
27 Mar 2021, 8:51pm
Clover Shaw
CMDR Bang One OverHey all. Dose any one have any tips on what apps I should use for this game. I have search the internet and their seams to be quite a few. Also I'm playing on xbox are their any add ons we can install like you can on pc. Thanks is pretty useful for a lot of things, especially if you do source and return missions or are looking for modules for your ships. is good for finding juicy mining zones and it also has the road to riches exploration tool.
27 Mar 2021, 8:57pm
Hi All. I'm so addicted to this. Been playing on an off horizon launched and just got back into it. I'm loving all the new changes and now having to re learn it all over again.???? I had a plan for when I finally got CORVETTE but seems it's all changed now. Could some take a look for me please.
27 Mar 2021, 9:09pm
Welcome back fellow Xbox CMDR o7
28 Mar 2021, 12:45am
Meowersbut Elite's awesome faction system allows you to see more reasons than just plain profit. It's... immersive.

I agree with that statement.
28 Mar 2021, 1:52am
StiggoDaveHi all,
Been playing for just under a year or so now and have tried out most of the occupations. Enjoyed several trips and months out in the black with my Krait II, finally gaining elite explorer status, but got a little repetitive towards the end. Tried mining and prefer the deep core stuff in a second krait II, and many T-9 cargo missions to get up to tycoon. Crap at combat, hence the Krait II with a fighter and now expert pilot assistant who helps me out a lot at times, hence his rapid promotions! Presently trying to assist medical drops in the T-9 for the community goals but had to drop out of ‘open’ due to the constant attacks by player morons...........why do they do it.....just why.....o well whatever floats your boat i suppose.......but as a global community game seems stupid to force players into solo mode.......anyway, hi all and enjoy.

Hey CMDR I no how you feel their. But elite dose something no other game dose. It doset matter weather you play in solo, private, or open play. Everything that a player dose effects all. So if you hate being attack by these morons that like picking on smaller vessels, you can still do the community goals in any sever as it all is connected.

O7 cmder
28 Mar 2021, 4:48am
Hey Leute ich suche PS4 konsoleros, die so wie ich, keine Lust auf ein Open Game haben aber auch nicht immer nur ganz allein spielen wollen. Ich denke in einer private Session ist das Spiel besser als allein oder im Open Game. Ich bin relativ frisch im Spiel wenn man das Release beachtet. Ich bin wohl mit noch nichts am Maximum angekommen stecke aber schon sehr gut in der Materie drin. Habe aber erst 5 Schiffe und vielleicht so gerade die Hälfte der Ingenieure frei. Bin Angestellter des Imperiums und aktuell eher dabei meine Schiffe für spezifische Rollen zu optimieren und dies und das frei zu schalten.
Ich bin 33 und besitze ein ordentliches Headset es sollte also nicht zu Hintergrund Lärmbelastungen kommen. Wäre cool wenn sich jemand meldet, der im Idealfall ähnlich fortgeschritten ist oder gerade eingestiegen aber sich so motiviert in das Spiel einarbeitet wie ich es tue PSN ID ist: Insane__Toxic
Mit 2 unterstrichen
Ansonsten have fun at everyone
28 Mar 2021, 6:43am
Greetings CMDRs !!
A pleasure to present me

Name: Vor
Race: Gamer (PS4 for now... pc is coming soon)
Sex: Male
Language: Spanish
Status: Learning fast

Just arrived to the galaxy, and here too.
I started this game at the end of 3306.

This web is pretty cool, ideal complement to this huge game.
Very easy to find anything.
Nice work, guys.

I like to play on the same way that if it will be real, so i don't use to firing regulary.
Really hope that this new Odissey bring some of social game.
Maybe, in a few years, we could live in orbital stations, or cities in planets, with a personal home.
Or even to colony new systems and build your own... can imagine that ??

See u in space
28 Mar 2021, 8:48am
Welcome all new CMDRs
Good Luck and Safe Flights
28 Mar 2021, 12:24pm
VorGreetings CMDRs !!
A pleasure to present me

Name: Vor
Race: Gamer (PS4 for now... pc is coming soon)
Sex: Male
Language: Spanish
Status: Learning fast

Just arrived to the galaxy, and here too.
I started this game at the end of 3306.

This web is pretty cool, ideal complement to this huge game.
Very easy to find anything.
Nice work, guys.

I like to play on the same way that if it will be real, so i don't use to firing regulary.
Really hope that this new Odissey bring some of social game.
Maybe, in a few years, we could live in orbital stations, or cities in planets, with a personal home.
Or even to colony new systems and build your own... can imagine that ??

See u in space

People are already looking forward to doing just that. Asgardia, the space nation
03 Apr 2021, 8:46pm
Pura Vida CMDRs !!

Nice meeting you all! Excited to start my Elite journey!

Name: Lucius Siccius
Race: Gamer/PC
Sex: Male
Language: Spanish/English
Status: Noob but I have a lot of experience with similar games like Star Citizen.

Super nice to meet you! I am a SciFi addict that is just getting into Elite. I am an Admiral of a Star Citizen organization (NOVA INTERGALACTIC) and I cant wait to get my hands in everything and anything Elite has to offer. I am from Costa Rica, I am a fitness nut, I love good food, sports and hanging out with respectful, supportive and awesome communities willing to help others catch up and learn. If you have suggestions on awesome Squadrons to join that fit the description posted above I would greatly appreciate it.

Stay awesome!

Fly safe!
03 Apr 2021, 10:47pm
Lucius SicciusPura Vida CMDRs !!

Nice meeting you all! Excited to start my Elite journey!

Name: Lucius Siccius
Race: Gamer/PC
Sex: Male
Language: Spanish/English
Status: Noob but I have a lot of experience with similar games like Star Citizen.

Super nice to meet you! I am a SciFi addict that is just getting into Elite. I am an Admiral of a Star Citizen organization (NOVA INTERGALACTIC) and I cant wait to get my hands in everything and anything Elite has to offer. I am from Costa Rica, I am a fitness nut, I love good food, sports and hanging out with respectful, supportive and awesome communities willing to help others catch up and learn. If you have suggestions on awesome Squadrons to join that fit the description posted above I would greatly appreciate it.

Stay awesome!

Fly safe!

03 Apr 2021, 10:54pm
Welcome to all new and returning CMDRs.
04 Apr 2021, 8:22am
Greetings CMDR's, I am returning after a long break with the ability to stretch these legs it has brought a lot of the community back and interest in the galaxy.

Name: istanicas
Race: Gamer PC
Sex: Male
Language: English
Status: Leading Chem Dogs and slowly working on getting all our active members on inara.

If anyone needs help learning the game or has questions send me a message.

I hope the galaxy is treating everyone well.
05 Apr 2021, 4:08am
IstanicasGreetings CMDR's, I am returning after a long break with the ability to stretch these legs it has brought a lot of the community back and interest in the galaxy.

Name: istanicas
Race: Gamer PC
Sex: Male
Language: English
Status: Leading Chem Dogs and slowly working on getting all our active members on inara.

If anyone needs help learning the game or has questions send me a message.

I hope the galaxy is treating everyone well.

Welcome back
06 Apr 2021, 9:02am
Hello fellow cmdr's,

I'm returning to Elite after being away for almost 35 years. Played the game years ago on an Acorn Electron and enjoyed it a lot.
Now I'm back playing Elite Dangerous, and I must say, the world has changed, but is also still the same.

Name: Prins Hugo
Language: Dutch / English

Have a save flight,
Prins Hugo

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