Inara updates, bug reports, requests
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:
Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.
Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
25 Aug 2024, 1:24pm
Our "Statistics" page has our "Approximate time played" shown in months, days, hours, and minutes. This is fine and I believe how it's shown in our Codex page in-game. However, most users quote their time in game by number of hours and this might be more useful. With the assumption that months = 30 days x 24 hours, could we display total hours instead of the current stats?
25 Aug 2024, 1:37pm
Jr250Hi Artie, here's a simple request.
Our "Statistics" page has our "Approximate time played" shown in months, days, hours, and minutes. This is fine and I believe how it's shown in our Codex page in-game. However, most users quote their time in game by number of hours and this might be more useful. With the assumption that months = 30 days x 24 hours, could we display total hours instead of the current stats?
Hello, yes, I will change that.

25 Aug 2024, 5:26pm
Hello, yes, I will change that.
Wow, you changed it already lol. That's amazing.
Here's how it shows for me now:
Approximate time played 4761 hours 56 minutes
Woo!!! Thank you!!
25 Aug 2024, 7:29pm
27 Aug 2024, 12:27pm
QueexSmall error: The P-16 'Greater Range' mod is listed on Inara as requiring 3 weapon components, but the number actually required in-game is 5.
Thank you for the report, also please see above. If Frontier won't fix the incorrect upgrades this week, I will change them back to the original values.

31 Aug 2024, 2:05am
A small bug in the engineering.
I am currently in the process of engineering 4 Shard Cannons
" Guardian Shard Cannon - Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance"
On the crafting list, the requirements are correctly (as I think) displaying
4 Tactical Core Chips
(one for each Shard Cannon)
However, on the missing components page, it displays 20.
None of the other items I am engineering require them, so I believe this is a bug in the material list.
Other than that, a HUGE Thank you for all the amazing content of Inara. Without it, my ED career would be VERY different, and a lot more miserable. I can not imagine the work it took you to put this together.
31 Aug 2024, 9:56am
BorisHGreetings Commanders,
A small bug in the engineering.
I am currently in the process of engineering 4 Shard Cannons
" Guardian Shard Cannon - Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance"
Hello and thank you very much for the report! The issue was fixed (it was incorrectly finding a suitable engineer in the missing materials in a few specific cases and as it then found none, it put a default value for rolls there).
01 Sep 2024, 1:51am
Hello and thank you very much for the report! The issue was fixed (it was incorrectly finding a suitable engineer in the missing materials in a few specific cases and as it then found none, it put a default value for rolls there).
Awesome, Thanks!
(And confirmed, yes)
01 Sep 2024, 10:42pm
Credit balance
1,956,601,501 Cr and Overall assets
3,194,056,930 Cr, I'm playing geforce now with envy, as always, but I can't play it because my credits are gone help and thank you
02 Sep 2024, 12:33am
There seems to be a bug with the Personal Equipment Engineer Status page. I unlocked Oden Geiger ages ago, but Inara shows the status as "Invited", rather than "Grade 1 access"; similarly for Uma Laszlo and Yarden Bond.
I notice that the unlock requirements for Oden Geiger are listed as "Sell a total of 20 Biological sample, Employee genetic data and Genetic research to bartenders", but I believe that this should be "Sell a total of 20 Biological sample, Employee genetic data or Genetic research to bartenders".
02 Sep 2024, 1:24am
Gautama BuddhaHi,
There seems to be a bug with the Personal Equipment Engineer Status page. I unlocked Oden Geiger ages ago, but Inara shows the status as "Invited", rather than "Grade 1 access"; similarly for Uma Laszlo and Yarden Bond.
I notice that the unlock requirements for Oden Geiger are listed as "Sell a total of 20 Biological sample, Employee genetic data and Genetic research to bartenders", but I believe that this should be "Sell a total of 20 Biological sample, Employee genetic data or Genetic research to bartenders".
Hello, according your journal records, those engineers are marked as "Invited" (you can check that in the journal's EngineerProgress event), so not sure where the problem may be. According the unlock requirements - although I am not a native speaker, I believe the "and" is correct as you can provide any amount of those items combined (for a total of 20), not only 20 samples of a single item listed. Also, unless something has changed, it's written this way in the game.

Prescelto991good evening, I started playing elite again but I only have 1000 credits, from inara you can see that my credits would be
Credit balance
1,956,601,501 Cr and Overall assets
3,194,056,930 Cr, I'm playing geforce now with envy, as always, but I can't play it because my credits are gone help and thank you
Hello, just to be sure - you are having 1,000 Cr in the game as well or it's just about that value being imported to Inara? Why I am asking - what I see in the journal is 1,000 Cr, so if that's not what you see in the game please verify a correct game account is being linked to Inara. But if you also see such amount of credits in the game, it will be better to contact Frontier's support about it.
Last edit: 02 Sep 2024, 1:31am
02 Sep 2024, 6:35pm
ArtieGautama BuddhaThere seems to be a bug with the Personal Equipment Engineer Status page. I unlocked Oden Geiger ages ago, but Inara shows the status as "Invited", rather than "Grade 1 access"; similarly for Uma Laszlo and Yarden Bond.
Hello, according your journal records, those engineers are marked as "Invited" (you can check that in the journal's EngineerProgress event), so not sure where the problem may be.
For on-foot engineers, “Invited” means having the engineer unlocked, while “Grade 1 access” means having got a referral to another engineer (and also being able to see the engineer’s bio). The above mentioned engineers currently do not offer referrals, so “Invited” is as high as you can get.
(For Uma Laszlo it was possible to get a Grade 1 access via a community goal at some point before the Thargoid War, but the only difference with respect to the Invited access level is being able to see her bio.)
03 Sep 2024, 4:40pm
I might be wrong about this, but I do believe that INARA is not updating the number of Bounties.
I had 4195 yesterday afternoon and, after 16 million gained in bounties last night and today afternoon, I now have 4196 bounties, although I have destroyed more than 100 ships in the last 24 hours.
Is it a problem with ED or INARA?
03 Sep 2024, 6:52pm
Uiros UeramosHi,Sorry. It seems I was wrong. It updated a few hours later.
I might be wrong about this, but I do believe that INARA is not updating the number of Bounties.
I had 4195 yesterday afternoon and, after 16 million gained in bounties last night and today afternoon, I now have 4196 bounties, although I have destroyed more than 100 ships in the last 24 hours.
Is it a problem with ED or INARA?
06 Sep 2024, 11:04am
Sampi Ogonek
For on-foot engineers, “Invited” means having the engineer unlocked, while “Grade 1 access” means having got a referral to another engineer (and also being able to see the engineer’s bio). The above mentioned engineers currently do not offer referrals, so “Invited” is as high as you can get.
(For Uma Laszlo it was possible to get a Grade 1 access via a community goal at some point before the Thargoid War, but the only difference with respect to the Invited access level is being able to see her bio.)
Ah, right, I completely forgot about that! And I have an impression that I did something about that in the past, but apparently not completely (or at all), so I will recheck that. Thanks!
Uiros Ueramos
Sorry. It seems I was wrong. It updated a few hours later.
Great. As the number is originating from the Codex stats and those are written into the journals just on the game session start, relogging into the game menu and back to the game may be needed - just for a case you will meet with this issue in the future again.

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