08 May 2022, 10:29am
Thank you for the explanation.
08 May 2022, 1:28pm
Thommy12Hello Commander's, does anyone know what the colors in the market mean? Example : under supply a price is written in blue , or under demand a price is written in yellow . If it is red, I know that it has a minimum of inventory.
Thank you for the explanation.
When you are on the market page for a station, if you hover over the Buy / Sell text, you should see a tooltip that states:
"A price when buying / selling the commodity to the station. Better than average (Blue) and best (Yellow) prices are marked by the respective colour."
08 May 2022, 7:44pm
But thanks for clearing it up.
12 May 2022, 6:50am
CMDR TomCatT of the Anti-Xeno Initiative says hi.
Fly safe and see you in The Black.
o7 and out....
13 May 2022, 12:18pm
After a long 4 year break I am back and looking to be better then ever.
I am loving the community, it's good to see so many that share the love for Elite Dangerous.
17 May 2022, 3:48am
03 Jun 2022, 11:57pm
04 Jun 2022, 8:44am
XaghruI just LOOOOOOVE Elite dangerous so much. I have a vulture and I have almost 50 mil o7
If you're just starting out, doing tritium runs for the current Community goal will save you a lot of credit grinding. It's only available for a limited time so I would take advantage of it while I could.
05 Jun 2022, 1:46pm
05 Jun 2022, 2:41pm
XaghruWell, I get a lot of money by doing bounty hunting. I plan on buying the great alliance chieftain and I already have a 3.8 mil bounty voucher ready to be turned in. But good advice and I might convince my dad to do the tritium runs (When he can buy a good freighter), and if he can upgrade it enough to find a current system where that is taking place (that is usually really far away).
Too late. It's over. FTR a full T9 could net you over a quarter billion in profit at the time.
12 Jun 2022, 9:16am
XaghruI just LOOOOOOVE Elite dangerous so much. I have a vulture and I have almost 50 mil o7
Awesome to see there are still new players enjoying elite. Dont stress yourself with the money stuff, money is secondary. You dont need a big ship to have fun and be succesful