2024, 8:57am
I knew, I knew they were playing that scam fest!
30 May 2024, 4:28am
Thank you for your help!
I'm sure if they made a Skyrim series on Amazon, it would overtake all Bethesda games as the most popular.
29 May 2024, 9:29pm
Reactivation missions are even better for that because you get Level 3 access up front, can loot everything without risking a fine/bounty, and often don’t even have to fight anyone

Upgrades are done at Pioneer Supplies at pretty much any station.
Modifications are done by Engineers only.

Feature request:

When searching "DSSA" I get a list of carriers... "and more" it would be VERY useful to CMDR's who need to use the Deep Space Support Array as it was intended if they can search for and find ALL the carriers and the nearest one to their location.

Any chance you could enable full search results? especially distance from the player?

Thanks so much for your consideration!
29 May 2024, 6:48pm
At least it wasn’t just me who thought the design could’ve as well come from that other game.
29 May 2024, 6:45pm
type 8 looks like hammerhead from start citizen :nerd: Now.. just need not to spend arx for silly cosmetics ._.
I only barely held back a sigh.

“Fine. If I can find it in there… I will give you access codes, and, whatever else you may… need. But, be careful, going down. The person in the tower may have gone to the servers, or… you know, that other place.”

“Unless their shift is over. And they could notice the coat missing… if they look in the wrong place.”
29 May 2024, 4:49pm
When they take out the land vehicle, it will be more complete. The vehicle will not stop me from getting out of it and taking walks.
"I'm not exactly keen on earning any bonus points for a discount on my ticket to Valhalla... could you work some of your magic if I go back to the server room and make a direct link again? It's a hell of a walk to the ship, and I'm down to my last security breach device - if I need it on the way, I'm screwed, and if I waste it on the ship's airlock, I might not get into its computer. And then there's the little issue of being a sitting duck in the glass cockpit..."

I gave the ship one final glance through the window, then turned around and walked slowly and quietly back to the stairs. I couldn't hear anything from the person in the tower's command center, and I hoped to reach the stairs without any trouble.
“Well… can you… get down? That ship, it may be worth looking at, more closely. It sounds like one of those …”

Looking for the name took longer than I’d have like to admit.

“… Black Flight, ships. With the dark black paint, no identification or something.” On top of being a Diamondback. “I would like to know what it was doing. And why it is here.”
At first I couldn't see anything, but after a few more steps and another glance through the windows, the ship we were interested in became visible below me. I made sure I wasn't to be seen from the inside of the tower control room, and then addressed Kasumi.

"I've got a pretty good view of the ship... it's a lone Diamondback Scout, sitting on a landing pad lit by floodlights. It has a dark, probably night-black paint job, as far as I can tell from the lighting conditions. There's no name or ID visible, and no recognizable insignia either. On the side facing me, there are clear signs of damage, the upward pointing "fin" on the back of the ship looks badly bent, and the vertical wing near the engine on the same side has holes that let the light of one of the floodlights shine through. They could be from a projectile weapon."

I didn't notice anything else about the ship, so I looked around. Of the four landing pads arranged in a square, the other three were empty, except for some containers and a parked vehicle, and mostly dimly lit. On the landing pad of the Diamondback, however, there were several containers, and some heavy equipment that I couldn't identify - probably all things needed for a repair.

I described everything I saw to my listener as detailed as possible, since I wasn't wearing my shoulder camera anymore.

"I don't see any working personnel down there, but that's not surprising considering the time of day. I don't see any guards either - not that there aren't any, but maybe they're more focused on guarding the perimeter. With the height of the walls, I'm sure no one expects any uninvited visitors here."
Can someone please let me know if this is a bug or a "feature"? I've been fighting in combat zones for the past few days trying to help out a minor faction, but when I check the conflict status it doesn't seem to update when I win the CZ, nor do my personal statistics update to reflect that I even participated in a CZ, let alone won. I was sure to pick the faction I was fighting for and stayed until the battle was won, but the war status still indicates a draw even after 2 full days and at least a dozen CZs, and my stats still show 0 conflict zones participated in. Shouldn't I have seen some sort of update at this point? I can't check other players to see if they have stats for CZs either because the stats page doesn't appear to be public for anyone, not even myself despite having everything in my privacy settings set to "everybody" can see.