
06 Mar 2021, 3:24pm
Ok my bad thanks
06 Mar 2021, 9:37pm
o7 commanders

i was frozen in stasis for years but i have been awakened

many changes in the galaxy

looking for combat, startin' to get the itch
06 Mar 2021, 9:45pm
BensonWinifredo7 commanders

i was frozen in stasis for years but i have been awakened

many changes in the galaxy

looking for combat, startin' to get the itch

Be sure to check the Community Goals.

& Welcome Back, Cmdr!

Last edit: 06 Mar 2021, 10:16pm
06 Mar 2021, 11:28pm
Hello cmdr's, my name's grave, I'm quite new to this game but I'm picking up on it quite fast. I hope to see you all out there in space
07 Mar 2021, 6:00am
Greatgrave65299Hello cmdr's, my name's grave, I'm quite new to this game but I'm picking up on it quite fast. I hope to see you all out there in space

o7 cmdr, welcome to the galaxy. I hope you will find your personal passion, the possibilities are big enough.

Good luck.
07 Mar 2021, 10:42am
Welcome new Commanders! o7
07 Mar 2021, 1:02pm
Synthya Wylder
BensonWinifredo7 commanders

i was frozen in stasis for years but i have been awakened

many changes in the galaxy

looking for combat, startin' to get the itch

Be sure to check the Community Goals.

& Welcome Back, Cmdr!

thank you for the welcome and suggestion!
07 Mar 2021, 4:56pm
Welcome New Commanders!!
07 Mar 2021, 6:27pm
Jason "ZakMan2409" Hetu checking in with the Inara crowd. I'm a long time vet (original release on PC) but I've traded in my HOTAS for a controller, a Series X, and 70" 4k couch experience.

With the fresh start, I've reset my profile and I'm looking to dive into this wonderful community.
09 Mar 2021, 12:53am
Hello my fellow CMDR's.

Just started playing this wonderful game. So much to learn .

If there are any CMDR'S out there that I could join and show me around it would be gladly appreciated. It is honestly overwhelming and I know eventually it will become second nature.

At the moment I would just want to explore and make some money to be able to buy new ships and really contribute to this Galaxy.

I have tons of questions but at the moment just wanted to say Hello !

I play on a console (xbox)

Can't wait to really dive into this game.
09 Mar 2021, 10:53am
ZakMan2409Jason "ZakMan2409" Hetu checking in with the Inara crowd. I'm a long time vet (original release on PC) but I've traded in my HOTAS for a controller, a Series X, and 70" 4k couch experience.

With the fresh start, I've reset my profile and I'm looking to dive into this wonderful community.

Welcome from a fellow Xbox player ✋ if you're running the Community Goal look for me, I'm out helping folks (mostly new) cash in
10 Mar 2021, 11:57am
o7 cmdrs

I'm not new to elite by any stretch but after years of playing, I decided I should check out the community around this game and the glorious tools.


No idea why I didn't get involved back in the beginning. Oh well I'm here now.
11 Mar 2021, 12:05am
Spud_Welcome New Commanders!!

I 2nd that!
13 Mar 2021, 6:23pm
CrustatiousPigo7 cmdrs

I'm not new to elite by any stretch but after years of playing, I decided I should check out the community around this game and the glorious tools.


No idea why I didn't get involved back in the beginning. Oh well I'm here now.

o7 and welcome
13 Mar 2021, 7:07pm
Hello fellow commanders. I am Space_Cat_9 I have been playing the game on and off this year, and started really playing the game at the end of last year.

If there are any commanders running with the Kumo Crew let me know.

You can find me in anarchy systems o7

New to Inara

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