Elite roleplay: The galactic bar

INGABA (Inara Galactic Bar)

Welcome to the swankiest bar and most popular bar on station. Located in the Pilot's market and due to its close proximity to the docks is heavily frequented by pilots and all manner of crew, tourists, and layover passengers. Dark, smokey and trimmed in neon lights and bits of tinsel, InGaBa plays only the best music straight from Radio Sidewinder and local DJ star, Janten Groove.

There are various tabled and seated cubby holes that patrons can hold private conversations as well the main bar top where all assortments of drinks and bar food can be ordered up. On the back of the bar on various shelves, from all over the galaxy, the fines and rarest ales preside. next to the impressive collection are several screens that can usually be seen playing adverts or the CQC championships.

It is the most prominent choice for meeting up with other pilots to discuss business discreetly, whatever they may be...

Notice booking the InGaBa for private functions require a deposit of 250,000 CR to cover potential damages.

InGaBa drinks menu:
  • Cubeo Gold - Mid Whiskey
  • Achenar Blue - Upscale Whiskey
  • Kamadhenu Red - Red wine
  • Old Sol - Scotch
  • Barnard's Choice - Gin
  • Crown Jewel - Cocktail
  • Pegasi moon - Pirate Surprise!
  • Supernova - Cocktail
  • Barron's Head - Beer
  • Lavian Brandy
  • Alioth Sparkling - Sparkling Wine
  • Jaques' Quinentian Still - Gifted by a mysterious benefactor, two of these rare devices now distill single shots of whiskey from whatever is on hand for the patrons of Ingaba.

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
11 Jun 2023, 5:16pm
Checking out the chick playing with his toys was kind of nice, so he wasn't really listening to Creamy.

"Yeah, cool... Wait what?" asked Vodan catching up.

"I don't fuckin think so. I got my own escape plan, I'm not going into the hell's teeth with you. Fuck no!"
11 Jun 2023, 5:39pm
"Uhhh... Without any training you're as good as dead if you find yourself in a fight. But, in order to stay alive, keep your eyes on the temperature, it should be 20% or lower. It will make them miss every shot, unless you're dead ahead their faces. Also, watch the distance. 1200 metres or closer, and they will zap you, lowering the output of your drives drastically. Yeah, this range is shorter for lesser variants, but I'm giving you the maximum, for safety. Then... Their little shitty swarms. You don't want to pass through one, they will become aggressive and slam the shit out of your ship in seconds. But, if you stay away, their projectiles can't do any damage to the ship at all. EMP charges... Boost the hell away to open space and turn the flight assist off, so that they can't catch you during the offline time, your ship will keep moving..."

I scratched my head and frowned. In AXDF, new pilots spend weeks with simulators and training targets, being observed and guided by more experienced fighters. Making a person, especially someone who was new to ship combat at all, understand what to do, was somewhere between 'impossible' and 'are you friggin' crazy?'. And I haven't had a slightest idea about any psychological effect of fighting the Thargoids for the first time, being effectively desensitised myself, and joining the AX forces after a long story of being a kind of a mercenary pilot, but I saw people scared and nervous, I saw people panicking and forgetting what to do at all. And Creamy already had many heavy things going on.

"You know what... Properly using the stuff I said, you can stay alive. And even help me or other people by annoying them. And, the tactics in general... Shoot the hull, shoot the glowing heart, fall back and let the shields go dry, or drain the shields by firing, repeat."

Then, a realisation dawned on me.

"People. I can't enter the Maelstrom since I have Guardian weapons. But, on the other hand, if they have a 'threat gauge' of their own, and a hivemind, then my Marshmallow is friggin' off the scale after what I've done to them. So they can throw tonnes of shit at me and I can deal with it being outside, buying you more time. But that's not the main concern."

"Thing is, those pirates aren't ready to face the Thargoids. But they're numerous. So, that means, they can figure out the strategy and surround the Maelstrom, staying away from engagements, waiting for you to emerge from it."

Last edit: 11 Jun 2023, 5:51pm
11 Jun 2023, 5:58pm
She'd said 'your dead' more than she'd mentioned staying alive. Creamy had been in Thargoid fights before. He's got away from them flying an Evac-Condor plenty of times, but then he always had an escort wing.

More recently he'd flown fleet support in the Knight of Goodness 2. He had stayed in the cool zone, only nipping in to lay a decon, and repair limpet on the real Knights fighting against the Thargoids. None of that time was spent in a maelstrom, and staying in a combat zone was not Creamys' area of expertise.

"Looks as if we got our selves the start of a plan. Now, all I need to know is, how to get their attention, and where to go once it's time to pick my self out of Hells' Teeth.. .. Wasn't it some poet that said that?"
11 Jun 2023, 6:15pm
Vodan"I'm not playing a game of who the fuck are you Owl-Eyes, just be careful with my gear"

"Not a brainless bimbo after all ay Owl-Eyes? Hey, can I get a beer while ya there"

"I was only asking for your damned name hothead. And no I'm not some dumb bitch that walks around all hoity toity. I've been in more conflicts than I care to count. I've had to escape with unreasonable odds before. I'm just trying to find a way to not involve this already crippled station in his...' points an accusing finger at Creamy 'shit. If my wife were still alive she'd call the whole damned imperial navy down on this pirate lord guy while inside the maelstrom. He'd shit his pants faster than a wee babi and would have no escape path.'

I walk around the bar and grab out a bottle of beer for Vodan and slide it down to him. Knowing Creamy was about to be in for a fucking hell of a ride, regardless of his decision, I mix him up a special drink and slide it to him.

'Fuck what your dietary needs are right now. You are going to need that. Ina hasn't told you the half of what you are going to face. So drink it.'

I turn my attention back to Vodan and smile.

'You won't be going with him... you'll be going with me and Melli.'

Melli hearing her name turns and looks at Vodan a slight snarl forming on her face as if to say try anything and I'll rip your throat out. Just then my data pad goes off again. Another message from Kira.

You really think that guy'd be crazy enough to provoke the Thargoids by sending his fleet right into the Titan? He'll be sending ships that are not adapted to dealing with them whatsoever, and even if the were, you go anywhere within that system with the Maelstrom, it fries Guardian tech within a minute anyway. But he sounds rather obsessed about it so it wouldn't surprise me either.

If I need to do a favor it'll have to be something that doesn't involve combat, because I've got most of my ships on a carrier in a nearby system, just far enough that Thargoids won't really bother with it. And that Cutter I've got here right now has no weapons, just a prismatic shield, some boosters and a few utility mounts for running evacs safely. Doubt the supposed pirate idiots around would let it pass if I had one brought in? Would need to know what'd be useful, though.

And I would prefer it didn't involve shooting back at the Thargoids

'I have our escape plan. I can have Kasumi meet us with her carrier and jump us 500ly out I'll pay her handsomely for the tritium shell need. Just need to know if thai is the path you want to go down. If so I suggest a simple message to this pirate lord. Something along the lines of run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man.'

I compose a quick reply back to Kira.

Have your carrier stand by near the thargoid zone we will be coming to you. Think you can get us out 500ly? I'll repay you for the tritium used. We will be coming in hot but I think I can pull some addition favors and get a combat team deployed to provide some cover fire while your ship jumps.

I press send and give my attention back to the group.

'If we do this we will have to hold out in a maelstrom for 11 minutes. A carrier requires 15 minutes to jump and locks down at 3.5 minutes. Which means we will be in the shit for 3 minutes with that carrier and pirates that follow. It'll be tight but it is possible.'

Last edit: 11 Jun 2023, 6:34pm
11 Jun 2023, 6:34pm
Vodan was about to say, 'yeah, think whatever you like toots', but then she got him a beer and told him it was her place tonight.

"Yeah, is that how it's going to go down?" Vodan took the chance to double-check her legs and ass. She was short but hot; he couldn't find any reason not to go with her. He had to get off the station real soon anyway, it may as well be with a babe.

"Ok, gotta be better than flying with the singing defective over there. I'm down. Can I have my stuff back now?"
11 Jun 2023, 6:47pm
Watching as Vodan gaze at Silvia's body, I couldn't help but comment on what I saw and heard.

"Too optimistic and self-confident. Nothing new, though."
11 Jun 2023, 6:55pm
The offhand insults were starting to very much annoy Creamy. His buttons were being pushed so much, he was about to forget with was a peaceful chap and see just what would happen if he kicked this mans' head as hard as he could. Thankfully Meowers comment to Vodan made him smile a littel.

Silvia put a drink in front of him, and tried to give him a command again. Taking a breath, Creamy repeated the mantra his mother always recited when he was caught doing something scandals.

"Times may change, but standards must be maintained"

"I suppose there is no chance of talking you girls out of this, so I won't try. Any way, this would all be for naught if I got picked up by a century in jump range after losing them in the Maelstrom. They may have the nearby systems watched, but there is no way they can watch every system with in five hundred light years. Just don't jump the carrier into Imperial space, or I'll be a prisoner for the rest of my life"

"As for the message, I've got an idea thanks to .. this mouthy chap in the chair"
11 Jun 2023, 7:01pm
I roll my eyes at Vodan's looks and respond in kind.

'Eh not really my type. Beside you try anything at all I'm serious that little fox there will be your end.' Points to Melli. 'The ship isn't mine when she is on board, she just lets me stay there. Also what is it with men and thinking they just fuck whatever hot chick that they look at.'

As I say the last part I turn to look at Meowers a look of am I right on my face.

'Look Creamy it's not about talking us out of this. It's entirely your choice. You are the only one who gets to decide your course of action. I don't much like the idea of going into the fucking hornets nest. But if we are to get you the hell out of here without risking your life this is our only shot. I don't know of many other alternatives.'

As I finish my statement my pad goes off again. I open it up and read it's contents. Once I'm done I show everyone.

Last edit: 11 Jun 2023, 7:14pm
11 Jun 2023, 7:20pm
I shrug, looking at Silvia, and nod in agreement.

"Ew. I can philosophise for hours. But, in short, some of their words and actions make me think that entire male body is an utility appendage to what they keep in their pants. So that they're able to move, sustain themselves and socialise. And their actions are being dictated by the said organ."

"Thankfully, I'm quite far from what they usually call 'hot', and I don't have that... 'pleasure' of receiving such comments."
11 Jun 2023, 7:26pm
"Thankfully, I'm quite far from what they usually call 'hot', and I don't have that... 'pleasure' of receiving such comments."

'No no no. Quite the opposite. I know quite a few who would think a tall woman such as yourself is very attractive. Maybe you have just been around the wrong groups for too long.'

I quickly reapond to the comment from meowers and just shake my head.
11 Jun 2023, 7:26pm
I entered the bar and I saw peacefull place, not the western scene when I was leaving. I ve heard some of conversations and I joined in: "How good are ships and pilots of that crime lord? One T-10 propperly outfitted will help somehow? I have there one"
11 Jun 2023, 7:40pm
Silvia Sharpe'No no no. Quite the opposite. I know quite a few who would think a tall woman such as yourself is very attractive. Maybe you have just been around the wrong groups for too long.'
I shrug once more.

"Maybe. Maybe it's something in my behaviour. I've no idea. Yeah, I've had some of those comments in my younger, late teen years, when I was less... chonky than I am now, thanks to some powerlifting and pizza. Anyway, I'm glad to be who I am now. And... I don't interact with men much anyway. But, yeah, you're pretty within range of their... conventional interests."
11 Jun 2023, 7:41pm
Sipping his cool beer and going along with whatever now, because he was too deep in Vodan leaned back. No one would listen to him anyway.

"They all say that" He said with a suggestive smile on his face. He looked for a clock and saw the time "Oh tick tock ladies and gentlemen. Tick fuckin tock"

"Oh hey, tall guy. You joining the fun too?"
11 Jun 2023, 7:48pm
"Maybe. Maybe it's something in my behaviour. I've no idea. Yeah, I've had some of those comments in my younger, late teen years, when I was less... chonky than I am now, thanks to some powerlifting and pizza. Anyway, I'm glad to be who I am now. And... I don't interact with men much anyway. But, yeah, you're pretty within range of their... conventional interests."

'Heh ya...'

I laugh nervously and rub the back of my neck. I turn back to Vodan and shake my head.

'As for your gear I still don't much trust you. I think for now I shall hold onto it. At least until you can prove you are worth trusting.'
11 Jun 2023, 7:52pm
After reading the message, Creamy had some doubts.

"I was under the impression we wanted to lose the chaps in the maelstrom, meet the carrier in there, and jump out" That way, they don't know who I piggie backed a lift with, and therefore don't chase you down looking for me"

"Can a carrier not jump into a maelstrom?"

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ROLEPLAY ONLY! Respect the universe settings!
If you are new here, please try to at least partially involve in the ongoing stories and conversations instead of establishing a completely different "arc". You can always turn it to a different story later.