Inara translations

This thread is dedicated to translations of Inara. For the easier translation process, Inara's own translation tool is used and you can find the state of the translations here. If you want to contribute to the translations, please let me know.

Switch to working in progress (or finished) translations for testing:

Englishsourcedebug version with tooltips
Portuguese100% donedebug version with tooltips
Chinese100% donedebug version with tooltips
Italian100% donedebug version with tooltips
Russian100% donedebug version with tooltips
French100% donedebug version with tooltips
Spanish100% donedebug version with tooltipsNeeds fixes and updates!
German100% donedebug version with tooltips
Turkish100% donedebug version with tooltips
Korean100% donedebug version with tooltips
Ukrainian100% donedebug version with tooltips

Known issues:
Blueprints, blueprint parameters, synthesis, experimental effects, material categories and tooltips, ship modules, ship names and descriptions, Engineer unlocks, Power rewards, game statistics, star classes and commander roles are currently in English only. It will be improved as soon as possible.
11 Jan 2021, 2:28pm
Thanks, I will make an update later today.

And I got a question about market, "import" and "export".
In my opinion, some other players' opinion, we think "import" means you can buy commodities from a place, which "export" means sell.

What do you think? Are we got a wrong way?

Yeah, it's the opposite. The "import" means what stations are importing, so where you can sell stuff. The "exports" are what stations are exporting, so where you can buy stuff. As the general market terminology is always based on a relation to the market/station (like supply, demand, buy, sell, import, export) in the game, I am keeping it on Inara same way. I know it may be confusing to some players and they can perceive it from their perspective and not from a perspective of the station, but this way it's consistent (internally and also with the game).

If that's hard to understand due cultural differences (as it may not be a common perception in China), feel free to adjust that to something more clear. Fortunately, the Chinese language written form is very short, so longer/compound terms may fit in without being too wide in the menus, etc.

Last edit: 11 Jan 2021, 2:37pm
11 Jan 2021, 2:49pm

Yeah, it's the opposite. The "import" means what stations are importing, so where you can sell stuff. The "exports" are what stations are exporting, so where you can buy stuff. As the general market terminology is always based on a relation to the market/station (like supply, demand, buy, sell, import, export) in the game, I am keeping it on Inara same way. I know it may be confusing to some players and they can perceive it from their perspective and not from a perspective of the station, but this way it's consistent (internally and also with the game).

If that's hard to understand due cultural differences (as it may not be a common perception in China), feel free to adjust that to something more clear. Fortunately, the Chinese language written form is very short, so longer/compound terms may fit in without being too wide in the menus, etc.

Got it, I'll change the way to translate it, thanks for the explanation.

Maybe you can update it later.

20 Jan 2021, 1:47pm
Guys,  there was something around of 80 strings added for the translation with the recent Inara update. Almost all of them are simple terms, some of them may be just minor adjustments of the already existing strings/translations. Please pay a special attention to the length of the translation of commodities.menu_traderoutes key. It should fit into the horizontal menu you can find on the commodity page for all screen resolution, so if the translated string must be longer than the original to make sense, feel free to alter the text to "Routes" or "Trades" instead of "Trade routes".

20 Jan 2021, 3:46pm
Doing some Russian translation check-ups... Hope it will help to improve the site.

Also, all the new strings in Russian translation are done (some even by me xD)
20 Jan 2021, 4:05pm
Italian translation complete
20 Jan 2021, 6:20pm
German translation partly updated as I had time, will try to complete it asap but no promises - others are welcome to put in suggestions and then I'll review them
20 Jan 2021, 6:35pm
Thanks, guys. All the translations that were set as approved are now online. I will make another update when there will be more of them (or when any fixes made).
DanteUniversalItalian translation complete

Thanks! Just the commodities.menu_traderoutes translation needs to be a little bit shorter (about 2-3 characters), is there possible to alter/adjust it somehow?
21 Jan 2021, 12:56pm
Russian translation complete, Artie.
21 Jan 2021, 1:35pm
Thanks, should be online. The Spanish translations, too.
I will make another update of loca on the site with any other fixes and translations later today.
21 Jan 2021, 7:38pm
ArtieThanks, guys. All the translations that were set as approved are now online. I will make another update when there will be more of them (or when any fixes made).
DanteUniversalItalian translation complete

Thanks! Just the commodities.menu_traderoutes translation needs to be a little bit shorter (about 2-3 characters), is there possible to alter/adjust it somehow?

03 Feb 2021, 1:25pm
Hi Artie, Portuguese has been updated. Please publish it at your earliest convenience.

Thank you!
03 Feb 2021, 3:47pm
Just made/approved all the reamining german translations of the new strings, should be good to go!
03 Feb 2021, 8:41pm
Thank you, guys! Everything updated and online.
17 Feb 2021, 3:03pm
Some new stuff was added for the translation to OneSky. Mostly just minor changes and a few simple terms added. More stuff for "quick searches" keys may appear there later.
21 Feb 2021, 3:59pm CZ-because czech webpage,but no czech laguage here. Weird?

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