
01 Jul 2016, 1:46pm
Greetings fellow Pilots
I played the Original Elite way back and am now just starting again, I have a miner at the moment and would like to be able to contact like minded clan members for possible ops but have no clue on how to do it. Also do you have a Teamspeak server or other communication progs so we can talk to each other?
I am playing in solo mode atm cause I'm always getting ganked otherwise. PM or mail me.
01 Jul 2016, 2:46pm
Hi fellow pilots.

I played Elite Dangerous on PC but for the past year on and off I have been on the Xbox one, I have spent the last week getting back into the game and power play mechanics as well as taking part in the latest community goal to smuggle weapons!

I am from the UK and in my 30s and would like to meet other commanders playing on the Xbox One.

My gamer tag is Maca07166 please add me and send a message
02 Jul 2016, 6:48am
Maca07166Hi fellow pilots.

I played Elite Dangerous on PC but for the past year on and off I have been on the Xbox one, I have spent the last week getting back into the game and power play mechanics as well as taking part in the latest community goal to smuggle weapons!

I am from the UK and in my 30s and would like to meet other commanders playing on the Xbox One.

My gamer tag is Maca07166 please add me and send a message

when next on i will add you. I know a few nice trade runs if you wanted to earn some dividends, either locally to where i operate at the moment or father afield.
08 Jul 2016, 3:47am
Been playing a few weeks on Xbox one Looking for people to play with that play fairly regularly gamer tag is Silverdrake220
08 Jul 2016, 2:55pm
Silverdrake220Been playing a few weeks on Xbox one Looking for people to play with that play fairly regularly gamer tag is Silverdrake220

Might check the wings, I have one in there that is xbox dedicated but mostly about PvE trading and exploring, doing community events if not combat bonds we meet regularly on Sunday. The membership here is sparse, but I have about 10 who meet up. split wings and run around.
10 Jul 2016, 7:46pm
Just to introduce myself. I've be playing ED since 2013 but left for a while and just got back into it after the 2.1 upgrade. Still
checking out the changes made in 2.1 I've already been killed off like 5 times just learning the new aspects. So I'm and old dog
you could say but I can learn new things.
10 Jul 2016, 9:22pm
Been playing since not-too-long after launch. Highly nomadic. Looking for wingmates, preferably newer ones that I could help along.
11 Jul 2016, 10:34am
VardaynBeen playing since not-too-long after launch. Highly nomadic. Looking for wingmates, preferably newer ones that I could help along.

I've been playing for like 2-3 months myself, but never played in a wing before. So. We can star a new "alliance" if you wish to fight, explore, trade together and stuff. And 2 more guys will do. So what do ya think?
11 Jul 2016, 3:38pm
VardaynBeen playing since not-too-long after launch. Highly nomadic. Looking for wingmates, preferably newer ones that I could help along.

I've been playing for like 2-3 months myself, but never played in a wing before. So. We can star a new "alliance" if you wish to fight, explore, trade together and stuff. And 2 more guys will do. So what do ya think?

I'm game. Cmdr vardayn; where do you dwell?
12 Jul 2016, 3:01pm
Hello CMDR'S, i play ED now for 400h and late ive found

Im in a wing of 2 and our home is Gende (A. Lavigny Duval) but we also do trips, lastly we where in maia/merope to visit thargoid barnacles ;P

Atm we do some raw materials hunting using scarabs, in a zone between sol and gende, approx..
After we completed our list of raw materials, we go ahead with hunting ships to gain manufactured ship salvage.
As you can see, we do some gearing up concerning engineers blueprints to beef up our fleet.

You are welcome to add me in game: CMDR Roschnicron
Join us in what we do whenever you want or you can also meet us to fight (2 FDL's).
If not, you can add me regardless, lets see what happens.

PS: Mainly we do assassinations, bounty hunting, trying to flip systems into civil war/war and PVP.
We also do some "hard hitting" with our well special fitted pythons (soon 1 python and 1 anaconda, later corvette).
As said before, atm we do some amateur exploring, but we are definitly no explorers.
We are also open to trade, but only illegal slave trading or rare goods hyper trading (route available).
14 Jul 2016, 9:14am
i have played Elite dangerous for quite some time I'm a support player mainly I'm looking for a wing group that has the same interest and stands for the same things I do.
14 Jul 2016, 12:28pm
Hello Commanders. I'm Cmdr. SG Cersed 1. I play on Xbox, which has been since the preview. I took a long break, but I'm back. I'm an avid gamer. I don't have the time I used to because of my 2 kids, but I'm on when I get the chance. My buddy who played the original Elite got me playing. Right now I'm flying a Python.
15 Jul 2016, 12:25am
KillerWilly JRi have played Elite dangerous for quite some time I'm a support player mainly I'm looking for a wing group that has the same interest and stands for the same things I do.
SG Cersed 1Hello Commanders. I'm Cmdr. SG Cersed 1. I play on Xbox, which has been since the preview. I took a long break, but I'm back. I'm an avid gamer. I don't have the time I used to because of my 2 kids, but I'm on when I get the chance. My buddy who played the original Elite got me playing. Right now I'm flying a Python.

Playing on Xbox one look me up always looking for people to play it
15 Jul 2016, 10:01pm
First time posting on INARA. Just testing it out. What a great site.
15 Jul 2016, 10:20pm
Still looking for CMDRs to fly with. the newer the better.


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