
04 Jan 2022, 9:19pm
Hello there, used to play ED around 2015-2017, recently hopped back on to experience Odyssey.

Used to be a bounty hunter almost exclusively in the Gende system, now I'm more interested in exploration and just doing stuff out of whim. Decided to finally sign up as I've used Inara every now and then - might as well add to the data pile.

See you in the stars CMDRs o7
04 Jan 2022, 9:42pm
Welcome Neocolapdsar and Agnew Hawk!
05 Jan 2022, 7:00pm
Heya, the name's Duplixity. I got back into ED about a week ago, and started to shift towards the on-foot missions and combat from Odyssey. The only ship I have is a DBX named Scrapper's Salvation, for ground missions and general exploration. I also like writing stories and doing roleplay, once I learn enough.
05 Jan 2022, 7:09pm
DuplixityHeya, the name's Duplixity. I got back into ED about a week ago, and started to shift towards the on-foot missions and combat from Odyssey. The only ship I have is a DBX named Scrapper's Salvation, for ground missions and general exploration. I also like writing stories and doing roleplay, once I learn enough.

Welcome! Nice to have a fellow writer aboard!
08 Jan 2022, 3:51am
DuplixityHeya, the name's Duplixity. I got back into ED about a week ago, and started to shift towards the on-foot missions and combat from Odyssey. The only ship I have is a DBX named Scrapper's Salvation, for ground missions and general exploration. I also like writing stories and doing roleplay, once I learn enough.

Welcome! Nice to have a fellow writer aboard!

Agreed! Welcome to the Space-Guild of Writers!
10 Jan 2022, 12:00am
Hello I'm really new to the game... only 6 hours in and trying to wrap my head around all the stuff you can do and explore. I'm not sure what you can do in the game but I'm really interesting in joining a community in the game that is sort of role play mixed in. LGBTQIA+ positive communities preferably
10 Jan 2022, 12:42am
VlamnireHello I'm really new to the game... only 6 hours in and trying to wrap my head around all the stuff you can do and explore. I'm not sure what you can do in the game but I'm really interesting in joining a community in the game that is sort of role play mixed in. LGBTQIA+ positive communities preferably

Welcome to ED and also welcome to Inara! When you are new to ED there is most definitely a lot of things to wrap your head around and many things to learn. As for what you can do, it's very open ended. There's exploration, combat, trading, etc... It's kind of a "you get out of it what you put into it" situation. There are groups that do some role play. For example, the squadron I am in does some role play fighting for the Empire. We are always open to new players as well if you are interested. Some are more active than others and we have no problems helping out new players. As for learning about making progress in ED, there are a lot of third party sources that help. Inara is probably the most useful out of them all. As for LGBTQIA+, there are definitely all kinds of different people playing ED. Most discrimination comes in the from of Federation vs Empire, and that's just a role play thing.

Whatever you choose, safe travels and fly dangerously CMDR! o7

Last edit: 10 Jan 2022, 1:09am
10 Jan 2022, 4:51am
VlamnireHello I'm really new to the game... only 6 hours in and trying to wrap my head around all the stuff you can do and explore. I'm not sure what you can do in the game but I'm really interesting in joining a community in the game that is sort of role play mixed in. LGBTQIA+ positive communities preferably

Welcome to ED and also welcome to Inara! When you are new to ED there is most definitely a lot of things to wrap your head around and many things to learn. As for what you can do, it's very open ended. There's exploration, combat, trading, etc... It's kind of a "you get out of it what you put into it" situation. There are groups that do some role play. For example, the squadron I am in does some role play fighting for the Empire. We are always open to new players as well if you are interested. Some are more active than others and we have no problems helping out new players. As for learning about making progress in ED, there are a lot of third party sources that help. Inara is probably the most useful out of them all. As for LGBTQIA+, there are definitely all kinds of different people playing ED. Most discrimination comes in the from of Federation vs Empire, and that's just a role play thing.

Whatever you choose, safe travels and fly dangerously CMDR! o7

That’s kind of my impression reading about the game. I was a backer of Star Citizen in 2013 but kind of waiting for more stuff to come to fruition. I was thinking there’d be cool player run stuff like EVE has in ED. Bit worried game might be repetitive but there’s more to what meets the eye sometimes.
10 Jan 2022, 7:24am
Not sure what to tell you about stuff in comparison to EVE as I never really played that enough to know. Not going to lie, there are a lot of things in ED that are very repetitive. Some enjoy it, others don't, some find ways around it. It's also going to depend on what you hope to do in ED.
10 Jan 2022, 10:11am
That’s kind of my impression reading about the game. I was a backer of Star Citizen in 2013 but kind of waiting for more stuff to come to fruition. I was thinking there’d be cool player run stuff like EVE has in ED. Bit worried game might be repetitive but there’s more to what meets the eye sometimes.

There is a bunch of very cool player-run stuff in Elite as well ! Not as insane as EVE, though.
I'm on the other side of the bubble-wide cold war from Night-Hawk, hah. I joined the Winters Powerplay squadron two years ago, and it has been the one thing keeping me to this game since. Finding a nice, active group in which you feel comfortable can make the game infinitely better.

I don't want to influence your choice (although you would be very welcome at Winters' FLC), you go look around for a group you feel interested by, role-play and gameplay wise.
Typically you want to look around for a squadron, attached to a Player Minor Faction or not, attached to a Powerplay power or not. Most communities are very open (however a general heads-up in my experience is that PvP groups tend to be very troll-inclined.) Another heads-up is that Powerplay is a bit of a clusterfuck, it is extremely fun in my experience, but get ready for a headache or two.

Oh, and FYI the squadron on my INARA profile is not the FLC, but a Winters-aligned PMF. You can be part of both a Powerplay group and a Powerplay-involved squadron

Last edit: 10 Jan 2022, 12:48pm
10 Jan 2022, 1:02pm
AlysianneFinding a nice, active group in which you feel comfortable can make the game infinitely better.
Can, but not will.
10 Jan 2022, 1:54pm
AlysianneFinding a nice, active group in which you feel comfortable can make the game infinitely better.

Can, but not will.

Oi x)
It will make the game a lot better.
It can make the game infinitely better.

There xP
10 Jan 2022, 2:06pm
AlysianneFinding a nice, active group in which you feel comfortable can make the game infinitely better.

Can, but not will.

Oi x)
It will make the game a lot better.
It can make the game infinitely better.

There xP

Can it though? The only way it could make the game INFINITELY better is if there is a divide by zero error in there somewhere, like say the game is 0 fun to begin with...
10 Jan 2022, 2:30pm
AlysianneIt will make the game a lot better.
It can make the game infinitely better.
Even if I'm a non-talkative, not very social, distant person who doesn't like to communicate in game via chat or voice (especially voice), and doesn't like any of those 'team' activities that require a contribution and/or following some kind of rules? 'Hey, I'm just playing the game, leave me alone!'

I guess there's enough people of that type, not only me. Funny messages on forum, when I'm able to read and reply are okay. Instant and obligatory information processing is a no go, not funny, I don't want, leave me alone, I'm trying to have rest from you people.
10 Jan 2022, 2:48pm
Oh right no of course. I said this because Vlamnire seemed to be interested by this sort of gameplay - and my first message did say a nice, active group in which you feel comfortable will make the game a lot better.
If you aren't comfortable in groups, of course that part of the game will just be shitty, stressful and will ruin the game.
Didn't mean to generalize to everyone, just said what I expect it to be for someone interested in engaging a lot in the community (especially since Vlam mentioned EVE ^-^")

Sorry if you felt like I was forcing this on you, certainly didn't mean it that way.

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