
06 Jan 2023, 1:39pm
hi there
10 Jan 2023, 4:59pm
Hi all out in the black exploring
19 Jan 2023, 8:21pm
o7 CMDR Major Tjay Greetings, and reporting in for Basic Training for setups.

Any assistance will be welcome.
* I would like to learn how to setup in-game for a new Squadron recruit (myself).
* I am learning Stealth ( received tips from Stealthboy but very little action ) Exterminate Scavengers/Restore Missions.
* Own Eagle Mk II and an Adder in storage until credits permit an upgrade no SRV.
* My Friends list is 0, I am that new (1 week old)

PM Me or contact in Game,
Thanks o7
21 Jan 2023, 11:37am
Hello all
26 Jan 2023, 12:25am
Hello Cmdrs,
I am the totally not at all famous El Guido.
I have lost track of how long I have played this game.
I first started playing the original version which was DOS, not windows based and had wire frame ships and stations.
More than 20 years ago.
The default music for docking, even then was a Viennese waltz.
And automatic docking computers were available.
But you had rear views and rear mounted guns also.
The game has of course developed exponentially.
For me, the best thing about the game is the community and those who put just so much damn effort into 3rd party applications such as INARA, ED Engineer, EDDB.IO, ED discovery etc.
These applications and websites are so very helpful and of course, free.
27 Jan 2023, 11:44am
Welcome not-so-famous El Guido

Like you I started back in the '80s with those wireframe ships and after the demise of my Commodore Amiga switched to a DOS PC version.
I've been playing this Dangerous version since 2016 and it's that community and support that keeps me in the Elite universe - TO THE LAST SIDEWINDER!
29 Jan 2023, 1:08pm
Greetings Commanders,

Been on Inara for a while now, and flying around for a while longer, but never took the time for proper introductions.

I'm mostly a combat pilot - 99% AX hunting these days - but do enjoy some light exploration and on-foot shenanigans from time to time.

I have tons of fun with the logbooks (both writing and reading them) but my playing schedules can be a bit hectic: either spending days on end in the cockpit, or absent for weeks to months. Still, hope to catch some of you out there.

Fly safe,

Elus Dionis, CMDR Hesperios

Last edit: 29 Jan 2023, 4:33pm
01 Feb 2023, 3:40am
o7 CMRD Hesperios.
05 Feb 2023, 3:47pm
Hello all! Long time listener, first time caller as they say. I’ve been playing Elite for a couple years off and on. Just getting back into it and started my first squadron. The Urgnaughtians are a group of bounty hunters operating across a couple systems. We’re looking for recruits! PM me for more info fly safe cmdrs
08 Feb 2023, 11:59pm
o7 CMDR HelioKnight. Congrats on your new squadron, and good luck with recruiting. Have you tried posting something to the bulletin board yet?
09 Feb 2023, 5:23pm
Rotwhylro7 CMDR HelioKnight. Congrats on your new squadron, and good luck with recruiting. Have you tried posting something to the bulletin board yet?

Greetings Cmdr Rotwhylr! I noticed the bulletin board after I made my post. Still learning the ins and outs of Inara. That will be my next stop!
15 Feb 2023, 8:04pm
CMDR Amantasio. Live long and Prosper
26 Feb 2023, 9:13pm
Hi All, Thank you for accepting me
27 Feb 2023, 12:20am
o7 CMDR Alphaton.
03 Mar 2023, 7:37pm
o7 Guys, Nuclision here, 1st admiral of the Silentangel Stellar Assembly.
feel free to take a look on my bio (RP) for those who can read french ^^

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