Elite: General talk

15 Nov 2022, 8:14pm
ok I seen this video about how some Gourd Mollusc variants going missing, now it does say in the comment that some were found this did make me think about another though I had a while back when getting into the game lore i read about the space phenom that you can run into and noticed a lot of the biological looking ones did kind of look like organic ship building parts possibly
Link to that video for reference in the spoiler tag, i just wanted to bring up something that i had thought about a while back while things were getting going

So I thought what if other variant phenomena around the bubble were changing or vanishing at all ?

16 Nov 2022, 6:40am
Broken MessI looked at my wall of text from this morning and realised I put way too much thought & energy into this game at this point. I guess it's a mix of FOMO, sunk cost fallacy and just really not wanting the game to end - given that I've been playing this religiously since 2015 perhaps no real surprise, it's become too big a part of my life to just stop playing, but it's getting stale and as a result am putting too much hope into U14 which is likely to disappoint just like anything since Fleet Carriers really (3.3 was the last time I was impressed with a content update of theirs - when was that, 4 years ago?).

Sorry for these monologues, there's not really much to say other than it's no longer the headline IP of FDev and it gets treated accordingly - although when you look at how they handled F1... I guess it could still be worse. FDev is moving on, I should probably do the same.

Hollow squares (and triangles) keep the game interesting for me. Everything else about it is meh. If the gankers leave, so will I.
16 Nov 2022, 8:19am
Yuna Sakashiro
Broken MessI looked at my wall of text from this morning and realised I put way too much thought & energy into this game at this point. I guess it's a mix of FOMO, sunk cost fallacy and just really not wanting the game to end - given that I've been playing this religiously since 2015 perhaps no real surprise, it's become too big a part of my life to just stop playing, but it's getting stale and as a result am putting too much hope into U14 which is likely to disappoint just like anything since Fleet Carriers really (3.3 was the last time I was impressed with a content update of theirs - when was that, 4 years ago?).

Sorry for these monologues, there's not really much to say other than it's no longer the headline IP of FDev and it gets treated accordingly - although when you look at how they handled F1... I guess it could still be worse. FDev is moving on, I should probably do the same.

Hollow squares (and triangles) keep the game interesting for me. Everything else about it is meh. If the gankers leave, so will I.

I've been busy the past weeks and months to engineer both personal equipment (honestly am glad I'm mostly done now, what a slog - but my completionist OCD got triggered badly) and rejigging my fleet, even friendly players can be a nuisance when you simply want to get shit done (be that pad hogging, or messing with item spawning/missions breaking at settlements), but yeah generally the best time I had in Elite was in busy instances/locations - the 2 Borann's and a couple of the Interstellar Initiatives (remember those?) were probably the pinnacle of the game for me; Borann in particular allowed me to engage in PvP on both sides of the fence.

The game hasn't been able to deliver anything like that since unfortunately - and yes I very much appreciate what gankers bring to the table... if nothing else they made me a much better pilot/ship builder than I was when I stuck to Solo mode in the first few years of playing the game.

Though for me the biggest allure remains the sandbox - despite its often empty/samey/unfinished state. Other players can indeed mess with immersion due to their behaviour and how that is reflected by the game's often arcadey physics engine, though they do spice things up when things start to get dull due to the aforementioned.
16 Nov 2022, 6:04pm
Do all Elite payers constantly complain about a game they can't stop playing? If you writ a properly composed letter to the development team they actually answer. Sugesstions i have made over the years, i have seen implemented...On a different note.. ya'll ready for Thargantos's arrivals?? They sound big, they sound mean and they sound filled with bugs. Make sure your dominator suit, your aphelion rifle and your plasma shotty is maxed level and engineered. I going to be interesting.
16 Nov 2022, 8:34pm
Oh, look who the cat dragged in!
16 Nov 2022, 8:54pm
It will be another layer of unoptimised buggy grind on top of many others
16 Nov 2022, 9:36pm
Cephalos Cyclops DevineDo all Elite payers constantly complain about a game they can't stop playing? If you writ a properly composed letter to the development team they actually answer. Sugesstions i have made over the years, i have seen implemented...On a different note.. ya'll ready for Thargantos's arrivals?? They sound big, they sound mean and they sound filled with bugs. Make sure your dominator suit, your aphelion rifle and your plasma shotty is maxed level and engineered. I going to be interesting.

If I hazard an adventurous guess then if (big if) we get foot thargoids none of the regular weapons will work on them and the ones which do are locked behind a 12 month long narrative reveal and once in-game are locked behind yet another grind wall. Based on completely new materials.

More likely though is some minor reuse of existing assets, perhaps a new Goid megaship that can barely be interacted with like the regular ones, the rest is fleshed out by FMV since they figured out how to put those in the game now. And lots of text.

Buy Arx!
17 Nov 2022, 12:25am
The improved Adder build appears to be fast enough to low-wake on Cutters. Mass lock be gone! Nice!
17 Nov 2022, 2:56am
Broken Mess

If I hazard an adventurous guess then if (big if) we get foot thargoids none of the regular weapons will work on them and the ones which do are locked behind a 12 month long narrative reveal and once in-game are locked behind yet another grind wall. Based on completely new materials.

More likely though is some minor reuse of existing assets, perhaps a new Goid megaship that can barely be interacted with like the regular ones, the rest is fleshed out by FMV since they figured out how to put those in the game now. And lots of text.

Buy Arx!

Well that would mean basically nothing has changed, we know the deal, but once we do go through this massive grind that we are about to be handed down the content will still be cool to explore i think...for the 100 or so hours that it will last before it becomes boring and we are back here waiting for the next grind.
17 Nov 2022, 6:27am
Cephalos Cyclops DevineDo all Elite payers constantly complain about a game they can't stop playing? If you writ a properly composed letter to the development team they actually answer. Sugesstions i have made over the years, i have seen implemented...On a different note.. ya'll ready for Thargantos's arrivals?? They sound big, they sound mean and they sound filled with bugs. Make sure your dominator suit, your aphelion rifle and your plasma shotty is maxed level and engineered. I going to be interesting.

New content gets added so fast to this game, I can't keep up with it. Haven't even started the on-foot grind yet. Haven't killed any Thargoids either.

I hope there'll still be demand for space taxis after the Thargoids have devastated the bubble.
17 Nov 2022, 6:36am
Getting a new grind means new content at least... I'm still not convinced we will get much at all on that front besides a new thargoid megaship that is merely serving as a background/story prop.

But I have to say... If there is indeed a grind coming similar to the EDO one, not sure if I'm up for something like that any longer. Quite burnt out on G5ing 3 suits and all 11 weapons (started in January so took me a year almost... Sheesh), and I gotta say the payoff isn't really worth it as the underlying combat isn't really that satisfying. My OCD is though, so there's that...

I hope they do give some meaningful info during the stream today as they announced. Am truly sick of their "we are excite but can't tell you lol" schtick, it's no longer building hype but mere annoyance to indifference (for me at least, but judging from forum activity in general I don't seem the only one).
17 Nov 2022, 2:48pm
Cephalos Cyclops DevineDo all Elite payers constantly complain about a game they can't stop playing?

But it isn't just Elite players, its also big in War Thunder, Fallout 76, etc. I wonder if there's some sort of trend?
17 Nov 2022, 3:40pm
Cephalos Cyclops DevineDo all Elite payers constantly complain about a game they can't stop playing?

But it isn't just Elite players, its also big in War Thunder, Fallout 76, etc. I wonder if there's some sort of trend?

It's probably got to do with the above being live service games. These are evolving all the time and there's an expectation by the playerbase that things change every now and then, preferably for the better. The more issues with one or the other (or both) the more noise you hear I guess.

Never really had this sentiment with pure single player games, but yeah with Elite it's a different case. Plus there's always FOMO due to the above, there's a chance that you may miss out on in-game events/activities/rewards if you don't play regularly.
17 Nov 2022, 3:41pm
Broken Messyou may miss out on in-game events/activities if you don't play regularly.
more likely, on rewards for them that you can't get from anywhere else, lol.
17 Nov 2022, 3:44pm
Broken Messyou may miss out on in-game events/activities if you don't play regularly.

more likely, on rewards for them that you can't get from anywhere else, lol.

I edited my post just after I posted it, but yeah CG rewards spring to mind... or prior gold rushes where the credits tap fell off temporarily.

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