
03 Jun 2016, 11:43pm
Hi there

Fairly new to elite dangerous but am picking it up quickly! Looking forward to joining a close not community to play with and I hope you guys have as much fun we with me as I will with you! Now! Would anyone be willing to add me to the group? Thanks

Gt: aungoyrules1
04 Jun 2016, 3:52pm
Greetings from the Fringe,

My name is Dylan, but I go by more than a fair share of pseudonyms: CMDR Do, just Do, TheREALMonarch(Xbox Live), "that guy who is always chatting up the system comms", Ticho Brohe, the artist formerly known as Did, or if you are feelin' groovy you might just call me Dylan. Anyname, it is a pleasure to make all of you indirect acquaintances. I'm sure you are all nice enough gents.

I'm here for the same reasons I would wager most of you folks are. I play Elite: Dangerous, Xbox One version specifically, and I come here for answers and info. I am stepping up my gambit; however, and venturing into the field of friend making. I am looking for others to cooperate and otherwise chill with whilst playing on Xbox Live. Not that I shun PC players, fate simply won't let us be together.

Either way, I hope to talk with some(and/or most) of you guys more directly in the future. Maybe help each other out with the odd mission, bounty hunt, trade run, mining outing, or some other outrageously ambitious dream. *coughcough*

Please, if any of you get the time, hit me up. And good luck out there. -Sincerely, Do

Last edit: 04 Jun 2016, 4:38pm
05 Jun 2016, 10:26am
Salutations fellow Commanders! o7

CMDR Cexi Grossman reporting in, XBL Gamertag is the same.

I play on the Xbox One primarily while I cross my fingers for a PS4 port, and while I verse myself in the vastness of "The Black" I prefer to bounty hunt and do smuggling missions.

Want to try out all that this game has to offer, so shoot me an invite if you are interested in partying up
06 Jun 2016, 4:35am
This is the voice of Mysteron...

I am founder of The Dark Armada and defender of the unbreakable Empire...

May we rise in darkness...
06 Jun 2016, 5:12am
Don't bump your head while rising in darkness
06 Jun 2016, 5:54am
CoragonDon't bump your head while rising in darkness

Happened to me once, hurt like hell.
07 Jun 2016, 1:17pm
Hi all, I'm  from Nova Scotia and am looking for other Canadian Player to team up with. I am a mature player and usually play everyday. My Name in the game is dexatron and i have a mumble server all setup and ready to go if anyone is interested in chatting while flying. The server is: port 6616  you can find the mumble software here mumble software] The server is up all the time. I usually start at 7:00pm and go till 11:00pm. just about everyday. I like bounty hunting at high res sites..i'm currently located at stkm 1-616 system. I would love to play with another ca-nuck..Look me up if your interested. Thanks

08 Jun 2016, 6:57pm
Greetings Commanders. O7.
GT: Colby Stark on Xbox. Been playing for a month now. Really love the game just need a good group of people to play with...and maybe help me sometimes with advice. I'm a Novice for now. New enough to the game still to be up for about anything, although mining still is boring as hell. I look forward to talking more to everyone in the future
Stark out.
08 Jun 2016, 7:11pm
Hi commanders,

CMDR Shizuka here, I just started a new wing, and a group, first time on Inara and must say, this web its great.
If anyone wants to play with us, Browncoats, just let me know and I will be in contact with you.


09 Jun 2016, 5:34am
whatup all, I'm CMDR king-plex .I have been on this game for about a year. I'm looking forward to meeting new CMDR's and making new friends. See y'all in space!

10 Jun 2016, 2:06pm
Hey all. Just coming back to Elite after a good 6 months out and had an interesting experience. Logged in, Super cruise in Wolf 1301, interdicted, destroyed by 2 players in 30 seconds as I was still figuring out the controls again.
Is wolf 1301 not safe any more? Hoping to wing up and get some revenge.

Safe flying

14 Jun 2016, 2:15pm
Hello Cmdr's, just starting out in the game. Look forward to seeing you all out there
14 Jun 2016, 2:16pm
zzD0y1ezzHello Cmdr's, just starting out in the game. Look forward to seeing you all out there

Good luck CMDR!
14 Jun 2016, 2:52pm
zzD0y1ezzHello Cmdr's, just starting out in the game. Look forward to seeing you all out there

No You don't. Wohahahahaa.

Just kidding, Welkom and if you need help just shout out mate.
Fly save Cmdr.
14 Jun 2016, 4:11pm
Hi everyone, new to this clan, have around 400 hrs in-game. Looking for new friends, people to learn from, and maybe pass on my knowledge to.

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