
27 Mar 2016, 4:10pm
Hello everyone. inexperienced Trader here still very new to the game. Bought the game with the intent of playing with friends who couldn't seem to handle getting their ships to fly. Looking for a person or group of people who wouldn't mind someone tagging along with them and learning higher aspects of the game.

some things i don't understand include missions that involve anyone meeting you out in space somewhere, FSD Wakes, and finding stations with missions i can actually do.

hope to see you out there!
29 Mar 2016, 3:09pm
Hi Heithkentz, I'd be happy to help. Currently I'm busy with the Maia CG, though, which is far away from everything else and takes a lot of time. If you can wait another day, we could meet and fly together for a bit. Where are you now? What is your time zone? When do you usually play?
31 Mar 2016, 12:20am

I found this site through reddit and it seems really useful, so I decided to join in.

I've always been more an EVE player but now I've gotten the Elite Dangerous itch. I even bought Horizons and find it really fun.

I do mainly bounty hunting in RES', and just goof around in space in general. I'm thinking of going for long exploration trip next, probably.

I play 95% of the time in Open, because I like to see other players.

If you meet me in space, feel free to say hi! I won't open fire unless you do it first, haha!
31 Mar 2016, 3:10am
Hello everyone!

I saw a link to your website on the steam discussion forums and thought I would stop by and introduce myself.

I am a 35 yr old male who loves to game it up in my spare time. My play times vary depending on what day it is and I live on the West Coast in the USA. Sometimes I am on for hours if it is a day off, and others I am only on a couple before bed time.

I have been playing ED for a couple months now and have done quite a bit of solo bounty hunting and trading so far. I would like to break out of this solo grind I have fallen into and actually meet other players in the open world.

I usually fly a Vulture when I am hunting bounties, or a Type 9 when I am running Slaves. My aim is to get into a Python and then an Anaconda. Then begins the rep grind so I can start flying the high tier faction ships.

I was aligned with ZH until recently when I left him so I would not get interdicted quite as much while trading slaves in empire space.

Let me know if anyone wants to group up and cause some trouble or do some farming!

CMDR Lysolx
05 Apr 2016, 4:48pm
Hi guys,

Thank you for letting me in.

I have been in the community of Elite since Beta 2014 and have gone through the ranks. First played Elite always back in 1984 and even at the age of 52 I still love the challenge.

I look forward to meeting up with you all very soon.
06 Apr 2016, 6:14pm
Welcome guys!
06 Apr 2016, 9:52pm
Break- Break. Imperial Privateers Command actual. We have just signed onto this comms channel.
We are very pleased to be here. Over.
Please see " " if transmission is garbled as we are reading you 5 by 5.
Imperial Privateers Command actual out.
08 Apr 2016, 7:21am
Hello hello!

I've had my pilot's license for a while now but only been using it recently a few months ago. Came across the community not too long ago, either, and thought it'd be nice to post here.

Was a bounty hunter before turning to offer my services to the Empire as a sort of freelance agent. Don't mind getting a little blood on my hands, and I would eventually like to take up contracts with other commanders out there. Of course, I'm still a bit green and still use my moral compass on occasion.

Nice to me you all!
08 Apr 2016, 1:06pm
Hi all Cmdr Stryder here, I belong to the Vortex Continuum Running out of LTT 7126, I have just reached the rank of Admiral in the Federation.
11 Apr 2016, 8:17am
Hello everyone!
I just started to play ED!

I'm looking for friends and RPG games.

Add me as friend --> CMDR Calligula

where I find players?
11 Apr 2016, 12:36pm
Hello everyone!

I found this site on reddit a while ago and decided to get recruited.

I am 39 year old male from Finland.

I have been playing ED:Horizon on PC for a few months and have tried pretty much everything except mining and I have been taking part in PowerPlay for the last month or so. So far I have mainly played in Solo and am looking to venture out in Open and meet some new friends.

11 Apr 2016, 9:15pm
TVSHello everyone!

I found this site on reddit a while ago and decided to get recruited.

I am 39 year old male from Finland.

I have been playing ED:Horizon on PC for a few months and have tried pretty much everything except mining and I have been taking part in PowerPlay for the last month or so. So far I have mainly played in Solo and am looking to venture out in Open and meet some new friends.


I hope you enjoy it. I play solely in Open and find the fastest way to make friends is to participate in the CGs. As they say, don't fly anything you can't rebuy and remember to check your Comms. Communication will often save your "life". Lots of good people out there (certainly way more than the bad).
11 Apr 2016, 11:04pm
CalligulaHello everyone!
I just started to play ED!

I'm looking for friends and RPG games.

Add me as friend --> CMDR Calligula

where I find players?

sign up to a wing "" they are nice people.
11 Apr 2016, 11:19pm
Greetings commanders, we are an anti pirate/greifer wing of corvettes based in LHS 215, we travel afar to deal with known issues with unsavoury wings, although we are mainly seasoned commanders with hardcore firepower we are infact recruiting new wing-men/women with smaller but faster ships, you will need to be battle hardened and have hardware with teeth, help-support-protection and general commanderrarderie is assured in our wing.

CMDR Widowmaker XR
13 Apr 2016, 10:02pm
Been flying for a while now but only recently joined this fine group of pilots so I thought I'd say hey there. Hey there. If you're out and about and catch a glimpse say g'day. See you in the black.

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