
25 Apr 2021, 11:31am
ShanistaHello all,

Relatively new to ED, been flying for a little while now. Mostly solo after being ganked, looking to meet new people and exploring new places in Elite.

hope to see you out there!

Welcome to the ED galaxy. You might want to checkout player groups like Fleetcom or Mobius. Ganking is strictly forbidden in these kind of groups - which allows you to experience interactions with other commanders without worrying of getting ganked.
26 Apr 2021, 12:05pm
Hi, don’t how how this game went under my radar for the past 30 years... lol. Just got it for Xbox almost two weeks ago and I am loving every aspect of it so far... with the exception of not being able to walk around your space craft this game is everything I would have wanted a space game to entail. I look forward to many adventures and maybe meeting some of you!
26 Apr 2021, 2:46pm
We are looking for suitable Imperial soldiers and pilots to join our Squadron. Please follow the links if you are interested - lore based empire stuff.

Squadron promotions here, please.
26 Apr 2021, 4:05pm
sounds so groovy
27 Apr 2021, 2:42am
SPQR MikeHi, don’t how how this game went under my radar for the past 30 years... lol. Just got it for Xbox almost two weeks ago and I am loving every aspect of it so far... with the exception of not being able to walk around your space craft this game is everything I would have wanted a space game to entail. I look forward to many adventures and maybe meeting some of you!

Welcome, Mike.
Enjoy the game! Make your own way in the Elite 'verse - cause it won't hold your hand. That being said, feel free to ask questions in the appropriate board, we're happy to help.
27 Apr 2021, 3:38am
ShanistaHello all,

Relatively new to ED, been flying for a little while now. Mostly solo after being ganked, looking to meet new people and exploring new places in Elite.

hope to see you out there!

Good to have you.
27 Apr 2021, 5:28pm
ShanistaHello all,

Relatively new to ED, been flying for a little while now. Mostly solo after being ganked, looking to meet new people and exploring new places in Elite.

hope to see you out there!

Welcome Shanista.

Gankers can be fun. There are so many ways to annoy them.
28 Apr 2021, 4:24am
Welcome, Mike.
Enjoy the game! Make your own way in the Elite 'verse - cause it won't hold your hand. That being said, feel free to ask questions in the appropriate board, we're happy to help.[/quote]

Thank you. I love how you can really be just about anything... that said I have been reading and watching as much as I can about this game as there is a lot in it... a bit overwhelming at first, but that is a good sign as there is Nothing like a good game that bores you after a week.
02 May 2021, 5:03pm
Bonjour , explorateur

Étant assez récent dans ce jeu, je doit bien me présenté
33 ans joueur régulier malgré la vrai vie qui passe avant toute chose .. et oui je jeu reste un passe temps mais malgré tout ...

Voila joueur régulier depuis l achat de ce titre qui allie ma passion pour l astronomie etla fascination pour le domaine de l'espace .
Recherche groupe ou joueur(euse) ayant un penchant pour l exploration et la découvert loin de la bulle humaine dans le jeu .
Avec un peu de minage et de récupération d artéfact pour plus de rendements en crédit

Mais aussi , toute aide en jeu serais là bien venu et inversement.
Hésiter pas à me contacter en pv . ( Ou par le biais du Xbox live, gamertag en privé )
03 May 2021, 5:32pm
Hello Commanders

Bought ED back in 2015 played once and turned it off till last week. Now logging in hours and joining the Fatherhood because ya... I'm old.

Original commodore64 (space odyssey player) to NES. Platforms- Sony and PC. ED on PC.

Rocking gameglass and about to download Voice Attack. Also bought a HOTAS enroute deliverable on 17MAY. Currently keyboard/mouse. Usually a gamepad guy.

Loving this game right now.

Will play wing missions if anyone is game. running MTN time US 930pm or 0400 in the am, why? Work and family is why.
04 May 2021, 8:43pm
Welcome back and o7 Commander! I'll be joining you as soon as I can get my new box. The old AMD is starting to creak and groan a little. See you out there!

Myke175Hello Commanders

Bought ED back in 2015 played once and turned it off till last week. Now logging in hours and joining the Fatherhood because ya... I'm old.

Original commodore64 (space odyssey player) to NES. Platforms- Sony and PC. ED on PC.

Rocking gameglass and about to download Voice Attack. Also bought a HOTAS enroute deliverable on 17MAY. Currently keyboard/mouse. Usually a gamepad guy.

Loving this game right now.

Will play wing missions if anyone is game. running MTN time US 930pm or 0400 in the am, why? Work and family is why.
05 May 2021, 8:05pm
Hello all been playing for 6 months really like bounty hunting and getting $$$ for better ships
I'm on late at night but could use a experienced wingman
06 May 2021, 5:05pm
Shredderftl9547Hello all been playing for 6 months really like bounty hunting and getting $$$ for better ships
I'm on late at night but could use a experienced wingman

Welcome to the game, Shredderftl9547! I'm not on much these days, but I can offer advice:

1) Don't fall too hard into the "credit per hour" mantra. People who do this will find the "endgame" very very boring and grindy. Relax, enjoy the open-ended gameplay and have fun.
2) Yes, there are gankers. But don't let them stop you from enjoying Open Play. They will generally hang out at CGs and popular systems. It's rare that I find another person while I'm out and about in Open. Just learn how to deal with them (it's easier than people think), and if that doesn't work: Group or Solo the system to avoid the one harassing you.
3) While not important to the gameplay itself, learning the lore of the game can enhance your experience. Since the game is very open-ended (a true sandbox that you just exist in), you have to make your own story.
4) There is no true "best ship/weapon in the game", every ship/part/weapon has it's specific use. Learning what ship is best for what activity is half the job. The other is practice.
06 May 2021, 7:41pm
I feel ya I was solo play for a long time
07 May 2021, 12:08am
Jubei Himura
Shredderftl9547Hello all been playing for 6 months really like bounty hunting and getting $$$ for better ships
I'm on late at night but could use a experienced wingman

Welcome to the game, Shredderftl9547! I'm not on much these days, but I can offer advice:

1) Don't fall too hard into the "credit per hour" mantra. People who do this will find the "endgame" very very boring and grindy. Relax, enjoy the open-ended gameplay and have fun.
2) Yes, there are gankers. But don't let them stop you from enjoying Open Play. They will generally hang out at CGs and popular systems. It's rare that I find another person while I'm out and about in Open. Just learn how to deal with them (it's easier than people think), and if that doesn't work: Group or Solo the system to avoid the one harassing you.
3) While not important to the gameplay itself, learning the lore of the game can enhance your experience. Since the game is very open-ended (a true sandbox that you just exist in), you have to make your own story.
4) There is no true "best ship/weapon in the game", every ship/part/weapon has it's specific use. Learning what ship is best for what activity is half the job. The other is practice.

This is all extremely solid advice. Cheers and welcome to all commanders!

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