
17 Jan 2016, 7:49pm
XeyderHello everyone!!!!
I have been playing the game pretty activity since June, but after doing the Robigo runs to the end of time and having maxed everything out and almost all ships in the game I grew........bored. I decided 2 weeks ago to delete my save and start over. I am currently in a Cobra MKIII and just progressing through the game.
Currently looking for a wing that plays in both open and private. Voice communication would be a huge help!

Belated welcome to Inara, Xeyder. Hope you're enjoying everything.
As for a Wing for both open and private, if nobody else has already suggested, look up MOBIUS for PvE. You'd have to look elsewhere if you want a lot of PvP though. Cheers!
17 Jan 2016, 7:50pm
Daemon EleuelHi all,
I started playing last week and I am enjoying the game immensely.
I found out about Inara while randomly checking for tools. Rather impressive website and hopefully a gateway for roleplaying.
I found the game to be extremely immersive and I am absolutely loving it.
I'm playing multi and doing some trading, with some bounty hunting on the side to enjoy the dogfighting (at which I suck).

Fly safe everyone.
Or unsafely, if that's how you roll

Belated welcome to Inara, and the Elite universe, Eleue!
17 Jan 2016, 8:05pm
Aha! I have learned I can multi-quote! (Duh! No, I don't use forums much!)


Lloyd877Hi all I played a bit at launch but want to get back into the game and enjoy it with others so i found you guys and thought i would join( not sure if i have jjts by signing up?)
so cant wait to see you in space and do missions/trading or anything with you all.

You've certainly joined a good, solid community for winging up - welcome!

CMDR ForrsetiHello Hello, been playing for over 700 hours and somehow only found this website today. It's rather nice to see the community.

Congratulations on discovering Inara, and welcome! Now, don't keep the secret to yourself; share!

Bobo's ToupeeHi everyone.  Recently bought Elite during a Steam sale.  Wanted this game for a while & I'm not disappointed.  It's relaxing, gripping, exhilarating & soothing - all in one sitting whilst have a beer or two.  Excellent site that adds to an already brilliant game.

You're not wrong, Bobo; Inara is indeed Excellent accompaniment to the Elite Universe.
Cheers to your Beers! (I'm more a Cider man, me; or Rum, or SoCo-7!)
PS - is it BAD that your "Toupee" name ONLY conjurs up images of DONALD TRUMP, for me..?
I can't think of any other famous toupees, to be honest....

GamerChr15Hey everyone!
Nice to meet you all. Really loving this site.
I'm looking forward to being able to document my adventures through Elite on the site!
Thanks for making it possible!

Greetigs, Chris .. er .. Chr15! Glad you're enjoying Inara, and Welcome!
Yes, your adventures can be "recorded" here, by uploading your LOG files (netlog), but DO be sure to modify the .xml file as instructed, and before going too far, do a couple hops .. or just take off, and re-dock .. upload the latest log file, and see that it comes in OK. (I found I'd modified "the other" file, so I lost a whole lotta jumps!)
Just waiting for the ability to annotate each jump with some notes here in Inara, but until then, EDDiscovery is ALSO a useful tool for flight logging, and it also offers the ability to view a very simple map of your travels in 3D.

Veni Vidi FugiHiya All. Blame Nathan De Verne, it's his fault I decided to join, so be warned.
So now I'm off to find a headset, and find out all of Peach's secret smuggling routes while I find the biggest mofo gun I can mount, and then blow up a clipper, because why not!
Hope to fly with you all soon!

Welcome to Inara, Veni! Who's de Verne? .. and who's Peach?
... and as it's been a little while, have you blown up your Clipper yet?

See you all out there somewhere, sometime..
(I fly under MOBIUS at the moment; when I improve, I may sign up with Ghost Sqdn..)
17 Jan 2016, 8:09pm
Hi I have been playing for sometime now loved the game ever since the original.
Hope to be flying with some of you guys soon
17 Jan 2016, 8:11pm
StudgeRight I'd best introduce myself!
Elite: Dangerous is my First Flight game ever and I'm enjoying it so far :-D
I'm mainly a FPS/RTS/RGP player
Currently Flying a nearly A grade Vulture - Only like killing stuff
Looking to progress in my combat skills alot! not to good as yet :-)
So thats me, Look forward to winging up and killing stuff!
CMDR Studge

Welcome, Studge! (curious: what does "Studge" mean, or what's the inspiration?)
First flight sim? Not too steep a learning curve, if you're in a Vulture aready -- good on ya. (("RGP"?))
Catch you out n about in the black sometime.

BlackshirtBeen playing for about 7 months (400 plus hours) and discovered this site. I enjoy the game very much... probably the only chance I'll ever get to explore the galaxy . Explorer by nature, Bounty hunter by necessity.
CMDR Blackshirt

Blackshirt, welcome -- yes, I'm the same :: explorer at heart, forced to defend myself and my adopted local systems from injustices..!

Abulion_YorgenWell... Greetings everyone!
It's almost a month I wander the galaxy.
Found Hudson guy, pledge to him, now my troath is dry, need some drink.
Found this bar, now I'm here

Greetings, Yorgen, and welcome to Inara.
Ahh.. Hudson... what a guy! [/sarc]
Hope you've taken care of your THROAT and feel better... Fly safe! o7
17 Jan 2016, 8:12pm
Hannibal0216Hello all. Got the game back in April 2015, been playing pretty regularly ever since. Took some time off before Horizons came out, then fell in love with it all over again. I'm playing to enjoy myself, so I don't have the tremendous mounds of credits that most other commanders seem to have. I love exploring and finding beautiful sights. My Vulture is also ready to go on a moments notice to fight those who would oppose the Federation and Shadow President Winters.

Welcome to Inara, Hannibal!
Good on you, Vulture to hand.
For opposing the Feds, check out the WINGS section of Inara, see if any of those parties suit your fancy.
Good luck, and fly safe! o7
17 Jan 2016, 8:20pm
Brenner SoriahI figure I should get around to introducing myself as well, even though I don't talk much.
CMDR Brenner Soriah, at your service. I'm just a guy enjoying one of the best games in the world. I've been playing on PC since early spring 2015. Being of a more militaristic mindset, I've taken and held by Zachary Hudson's standards since the release of Powerplay. I took a hiatus for other games late summer and into fall. November, I decided to get back into it, and in a fit to find players to work with and give myself a goal to work towards, I found INARA.

I've found Inara to be a very useful tool in regards to the sharing of information. Personally, I like using it as a way to log my activities for both reminiscing, but also for other commanders to read and learn or to even step in and show me something better. I make weekly or biweekly log posts with as much detail and flavorful text as I can muster, so as not to just write some long winded piece of boredom.

Either way, presently I am a very active member of the Paladin Consortium, and a liaison of sorts between wings. I'm an avid combat pilot, with interests in all aspects of the universe, and just a love for flying. If you seek an escort, a mentor, or just some entertainment, I'm usually very watchful of communications despite my busy life.

CMDR Brenner Soriah
May your swords stay sharp, and may you soar on dragon's wings.

Good to hear from you, good sir! I hope your campaigns w Hudson go favourably, though personally, I find I'm not so big a fan of his warmongering... or Zemina's insistence on slaving..
I'm aware of the Paladin Consortium; a respectable Wing, as I understand it.
See you out there, sometime. o7
17 Jan 2016, 8:23pm
JeradTHello, im relatively new to Elite, an looking for people to wing up with or just to chat or learn some new things from. I play on the XBOX usually over night or early mornings EST. I'm 32 single father with a 3 year old so I play when he's asleep at night or basically when I have a time too. I'd love to learn from the people in these forums an fly with people for I play on open but don't see many players out there. It's a big universe. Gamer tag is JeradT feel free to add me. Fly safe.

Respect, Jerad, single-dad of one.
Yeah, it's a big univ... galaxy, but the game itself also "selectively instances" people into different servers based on a few factors... to find human companionship in the black, definitely pick yourself a wing to fly with.
Welcome to Elite, and to Inara!
17 Jan 2016, 8:29pm
Dark Nuitari80Greetings Cmdrs! Been playing for a few months now. The is the first game in the Elite series that I've played. Looking to get into regular wings with fellow Xboxers.

Greetings, Nuitari! Welcome to Inara. DO check the Wings section for XBoxers to fly with; and good luck!


Greetings, Theo; great eagerness for the game etc.. Don't rush the growth of your Wing; develop it, make it attractive, give people a reason to want to join, a sense a purpose (like an in-game / role-play purpose), and be patient.
Overall, ENJOY the Inara community!

JazzHi I have been playing for sometime now loved the game ever since the original.
Hope to be flying with some of you guys soon

Yes, I just missed the original myself, as I was playing couple other things, like subLOGIC's Flight Sim, among other things, but I did play Frontier: Elite ][..!! OMG
See you in the black sometime.. o7
17 Jan 2016, 8:35pm
Hi to all and o7 to you if i see you.
17 Jan 2016, 8:40pm
BootsamHi to all and o7 to you if i see you.

... and o7 to you too, Bootsam.
17 Jan 2016, 8:58pm
Howdy everyone. o/
Had the game since around the first of the year, Frontier is one of my top three favorite games of all time so this is a dream for me.
18 Jan 2016, 12:31am
Did any one notice the explosion of new members? 3 weeks ago it was around 8000 members and now we past 9200 .
18 Jan 2016, 2:35am

Why not actually come into the chat and engage in actual conversation rather than just jumping in to spam about your faction, jumping out and then crawling onto the site to spam more and post one-word replies to stuff?


And to the general pop, name's Rinley and as you can plainly see I suck at keeping my head down and staying out of trouble. Not that I seek it, I just... stumble across it and come what may.

Tech chick, sim chick, tune chick, flix chick, game chick, working on code chick. I hang on the Inara Discord server so come chat and hang with the lot of us!

Last edit: 18 Jan 2016, 2:44am
18 Jan 2016, 5:00am
Greetings Commanders Jazz, Bootsam, Dren and Rinley,
Nice to make your acquaintance.
Fly Safe.. or Dangerous.. whatever greases your wheels.

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