Elite: General talk

12 Sep 2022, 6:46pm
“The rogue Canonn-Gnosis Discord server is gone. Thank you all for being with us through all of this, helping when you can and trying to keep people safe even by just spreading the word.”
13 Sep 2022, 1:19am
Shg56General question cmdrs, do you like the New INARA or it is like switching to ODYSSEY - resistance is futile?

It reminds me of the BBS graphics of 1989 now. Take that as you will.
13 Sep 2022, 8:34am
Or like Beta Max vs VHS for cassette video.

On the positive side, after years of VHS nobody remembered Beta Max until they found an old Beta Max VCR gathering dust in their attic and had to explain to their children what it was
14 Sep 2022, 6:47pm
o7 cmdrs, did anybody try to use PTZ camera controllers like AXIS T8311, vivotek aj-100, mfd/hed of ruffy controls or rs of apem as alternative to WASD QE and Up/Down controls on the keyboard? I tried to use regular logitech and T16000 joysticks for it but they are too bulky, I would like to be able to control it with just few fingers not with the whole palm. Thanks
14 Sep 2022, 6:52pm
Shg56General question cmdrs, do you like the New INARA or it is like switching to ODYSSEY - resistance is futile?

It reminds me of the BBS graphics of 1989 now. Take that as you will.

Yeah, Artie is trying too hard to make this world a better place. One day the whole world will be tiled and he would be one of those who will be caulking those tiles... joke

Last edit: 14 Sep 2022, 7:01pm
15 Sep 2022, 10:00am
I guess we're about to find out if Sally MM is right.

I can't believe that EDO players won't be able to play EDH4.0 - surely, it is the base game now. EDO is just a DLC. If they only give us the option of Odyssey and EDH3.8, I can't see any way of playing with friends who have not bought Odyssey as they'll be playing EDH4.0.

Let's see what happens...

EDIT: Dammit. I've never been able to get images to show on this site. Sally's post

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:29pm
15 Sep 2022, 2:32pm
QuillmonkeyI guess we're about to find out if Sally MM is right.

I can't believe that EDO players won't be able to play EDH4.0 - surely, it is the base game now. EDO is just a DLC. If they only give us the option of Odyssey and EDH3.8, I can't see any way of playing with friends who have not bought Odyssey as they'll be playing EDH4.0.

Let's see what happens...

EDIT: Dammit. I've never been able to get images to show on this site. Sally's post

Instead of running the Odyssey client in "Horizons mode", it seems FDev created a separate build of client 4.0, with all Odyssey-related assets stripped to reduce download size, and made it an optional download for Horizons players.

It's probably still possible for EDO players to access EDH 4.0 by disabling the EDO DLC in Steam, but with two versions of client 4.0 installed side by side, the game's total footprint will likely exceed 100 GB.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:29pm
15 Sep 2022, 2:54pm
So there, Bruce said it: Horizons 4.0 is just a teaser for Odyssey. I guess that's good news for Horizons fans, because it means client 3.8 won't go away but will remain as is.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:29pm
15 Sep 2022, 4:23pm
Yuna SakashiroSo there, Bruce said it: Horizons 4.0 is just a teaser for Odyssey. I guess that's good news for Horizons fans, because it means client 3.8 won't go away but will remain as is.

It's a pretty (and unnecessarily) scummy move by FDev for Odyssey owners (like myself) not to allow launching Horizons 4.0. If you want to play with friends who refuse to upgrade to ODY for whatever reason (and there are plenty to be fair) AND experience any new story content going forward, given that 3.8 is a dead end on that note, you're basically out of luck.

Since Bruce has now repeatedly confirmed that this is indeed a marketing stunt (to shuffle people into buying ODY) I hope it blows up in FDev's face. This kinda shit shouldn't be rewarded with better sales (though I kinda expect it might even work).

The funny thing about it all is that most people will probably not consider 4.0 the "visual & technical upgrade with improved UI etc." that Frontier believe it is, particularly as they're not distracted by any new content in the shape of the on-foot stuff. And as has been suggested on the forum already, it might even result in some negative reviews on the Elite Dangerous store page, not just Odyssey, due to "different" visuals, performance, and a likely smaller number of players to instance with.

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

(edited for clarity)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:29pm
15 Sep 2022, 5:23pm
I agree. It's a confirmation that Elite Dangerous has now become the DLC.
On one hand it could mean a lot of new console transfers take up Odyssey
On the other hand it could mean many of the folk who dabbled with Odyssey for its tech can now uninstall the DLC and return to the game proper

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:29pm
15 Sep 2022, 5:49pm
One other thing that particularly grinded (ground?) my gears is the argument that Horizons 4.0 is for Horizons players only, and that Horizons isn't sold separately anymore (again as pointed out by Bruce).

I paid full price at release for ED.
I paid full price (begrudgingly - £40 isn't exactly a bargain for a relatively light in content DLC) for Horizons when that came out.
I was foolish enough to shell out the premium deluxe (lol) early-access version of Odyssey, at about 10 Euros less than what Cyberpunk 2077 cost me at its launch.
(the fact I spent several hundreds of Euros for overpriced and underdeveloped skins/kits is another matter).

But I'm not getting access to Horizons 4.0. Because, let's face it, there's no more money to be milked off this whale's nipples, is there.

How they're pissing players' (aka customers') goodwill away like that for the last 18 months is really beyond me - but looking at the botched F1 launch it does seem to be a company culture issue these days. I'm still playing the game of course because it's still very much unique, but Frontier aren't getting a single cent from me, for any game they'll ever release. Shame really, because they used to have me by the cojones for many years.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:29pm
15 Sep 2022, 6:06pm
Well, technically, who bought Horizons (aka base game now) still has 3.8 and who bought Odyssey still has 4.0 Odyssey with an option to go into 3.8 Horizons, same as before. Horizons in version 4.0 was never sold. It is a little bit unfortunate in how it's perceived, but it's clean. I guess if the Horizons 4.0 would be named "4.0 tech demo", it would make people less angry although it will be the same thing.

Last edit: 17 Sep 2022, 4:29pm
15 Sep 2022, 6:32pm
To be honest with you, I don't really care whether Horizons is still being sold or not. I purchased it in the past, and it's now part of the base game, which I also own. I could and still can 'downgrade' to ED and EDH, so why not 4.0?

It's also inconsistent with how Frontier have handled it with Horizons vs the base game previously (and in fact how pretty much every other game that I bought DLC for handles it). Though I have to say that having two separate clients running concurrently of the same game is pretty unique, but that's not our fault - remember 3.8 wasn't even supposed to be a thing anymore in May 2021.

But, as I mentioned, Frontier have at least had the brass neck to openly admit Horizons 4.0 has morphed into a marketing ploy to coerce 3.8 players into buying Odyssey - it's not like they'd lose money on providing Horizons 4.0 to Odyssey users, although I guess technically they might by people not buying Odyssey if they can just play with ODY owning friends in 4.0 instead.

I just find that really cynical, and it sure is what it is, but I would've thought that after all the goodwill they burned on the Odyssey bonfire last year they'd do their utmost to regain some of that. I thought wrong evidently.

EDIT: To clarify further what I mean, being cut out of instancing with Horizons players was not part of the original deal - I actually thought that Horizons 4.0 was supposed to be a half-way solution to enable players that do not have Odyssey to play with Odyssey owners but in Horizons (just like you would've done in Horizons vs base game in the past).

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:28pm
15 Sep 2022, 6:38pm
But they told it, it's openly said by Bruce(Frontier) that the Horizons 4.0 is there to show players what Odyssey may bring and that they hope it will convince them to buy it. Although some people may not like it, it's a fair approach (it's something for players but also something for Frontier). The pre-update options aren't taken back, there was just added an option to try 4.0 game version.

Last edit: 17 Sep 2022, 4:28pm
15 Sep 2022, 6:42pm
I wonder now if Horizons 4.0 is in fact a completely separate install - I always assumed that Horizons 4.0 would be Odyssey 'lite' with the relevant content ringfenced (which would have explained why Odyssey content doesn't really intersect much with Horizons gameplay).

Either way, we'll never find out unless someone bothers to somehow analyse the two 4.0 installs in detail...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:28pm

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