
19 Apr 2022, 2:34pm
Ah, yeah, I guess I should make that post as well, however, some of you might know me from Discussions, Logbooks or Gallery.

I'm 33, got addicted to Elite in January 3307, and it played a significant part in my life being a good distraction from various unpleasant stuff and a great game in general. Well, at least Horizons, lol. Played Elite 2: Frontier and First Encounters about 10-15 years ago and enjoyed it, as they were, maybe, the best games that ran properly on my shitbucket PC of those days. Also, later, played several other fantastic space games such as early Wing Commander series, X3, Freelancer, Kerbal Space Crash Program (waiting for the second part of it, of course), even had a look at Battlecruiser Millenium, a thing that was a 2003 equivalent of the Star Citizen, lol. So, I'm pretty much into videogames as I like the challenges they give and the immersion. That amazing atmosphere. And they serve as an awesome distraction measure. I believe that modern videogames is a good and even useful kind of entertainment, and many of them may teach how to think and react in different challenging situations.

And, personally, uh... I'm quite a weird and distant person, I like Discussions and Logbooks as I can open and close them at any time I want, write random stuff, but I completely reject the idea of playing with someone else. So, doing solo AX and enjoying it much. When I got enough time, of course, as I'm an adult person and I have to, ugh, lose my time on the job.
19 Apr 2022, 5:08pm
o7 Welcome Meowers, nice to have you with us
19 Apr 2022, 9:33pm
Welcome Eeka
19 Apr 2022, 11:53pm
o7 Meowers.
20 Apr 2022, 12:11am
Gryphnno7 Welcome Meowers, nice to have you with us

And likewise
20 Apr 2022, 2:11am
Thank you commanders o7 nice to meet you all
20 Apr 2022, 8:24am
it´s very nice to meet you all and to have so much cool people around here, it is like an big irana family
20 Apr 2022, 3:25pm
o7, and welcome.

CMDR Nerdicus
20 Apr 2022, 6:06pm
Welcome CMDRs, o7

Yep! I like the feeling given by Inara comunity. Maybe because is source of interesting tips and by-pass for a more efficient times spent playng ED or even just for the chat itself or the roleplay side of the galaxy... simply I like the atmosphere here.
I wonder how and why all of us are gathered here, I mean for which particular and personal reason, keeping alive a kind of universe, dimension... bubble a bit real a bit unreal, but alive. It's a good environment here, at least in my impression!

I don't want to be off topic in this room so I'll introduce a bit more about my self.
About sci-fi or similar literature or simply roleplaying... who knows what is Dungeons&Dragons? Well...
I don't know only the 4thed. Started with the 1sted. when 12 yo, and stopped few years ago with the 5thed.
Just to say I always liked roleplayng, playng directly and even more reading, and here is a wonderful place to find some sci-fi related readings! If only had the time to... even if sometime I spend more time reading than playing ED, glad.

Best thanks you all for every kind of activity on Inara
25 Apr 2022, 8:49pm
Hi everyone,
time to introduce myself.

I played many, many games in my life, from Doom to Quake, Wing commander (yes I am this old) and Mass effect. I play D&D with friends for 15+ years.

I bought Elite Dangerous many years ago, when there's no docking computers. Played for a while and abandonned.
Later I returned to the game and started a new profile.

Used to play ED on my old ROG G74, and have much fun! But when I purchased Horizons, my portable suddenly became soooo slow. Time to break the piggy bank and buy something new.

ED is so much fun to play. There's no shortcut to anything, no place is absolutely out of danger and it's so immersive. No pay-to-win. Great game to take a break from real life.

I play in open or solo, depending of my feel.
Thanks a lot!
25 Apr 2022, 9:21pm
BeekhoolHi everyone,
time to introduce myself.

Heck yeah!
Glad you are here.

Did the same bit where I didn't play for years and reset my profile on return, great decision.

Take it easy,
25 Apr 2022, 9:40pm
o7 CMDR Beekhool, welcome back.
26 Apr 2022, 8:44pm
Welcome beekhool. Glad your giving it another go with your new rig
30 Apr 2022, 6:14pm
o7 CMDRs, allmighty Darkom here
03 May 2022, 10:52am
Welcome Darkom. See you in the black.

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