Elite: General talk

11 Dec 2020, 5:45pm
Vinh KruczekChieftain with Grades 2s and 3s on modules, like stated in the post above.

All ships have the potential to escape the attacker, all CMDR's have the potential to win a Player interdiction.

The Engineers are available to all, spending more materials on upgrading it further likely would have been of benefit, plenty of modules to assist in keeping your FSD running, MRP's for instance, double bracing etc. Encounters with overwhelming odds can be difficult if not impossible to get away from. However, You should have seen them in SC, perhaps the encounter was completely unavoidable, perhaps it wasn't, but then that's why you don't fly without rebuy.

You should be expecting these things to happen and make sure you take the necessary precautions to avoid it if possible, Evade if necessary or fight back if you feel confident in your abilities and the situation.

There aren't many who win all the time and that's all part of it. I mean how much effort and how long does it take to make a Chieftains rebuy back Maybe 10 to 15 minutes max.
11 Dec 2020, 5:58pm
It sounds like you were hit by Flechette Launchers, a couple of MRP's would have rendered them almost completely inert for you to get out.

What you should have taken from this is a desire to find out what happened and how to avoid it in future.
11 Dec 2020, 6:06pm
Rebecca Hail
Rebecca Hail

This is getting a little philosophical now, isn't it?

The waiting for the ganking its ganking itself

I gank, therefore I am.

11 Dec 2020, 6:49pm

I was not involved in the event. I have no bias, the context just didn't sit right with me.

Fair point, I will take a note.

However, my 1st message on the topic which you said I am repeating my opinion was a direct reply for a repeating sympathetic comments used as arguments supporting PvP ideals. And I am sure they were repeated more often.

However, my point still standing.
The story was hyped and it was a part of new content revelation, that's why it was popular back then.
It was not Frontier's choice to make the event Open only.
The event showed that the flawed p2p mechanics are not fit for the purpose.

It is a stand off until Frontier chose to make decisions.

Personally, I do not care as I play only as I like but then the others also have a valid point.
11 Dec 2020, 10:43pm
AbandonedNot all ships are able to escape the attacker. It's not just about flying paperships meant for exploration anymore. It's not even about mass-locking but ability to IGNORE shield and damage internal modules including FSD, thus making it unable to High Wake.

I was there when Marlinist event was a thing in Imperial space - and it was the last time I flew my Chieftain in open. I experienced myself the rivaling Chieftain that ignored the shield, fried my PowerPlant and it only went worse from there.  When shield was down, FSD has been disabled right away at the second, third shot. If not the presence of another player in Wing that took focus from me, I'd be kissing a rebuy screen, because there was no way for me to respond to that, let alone escape. I left maybe with 3% hull after two ship repairs and managed to land on the station with maybe 3 seconds of oxygen left.

We're speaking about slightly engineered (Grades 2-3) Chieftain with presumably combat build that munches Elite Federal Corvettes without a single dent on the hull - and should be more than capable to fight away the another Chieftain. It was disabled under the minute - unable to return fire or even escape. Do explain me how is that even balanced?

The problem is you probably dont know how to fly the thing.
11 Dec 2020, 11:04pm
The gap lies not in the disparity between builds but pilot skill and experience.

How do you get skill and experience? By doing the thing you want to gain skill and experience in.

Throwing hissy fits and insulting people for giving it to you straight isn't going to make you a better pilot. Stiffening your spine and gritting your teeth and going out into combat will.
12 Dec 2020, 12:16am
Unable to escape sounds like a power management issue to me. Better piloting won't fix that.
12 Dec 2020, 12:26am
Managing your power properly is better piloting.
12 Dec 2020, 12:42am
No, it's better engineering. Piloting means navigating the ship.
12 Dec 2020, 12:51am
There's a lot more to piloting than pointing your ship in the right direction.
12 Dec 2020, 1:04am
If you need to manage your power while navigating the ship, chances are you're doing it wrong.
12 Dec 2020, 2:19am
True. Ideally you'd have have sorted beforehand.

It sounds like our friend didn't, which is no one's fault but his own. It's a learning experience, one from which he will emerge a better pilot- if he allows himself to.

Last edit: 12 Dec 2020, 2:36am
12 Dec 2020, 5:09am
Judging by his reaction, I'm gonna say he chose to get bitter rather than better.
12 Dec 2020, 6:16am
SakashiroIf you need to manage your power while navigating the ship, chances are you're doing it wrong.

An un-engineered A rated distributor should give you more than enough power to boost with.

Isaiah EvansonJudging by his reaction, I'm gonna say he chose to get bitter rather than better.

Most likely.
12 Dec 2020, 6:18am
Also, for some reason all his post appear removed for me.

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