Inara translations

This thread is dedicated to translations of Inara. For the easier translation process, Inara's own translation tool is used and you can find the state of the translations here. If you want to contribute to the translations, please let me know.

Switch to working in progress (or finished) translations for testing:

Englishsourcedebug version with tooltips
Portuguese100% donedebug version with tooltips
Chinese100% donedebug version with tooltips
Italian100% donedebug version with tooltips
Russian100% donedebug version with tooltips
French100% donedebug version with tooltips
Spanish100% donedebug version with tooltipsNeeds fixes and updates!
German100% donedebug version with tooltips
Turkish100% donedebug version with tooltips
Korean100% donedebug version with tooltips
Ukrainian100% donedebug version with tooltips

Known issues:
Blueprints, blueprint parameters, synthesis, experimental effects, material categories and tooltips, ship modules, ship names and descriptions, Engineer unlocks, Power rewards, game statistics, star classes and commander roles are currently in English only. It will be improved as soon as possible.
10 Apr 2021, 2:54pm
Thanks for the update, it's up.
15 Apr 2021, 6:38pm
Hi! In the Spanish translation, today all the names of the engineering materials have been put in English, any idea what the error is? have you done something?
15 Apr 2021, 6:52pm
Hello, that was not intended, I will fix it ASAP. Thanks for the report.
16 Apr 2021, 2:14pm
ArtieHello, that was not intended, I will fix it ASAP. Thanks for the report.

It is already fixed bro, thank you very much for your work Artie
19 May 2021, 2:54pm
There was a new batch with some simple stuff for Odyssey update uploaded to OneSky. For the new rank names you may need to wait for the official translations, I am also trying to get a translated list of ranks from Frontier, but I cannot promise anything as it depends on them. Thank you in advance for the translations.
24 May 2021, 10:17am
With the new "settlements" tab for the system overview, I've got a question: Are those new Odyssey "settlements" using a new word? Because as far as I remember Horizons also uses "settlements" for the non-landable stuff.

Just speaking up about this because if they use the same word ("settlement"), I think having 2 tabs at the bottom of system overview is going to confuse people unless we can somehow tell users the difference.
And if they use different words in english, please let me know.
24 May 2021, 10:26am
Somewhat, I have moved the Odyssey stations under the "Settlements" tab and the old installation-like settlements under the "Installation" tab. The station type names are now "Settlement (Odyssey)" and "Settlement (Installation)", which hopefully make it more clear to users (the first type is quite important, the other is not, thus why it was moved there to separate them). The game appears to be using "Settlement (Odyssey)" and "Settlement" for such stations.
24 May 2021, 10:59am
I am all for the separation, it's a good thing and the game itself does the same thing afaik.

I can't think of a simpler naming separation than you have (dropping the "settlements" from "installations and settlements", and using that term only for the Odyssey settlement tab). It may not be 100% faithful to the game, which nags me a little, but anything else I can think of would result in stupidly long strings.

I'll adapt the german translation for that then, thx for the response! Also note that I'm holding out on Odyssey for now, so I can't translate a lot of the new strings for now. Hopefully others will be able to help here
26 May 2021, 7:50pm
Hi Artie, can you fix this?

they are connected to commandercrafting.title_need and commandercrafting.title_have
26 May 2021, 10:57pm
DanteUniversalHi Artie, can you fix this?
Show more >>
they are connected to commandercrafting.title_need and commandercrafting.title_have

Yes, I will do something with that, thanks for reporting.
10 Jun 2021, 6:11pm
30 Jun 2021, 4:55pm
There was a batch of new strings uploaded to OneSky - most of it are in-game stats names (and you can ignore them if you do not want to spend time on these), but there are also several changes for the new commander registration process strings and please adjust them accordingly. There will be some minor changes to the login process sometimes in the future (to allow multi-commander accounts), so it's a preparation to avoid any confusions later on. Thank you!
30 Jun 2021, 6:01pm
I'd really appreciate some help with updating outdated strings on the German translation. My time is currently fairly limited, not enough to go through multiple long-ish strings word by word. On top, I do not have Odyssey yet, so I can't translate strings related to it either (yet).

This is just me asking for help, not a complaint

I still totally have time to skim through and approve submitted strings
02 Jul 2021, 4:13pm
Italian translation complete.
02 Jul 2021, 4:39pm
Thank you, all the translated strings were updated on the site.

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