
01 Feb 2021, 4:34pm
Mhotep ThornHello fellow Pilots, I recently returned to the Black after an absence of well over a year. I finally made it to my (at the moment) home in Brestla...Imperial Space...
So far I am simply taking my Cobra MkIII for a spin and do odd jobs earning Credits until I have the funds to go to my next choice of ship, most likely a ASP X for the near future. Not into exploring per se but I like the ASP (had one on a previous account).

Hope to see some of you sailing the Black
o7 fly safe Cmdr's

o7 and Welcome Back!
01 Feb 2021, 6:13pm
Mhotep ThornHello fellow Pilots, I recently returned to the Black after an absence of well over a year. I finally made it to my (at the moment) home in Brestla...Imperial Space...
So far I am simply taking my Cobra MkIII for a spin and do odd jobs earning Credits until I have the funds to go to my next choice of ship, most likely a ASP X for the near future. Not into exploring per se but I like the ASP (had one on a previous account).

Hope to see some of you sailing the Black
o7 fly safe Cmdr's

Welcome back Cmdr o7. Asp X is a lovely choice. I have one and it's my pride and joy. Not everyones cup of tea mind you, but IMO a great ship to fly.
01 Feb 2021, 8:08pm
Franco Ngaihello all new player here

flying around in cobra grinding to get a medium ship

any recomendations for a good medium all rounder ship (maybe with focus on combat)

An ASP X is a good all round ship. Cheap for what she can do, and also because not soo expensive it has a good yield for its cost.
04 Feb 2021, 5:34pm
FitoHello everyone,

I am almost new and I am trying to have a great ship.
I currently have a Diamonback Explorer, although I hope to convert it to Asp.
I am looking forward to joining some great fleet, where Spanish is spoken.

Thank you all.

Holla, our Neighbours are Spaniard Torros . Have a Look

08 Feb 2021, 9:24pm
Hi, old player returning and wanna get involved in community. Exited to see whats up and hope to get more involved
08 Feb 2021, 11:54pm
DrRavenHi, old player returning and wanna get involved in community. Exited to see whats up and hope to get more involved

o7 and Welcome Back!
10 Feb 2021, 1:25am
Hi all!

I started playing in 2014. I've been away for a bit, but getting back into it again. I've mostly been hanging in solo unlocking engineers.

Looking forward to joining this community and getting more involved in online play once I get my bases covered
10 Feb 2021, 6:12am
o7 and welcome back!
10 Feb 2021, 10:14am
Hi All,

I'm new in the game, despite the fact that I already achieved the "Elite" badge on trading. Amazing game, fantastic lore and active community. I'm very please to be at Inara portal.

Not a Imperial fan, but now I'm working in my "Gutamaya Mission": reach higher imperial ranks and buy me a luxurious Gutamaya Clipper (the Cutter is far away in my financial future)-- well the slaving work used to create it give me creeps, but look at that design!
10 Feb 2021, 5:02pm
10 Feb 2021, 11:05pm
FitoHello everyone,

I am almost new and I am trying to have a great ship.
I currently have a Diamonback Explorer, although I hope to convert it to Asp.
I am looking forward to joining some great fleet, where Spanish is spoken.

Thank you all.

Hi Fito, your DBX is an excellent ship for flying around the bubble and for exploring, especially after you have done some good engineering on it. Mine has a 67LY jump range, and that is while carrying a SRV and not a fragile paper build, so it can go to the surface and pick up mats and do Guardian minigames as well. I would not let that ship go, ever. I have about 25 ships including Corvette, Anaconda, and Cutter, and I am in my DBX right now. It's still one of my work horses. My advice is just work a little longer to earn enough to add the Asp X, also an excellent ship, to your fleet. Good luck!

Last edit: 10 Feb 2021, 11:11pm
10 Feb 2021, 11:28pm
Claudius AetiusNot a Imperial fan, but now I'm working in my "Gutamaya Mission": reach higher imperial ranks and buy me a luxurious Gutamaya Clipper (the Cutter is far away in my financial future)-- well the slaving work used to create it give me creeps, but look at that design!

Don't miss out on the Imperial Courier! One of the fastest ships in the game, and only one rank away from you.
11 Feb 2021, 6:25am
Hello all! Returning commander here. Started at launch as a kickstarter backer. o7
11 Feb 2021, 11:09am

Приветствую CMDR
11 Feb 2021, 3:59pm
Claudius AetiusHi All,

I'm new in the game, despite the fact that I already achieved the "Elite" badge on trading. Amazing game, fantastic lore and active community. I'm very please to be at Inara portal.

Not a Imperial fan, but now I'm working in my "Gutamaya Mission": reach higher imperial ranks and buy me a luxurious Gutamaya Clipper (the Cutter is far away in my financial future)-- well the slaving work used to create it give me creeps, but look at that design!

o7 and Welcome

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