Inara updates, bug reports, requests
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:
Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.
Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
13 Jun 2015, 10:55am
13 Jun 2015, 11:58am
13 Jun 2015, 2:33pm
13 Jun 2015, 3:49pm
It's not so matter of getting this data (as mentioned, it is in OCR exports for example), but matter of risk of totally misleading information. It seems better to use some kind of global overview/trader's sixth sense, like "there is high demand for ImpSlaves in Zemina's dominion" or "almost no metal supply nearby specific community goal" or "there is high traffic, supply/demands will be probably lower than usual", etc. for these cases.
13 Jun 2015, 4:18pm
14 Jun 2015, 12:50am
ArtieBenjeth: Thank you for info. I will investigate if it is just a single exception or it may happen in other star systems, too.
Inara sent me back to HR 494 today for a route. There are a couple little local mini-factions there. The one I had the other day is HR 494 Incorporated. I did a few missions with them, got Friendly reputation and I can use the Market in their stations. However, the suggested routes today are all controlled by HR 494 Crimson Brotherhood. I don't have any rep with them so the Market won't show for me at all until I do some missions for them to get Friendly.
Not sure if that helps. I vaguely recall having a similar problem a few months ago but I wasn't trading then and didn't bother keeping track of what system it was, but I had to do a few missions for them before more services were available at their stations.
14 Jun 2015, 8:10am
Thanks for the Cmdr's Logbook! (And all other things too!)
Cmdr Boozeman
14 Jun 2015, 3:11pm
Key-Lan: Yep. I will make proper changes to the market page soon. By they way, does anybody know what commodities are under "high value goods" bonuses for Aisling, etc.?
It also reminds me, regarding logbooks - if anybody has some older entries which may be there, please feel free to add them to your logbooks and note a proper date in the entry title. For example something like: Exploration of Coalsack nebula (date: 24.5.2015)
I will change date for these entries (and will remove that date from the title).
14 Jun 2015, 6:43pm
Just found INARA today at the mention of a clan member. Site looks nice. Keep up the good work.
14 Jun 2015, 8:24pm
Market: There's a new tool (I'm at work on the laptop so I haven't tried it yet; I'll wait til I'm home next week on a more powerful PC) called the Market Connector which uses the "Companion API" (the iOS app uses it) and reads the screen live while the game is running instead of scanning screenshots after your game like EliteOCR does. It will also export to a file, and thought if it catches on maybe Inara could also import that file?
CMDR Log: Now that we have the player-written CMDR Log, I thought of another potential feature. There's a program called EDDiscovery which reads your AppConfig.xml file (you have to enable verbose logging for it to work) and it can plot out everywhere you flew that session. I looked at my log file just now and it shows which systems and station you were at, where you flew to, which pad you docked at. It also shows if you were interdicted. So I thought perhaps Inara could have a CMDR Flight Log where we import our .log file and Inara generates an entry that shows our flight routes? Just an idea and thought I'd post it here to see what everyone else thinks.
Last edit: 14 Jun 2015, 9:14pm
14 Jun 2015, 10:43pm
Benjeth: Well, this kind of tools connecting to iOS app API is little bit a grey zone - it was not explicitly prohibited by Frontier so far, but they also doesn't seem to be happy with it. I cannot encourage it's usage, but it's everyone choice.
In any case, as far as I know MarketConnector uses the same *.csv export format as EliteOCR, so there should be no problem with import to Inara.
Flight log is little bit problematic - it was discussed earlier in PvE board (I think) and the main problem is data size. Such kind of data may grow to incredible size and will lead to future problems. With average gameplay time and activity it may be roughly around 500 records per month per player and even if not everybody use it, it may grow to millions of records in few months.
14 Jun 2015, 11:25pm
Not sure how that would fare with bandwidth etc...
14 Jun 2015, 11:41pm
Flight log is little bit problematic - it was discussed earlier in PvE board (I think) and the main problem is data size. Such kind of data may grow to incredible size and will lead to future problems. With average gameplay time and activity it may be roughly around 500 records per month per player and even if not everybody use it, it may grow to millions of records in few months.
I was concerned about that, too. I was very happy that my one-hour session only had a 127k log file but for long sessions, multiple users, etc. I don't know how much of a database hit that would take. Though I was less concerned about the mapping aspect as just having Inara auto-generate a flight log, something like:
Time 1410
Origination: Leesti: George Lucus ( <-- linked to the appropriate station market page? )
Destination: Lave: Lave Station
Distance: NN.n LY
Time 1427
Origination: Lave: Lave Station
Waypoint: [insert system name here]
Waypoint: [insert system name here]
Destination: [insert destination system]
Distance Flown: NN.n LY
Just something like that if we wanted that instead of writing a (b)log ourselves, or in addition to that. Not so much trying to have Inara draw an illustration or map of the route. Though that actually sounds cool, LOL.
14 Jun 2015, 11:41pm
BenjethCouple extra ideas / suggestions I thought of:
Market: There's a new tool (I'm at work on the laptop so I haven't tried it yet; I'll wait til I'm home next week on a more powerful PC) called the Market Connector which uses the "Companion API" (the iOS app uses it) and reads the screen live while the game is running instead of scanning screenshots after your game like EliteOCR does. It will also export to a file, and thought if it catches on maybe Inara could also import that file?
How safe is that? Essentially it sounds like you are giving away your login information. Even the verification code allowing that computer access.
15 Jun 2015, 12:55am
VerzI have had another potential idea...I was talking with one of our wing commanders about it. It would be to have a picture gallery in our Wing section of the site. Would this be something possible? Also would others be interested in having a wing gallery where you can reminisce over your past ventures as a wing
Yes, it will be possible. I just need to improve and do internal changes in gallery system a little bit...
Benjeth I was concerned about that, too. I was very happy that my one-hour session only had a 127k log file but for long sessions, multiple users, etc. I don't know how much of a database hit that would take. Though I was less concerned about the mapping aspect as just having Inara auto-generate a flight log...
Hmmm... I have some idea which may be possible. I do not want to promise anything at this point, but I will try some experiment.
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