
18 Jun 2016, 11:53am
Hello all,

I heard CMDR M.A.R.S.H.A.L.L. giving combat tips on Laveradio's podcast and then was delighted to get a message from your group here.

I'm Qynn Qyksilver, on the US East Coast. I've been playing for a short while now, and have mostly been having a blast. I started in a Sidey running missions, and after a few upgrades I wound up doing the Rares loop run in a fairly well-kitted out Cobra. When I had the money, I stashed the cobra and started doing trade loops in bulk in a T-6.

Unfortunately, the AI has become much more aggressive and deadly since the most recent update, and I wasn't getting from interdiction in the T-6 often enough to keep making a profit, even in safer systems. I went back to Courier and Delivery mission-running with the Cobra and found it not much better. Even in low-paying missions the AI opponents are brutal. I nearly wound up broke, and found myself having to break one of the key rules: don't fly without enough funds to cover insurance.

After an edge-of-my-seat tour with the Cobra of the rares loop again, I managed to raise my funds back up a little. I traded in the Cobra for a Diamondback Scout, and have gone exploring, dumping my data into the community goal for this week.

See you in the big dark!


19 Jun 2016, 3:50am
Salutations everyone!  *bows*

Although I am by no means new here, this is the first time I've looked at the discussions.  Maybe that does mean I'm new... here... in the discussions...  Anyway, when I looked at the link for introductions I figured why not?

I've been playing Elite since April 2015 (or 3301) and have just fallen in love with the game, universe, and people.  Yeah, I have my gripes as we all do (mostly ship design), but the immense scale and freedom, along with the great people have inspired me to start writing again.  Hell, I even bought me a HOTAS, I haven't played with a joystick since the X-Wing and TIE Fighter series for DOS/Win95.

In-game I'm an Imperial and a member of the Kamadhenu Chapterhouse of Inquisition.  Good bunch of guys there.  The only reason I'm listed as the Wing Commander here is because I was the one who originally decided to put our group on Inara.

There is a remarkable amount of talent here on the site with all the logbooks that I read.  Seriously, the reason I started writing again was in large part drawing inspiration from reading Nova's and Matt's stories.  Perhaps I'll one day jump on the Discord chat to see what the RP area is all about.

Thanks guys,

CMDR Jubei Himura

Last edit: 19 Jun 2016, 5:34pm
19 Jun 2016, 4:21am
3301. 2015 was 3301, not 3302.
19 Jun 2016, 1:09pm
Xeknos3301. 2015 was 3301, not 3302.

Of course!

I'm blaming that on being tired and a typo.
19 Jun 2016, 3:00pm
Hi folks I've been playing since the end of november 2015, am not too keen on some of the latest changes, seems outcomes of situations are more of a RNG thing than skill now, but on the whole am enjoying the game ... safe & see you out there....
20 Jun 2016, 8:00am
Commander EXE Sasser requesting permission to post introductory speech.

Greetings to all, I am EXE Sasser, formal name Jay. New ASP Explorer pilot at your service, Wing Name Étoile.

I am a pilot who has recently acquired such a wonderful ship, it is built to explore the galaxy as well as planets.

I am a player who tends to steer clear from PvP due to combat skill, but will put forward my contribution in powerplay that involves cargo transfer. Additionally, I'd class my self as a scavenger due to my role upon landing a planet which is scavenging anything I find then selling it.

Feel free to send a pm to me or add me on xbox, my Gtag is EXE Sasser

Transmission ending.. Let us cross paths in space.
20 Jun 2016, 10:53am
Greetings Commanders, I'm a fresh pilot out of the Academy, been involved in Elite: Dangerous since easter and starting to get the hang of it.

For the moment I own a Vulture, an ASP Explorer and a Type-6, all three outfitted quite well for their purposes. I like to vary my gaming between missions, trading, exploring and bountyhunting. Exploring is my favourite activity for the moment, my longest journey so far is 3200Ly from SOL.

I hope to see you all out there!

Fly Safe!
20 Jun 2016, 12:00pm
cmdr doziac here!

Been playing ED on Xbox since preview. Mostly trade, exploration and a bit of CQC and I'm finally getting to grips with this great game.

I'm pledged to the federation and looking to expand into the social sphere of the game, join a wing and do my bit.

gamer tag: doziac.

22 Jun 2016, 12:22am
Well met fellow Commanders,

I am new to Inara, but not new to Elite, got the game day one on the Xbox One release. Thoroughly enjoyed it and how it just didn't care about the player at all. The skill level right up there meant a mistake was deadly. I was skilled enough to tutorial my way to some knowledge and got in game for a couple months grinding missions til I could afford an Asp then I tried my hand at Powerplay and quickly learned I did not like being hostile in 70% of occupied space. Had it shot out from under me three times in 30 minutes. Broke and had to start over in a sidewinder which was also in hostile space. Threw my controller across the room after the same happened again, and again being shot down and not making any headway at all. So I quit Elite for about 4 months. Finally, a friend got me back into it. I defected from my PP faction and now am happily independent, working up rep with the federation and even have a three ship fleet with a healthy bank building toward a Fed corvette.

I could use a bit of a lesson on how to post my new shiny Inara Sig on FF. The instructions are a bit vague and I keep failing.

Last edit: 22 Jun 2016, 12:28am
22 Jun 2016, 8:01am
At first I just came here for the info on RNGineers. Then I discovered all of the other stuff that this site offers and I laughed and thought it dumb. THEN, I spent the night building my character like the closet nerd that I truly am xD

Anyways, HELLO! just want to say hi and thanks to the people that have set up this site, the engineers section has been extremely helpful.
22 Jun 2016, 8:43am
TheEnigmaShewWell met fellow Commanders,

I am new to Inara, but not new to Elite, got the game day one on the Xbox One release. Thoroughly enjoyed it and how it just didn't care about the player at all. The skill level right up there meant a mistake was deadly. I was skilled enough to tutorial my way to some knowledge and got in game for a couple months grinding missions til I could afford an Asp then I tried my hand at Powerplay and quickly learned I did not like being hostile in 70% of occupied space. Had it shot out from under me three times in 30 minutes. Broke and had to start over in a sidewinder which was also in hostile space. Threw my controller across the room after the same happened again, and again being shot down and not making any headway at all. So I quit Elite for about 4 months. Finally, a friend got me back into it. I defected from my PP faction and now am happily independent, working up rep with the federation and even have a three ship fleet with a healthy bank building toward a Fed corvette.

I could use a bit of a lesson on how to post my new shiny Inara Sig on FF. The instructions are a bit vague and I keep failing.

Here is a thread on how to do the sig, also if you want someone else to wing up with my gamertag is the same as my inara name.
22 Jun 2016, 7:35pm
TheEnigmaShewWell met fellow Commanders,

I am new to Inara, but not new to Elite, got the game day one on the Xbox One release. Thoroughly enjoyed it and how it just didn't care about the player at all. The skill level right up there meant a mistake was deadly. I was skilled enough to tutorial my way to some knowledge and got in game for a couple months grinding missions til I could afford an Asp then I tried my hand at Powerplay and quickly learned I did not like being hostile in 70% of occupied space. Had it shot out from under me three times in 30 minutes. Broke and had to start over in a sidewinder which was also in hostile space. Threw my controller across the room after the same happened again, and again being shot down and not making any headway at all. So I quit Elite for about 4 months. Finally, a friend got me back into it. I defected from my PP faction and now am happily independent, working up rep with the federation and even have a three ship fleet with a healthy bank building toward a Fed corvette.

I could use a bit of a lesson on how to post my new shiny Inara Sig on FF. The instructions are a bit vague and I keep failing.

Here is a thread on how to do the sig, also if you want someone else to wing up with my gamertag is the same as my inara name.

28 Jun 2016, 4:52am
Hello everybody my name is SSGJugg3r and I am 3rd in command of Nova Elite and we are a new and growing alliance who is always accepting members.

If you are interested please send me a friend request on XBOX and I will tell you anything you need to know

Thank you for reading
28 Jun 2016, 3:25pm
I am cmdr Dewarinversion and a new recruit with the Paladin Consortium. I fly an Asp scout to it's max and am feared by pirates all around the sector. I can be found either trading solo or flying wingman in bounties with my crew - who are quick even the Asp has trouble keeping up. Bought my first ship after claiming a single bounty of 200k in a lucky find. A good reason to carry a warrant scanner. If I pass you in the docking bay, then say a friendly hello. I may have trade to offer and would welcome formation flying just for the laugh of it. Fly safe cmdr, best of luck on your next mission.
28 Jun 2016, 8:50pm
greetings all, cmdr Zranta here. My play roles are a mix of exploration, trade, missions and bounty hunting. My ship is Leraje a well upgraded Python - all modules above average or A Class

been playing Elite Dangerous on xbox since its preview stage and played Elite the original way back in the day.

after a few trips to other areas (sol, orang, kokojina and more) of the galaxy i have returned to my old stomping ground of Eravate and its neighbouring systems. I know its noob zone but my rep there is great for unlocking nice earning missions. Currently building CR balance up with a nice little trade route as well as courier/cargo missions.

i tend to play in solo mode due to having issues with some rather inconsiderate players, i have formed wings in the past to be helped or help for trade dividends or combat support. The addition of the Private group option put me in a better situation to wing up with others.

if anyone wants to wing up for mutual financial gain or protection in pve play, so if any fellow UK based xbox players fancy forming a wing at some point you are welcome to add me as an xbox friend - please include a little message to say "seen on inara" i will happily add you for possible wing ups. My tag is the same as my Cmdr name - Zranta.

please note though i am not online every day due to my job and family

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