
21 Jan 2016, 3:35am
Hello everybody! Just started playing a few weeks ago, Is there a Team Speak or another way to group up with other pilots?
21 Jan 2016, 5:22am
ApexAlphaHello everybody! Just started playing a few weeks ago, Is there a Team Speak or another way to group up with other pilots?

If you are looking to wing up with other CMDR's, I highly suggest you browse through the wings page. A lot of player groups have at least put up some recruitment information there, and more than likely their own teamspeak servers as well.
21 Jan 2016, 7:26am
ApexAlphaHello everybody! Just started playing a few weeks ago, Is there a Team Speak or another way to group up with other pilots?

If you want to chat with your fellow Cmdrs, Inara also has a Discord channel here
22 Jan 2016, 3:55am
Hello everybody! Just started playing a few weeks ago, Is there a Team Speak or another way to group up with other pilots?
22 Jan 2016, 3:57am
Look at the post above yours - we have a discord server.
22 Jan 2016, 4:37am
Nova Cassidy
ApexAlphaHello everybody! Just started playing a few weeks ago, Is there a Team Speak or another way to group up with other pilots?

If you want to chat with your fellow Cmdrs, Inara also has a Discord channel here

Can someone regenerate that? The invite's expired.
22 Jan 2016, 4:49am
22 Jan 2016, 6:35am
Hi Commanders. JT here saying howdy and looking forward to seeing you all in the verse.
22 Jan 2016, 2:13pm
JTKirkSrHi Commanders. JT here saying howdy and looking forward to seeing you all in the verse.

welcome to the Inara community.
fly safe fly smart
22 Jan 2016, 7:17pm
Hi - just signed up as like your ethos and met an Adle'y in Eravate. Don't have a mic yet so can't chat (will look into) but willing to help the cause.
I am trying to cash/rank up to a Corvette (a long way off) so may be off doing my own thing some of the time but will do my best to support when I can.
22 Jan 2016, 9:56pm
Hi all, I signed here for use the tools of galaxy and market, but I see here a great comunity. Hope I can participate in some thread and contribute something.

So Hi to all and fly safe o7.
23 Jan 2016, 2:42pm
Greetings all! Been playing a little while and thought it was about time I got organised!
23 Jan 2016, 6:14pm
Hello everyone,

same here - started in December, got my first credits and gear together, and am now ready to take things a little more serious. I've just requested to join a wing, hopefully they'll let me...:-)

Looking forward to seeing y'all out there - fly safe!

CMDR Jonono
24 Jan 2016, 9:24pm
Hey all. Just joined recently last week. jst wanted to say hey. I used to do a lot of rare trading, saved up my credits, and now do bounty hunting. I'm usually stationed around Wolf 1301. If anyone would like to wing up, feel free to message me!
25 Jan 2016, 3:45am
Hello everyone. I'm brand new here, and fairly new to ED in general. Figured I'd say hello, and I'm looking forward to seeing some of you out in space!

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