
26 Jul 2022, 10:38am
o7 Cmdrs, I'd like to say hi to you folks.

I haven't introduced myself here at INARA yet.
My name is Cmdr NI6H70WL (Nightowl was already taken) and I have been travelling the galaxy since 2017.
I started on the PS4, switched to the XBox and later to the PC thanks to Odyssey. I only found out about the wealth transfer from the last switch, so the PC start was a bit easier.
I'm currently on an expedition to the cardinal points of our galaxy and have already been to the North West and Star One. Now I'm off to the south and then the east. I am a member of the SNPX Squadron and serve Her Royal Highness Princess Aisling Duval in my spare time.

I have written down my history so far in the logbooks and am expanding them. I have currently written down my experiences up to 24.09.3307.

26 Jul 2022, 10:09pm
Ni6h70wlo7 Cmdrs, I'd like to say hi to you folks.


Hello, welcome to Inara!
27 Jul 2022, 8:03am
Ni6h70wlo7 Cmdrs, I'd like to say hi to you folks.


Hello, welcome to Inara!

Thank you, I've been on inara for a while now, but haven't paid much attention to the discussion area until now.
31 Jul 2022, 8:01am
Welcome new and returning CMDRs!
08 Aug 2022, 11:24pm
Hello Everyone

Beta Forum Aye?

Sounds like fun.
13 Aug 2022, 2:42am
Hello Commanders,

I started playing Elite Dangerous when it was released. Did a lot of trading in rare items.
I've pretty much played solo the whole time and not realising how much I was missing out by playing in open and possibly teaming up with other Commanders etc.

I stopped playing after about a year. Not sure why. Probably distracted by life in general.
Then returned not long after the Thargoids appeared and ended up mining in Maia for a while. Had a couple of encounters with Thargoids but nothing major.
Stopped playing again after about 20 months only to return in August last year.
I started to take engineering seriously and eventually went on the search for Guardian sites and Artifacts returning to the Bubble via HIP 22460 to take artifacts to the Bright Sentinal. July 18th to be exact Thinking of getting more involved I headed off to engineer a ship so I could maybe help fight off the Thargoids.
Currently collecting more materials and triying to decide on what ship I should use as for AX combat.


Cmd Evorall
13 Aug 2022, 2:54am
Chris EvorallThinking of getting more involved I headed off to engineer a ship so I could maybe help fight off the Thargoids.
Currently collecting more materials and triying to decide on what ship I should use as for AX combat.

Chieftains and Challengers are considered 'most fit' for AX, with classic Gauss loadout. However, you may try ModShards, they're funny, I like them. Krait Mk2 is heavier and sometimes having troubles with manoeuvring, but has better firepower. That's for a start. Then, when you will be more familiar with AX tactics, you may choose whatever ship you want to try.

What you may see on my page is the ship that I like. Quite unorthodox, but may give you a hint about what kind of equipment and engineering effects to apply.

Edit: it's all about anti-Interceptor combat, can't say much about Scouts except 'they're wussy and boring'.

Last edit: 13 Aug 2022, 3:02am
14 Aug 2022, 3:48am
Chieftains and Challengers are considered 'most fit' for AX, with classic Gauss loadout. However, you may try ModShards, they're funny, I like them. Krait Mk2 is heavier and sometimes having troubles with manoeuvring, but has better firepower. That's for a start. Then, when you will be more familiar with AX tactics, you may choose whatever ship you want to try.

Hello again,

Thanks for the advice.
I was considering using a Chieftain or Challenger as a starting point.

What you may see on my page is the ship that I like. Quite unorthodox, but may give you a hint about what kind of equipment and engineering effects to apply.

You core internal engineering is what I was aiming for.

23 Aug 2022, 8:14pm
Well Hello there commanders o7

The name is Zala, i wanting to introduce myself and hoping to get to know some other commanders that are willing to fly once in a while or even look for new things that haven't been found sometime!
23 Aug 2022, 9:11pm
Hello Zala, be welcome here. You may have a look at the bulletin board for like minded people and so on..
24 Aug 2022, 12:46am
Alex HoffmannHello Zala, be welcome here. You may have a look at the bulletin board for like minded people and so on..

Thank you for the heads up on that Alex I'll be sure to do that.
24 Aug 2022, 8:26am
Zala GrasillWell Hello there commanders o7

The name is Zala, i wanting to introduce myself and hoping to get to know some other commanders that are willing to fly once in a while or even look for new things that haven't been found sometime!

Welcome in the family
25 Aug 2022, 1:37am
Zala GrasillWell Hello there commanders o7

The name is Zala, i wanting to introduce myself and hoping to get to know some other commanders that are willing to fly once in a while or even look for new things that haven't been found sometime!

Welcome in the family

Thank you Grecale80
30 Aug 2022, 10:28am
Good Day CMDRs,

Been here a while but not engaged much in the forum. Got some tales to tell though.

Fly safe CMDRs

30 Aug 2022, 7:17pm
Greetings, everyone!

I've been flying in E:D space since 2015, took some long brakes though due to work and other life things...
Mostly doing some trading and passenger runs around Li Yong-Rui space, tried everything a bit I guess.

Did some exploration on my own, usually going to some random far point in space...
Joined Distant Worlds 3 expedition, went far to the center of the galaxy, but couldn't keep up the pace at that time.

Right now I'm enjoying relaxed exploration in Odyssey, probably will go on another long journey into the black soon.

I'm glad to see INARA has developed into such great community.
It's a pleasure to see new photos and log records of other Commander's journeys every day!

See you in space! o7

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