
13 Jan 2021, 8:58pm
BindundiditHello ???? looking to join nexus union if anyone would point me in the right direction newish player finally looking to play with others ????

o7 amigo, the link you are looking for is right here.

(link to join is on the right side of the page)
13 Jan 2021, 9:08pm
24 Jan 2021, 12:28am
Hello to all Commanders! The name is Wilson. I have been on this game for a bit, and just recently got on here. I do have one question... How do you upload your character's holo-me to this profile? Thank you!

24 Jan 2021, 12:30am
Wilson JHello to all Commanders! The name is Wilson. I have been on this game for a bit, and just recently got on here. I do have one question... How do you upload your character's holo-me to this profile? Thank you!


Greetings & Welcome, Cmdr!

I used a utility like Lightshot, then uploaded it. Try experimenting to find the way that works best for you.
24 Jan 2021, 3:05pm
Good Day Commanders. I'm a little late to the adventure but will catch up following the FSD wakes along the way. My intent is to see the Galaxy and all that it has to offer. I'm no combat pilot as I still have much to learn in that field. Best I can do I shout "ramming speed" and send other small ships spinning while I charge my FSD and escape. Haven't failed a passenger yet but a few missions I've gotten in over my head.

This is me saying o7 and hope to cross paths peacefully in the black.  :D
24 Jan 2021, 3:36pm
Welcome Darius, Wilson and all other new CMDRs. 07
24 Jan 2021, 5:09pm
Welcome Wilson and Darius! o7
24 Jan 2021, 5:10pm
Spud_Welcome Wilson and Darius! o7

Thank you both for your kindness!
24 Jan 2021, 5:17pm
Greetings & Welcome, Cmdr. Darius!
24 Jan 2021, 10:09pm
24 Jan 2021, 10:51pm
07 commanders

where is best to advertise for new squadron members?
24 Jan 2021, 10:52pm
Spomajom07 commanders

where is best to advertise for new squadron members?

Hello, please head to bulletin board section for that.
27 Jan 2021, 4:16pm
o7 Commanders.
Been playing for a few weeks. Enjoying the grind.
27 Jan 2021, 4:23pm
O7 Baronvaile - welcome.
27 Jan 2021, 5:21pm
Greetings to our new Commanders 07

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