Elite: General talk

23 Oct 2022, 1:10am
Hi. Havnt played in a while, Inara site changed alot, where can i find inara radio link now?
23 Oct 2022, 8:04am
WaioraHi. Havnt played in a while, Inara site changed alot, where can i find inara radio link now?

On the News/miscellaneous Tab


Last edit: 23 Oct 2022, 11:29am
25 Oct 2022, 12:37am
Eternal_Kommunar"-Hello, hello? Can you hear us? This is our last communication system from Anderson Arsenal in Mahimata. Today, Youbee Dominion mercenary units have taken over White City Station and are fighting to take Anderson Arsenal. We send a comradely greeting to the Unionist fighters fighting on the Hao Manufactory Forge, and everyone who fights anywhere. The revolution is still alive and will not lose! The cause of the revolution will live on and the Flame and the Zeal will not be extinguished! We will proudly and boldly raise the Red Banner of struggle!..."

Well, uhhh, hello everyone (again), my first post was quite awkward, but I didn't know what to write, and thought a semi-advertising role play post related to my squadron would be a good idea. I hope that I will fit into your community, but I have already played 1.5k hours, and I never bothered to go public "to see people and show myself" 

PS: ESL, but through a translator from my native language it will turn out worse, I hope no one has blood from their eyes)

PSS: Should I post in "Introductions" first or will it be fine anyway?
25 Oct 2022, 6:33am
Eternal_KommunarPSS: Should I post in "Introductions" first or will it be fine anyway?

You are fine. Welcome to Inara! There are quite a few regular people here and they are always welcoming of others!
25 Oct 2022, 5:51pm
A post in "Introductions" is usually the best way to introduce yourself, but now everyone knows you are here. Welcome. Don't be disappointed if you get very few replies its a very big empty space out there
25 Oct 2022, 7:27pm
yes enough people are around here.. when you have questions just ask, there will be always help.. personal im sleeping most of the day scince a week, damm flu.
i think most people spending just a bit more time to real life atm.. no worry for less replies, be welcome
26 Oct 2022, 12:02pm
Thank you all very much for the warm welcome!)

Last edit: 26 Oct 2022, 6:30pm
09 Nov 2022, 12:17am
Today I was interdicted by the legendary CMDR Webgear! Been spending most of the session trading silver with MacLean City in the current CG system. Only 3.2M Cr profit per run, but a lot of incoming fire. Was hit by drag munitions and even followed to a nearby system after high-waking. Good stuff! Haven't had that much fun in the game for quite a while.
09 Nov 2022, 10:46am
He do not mess with lawful players usually unless from enemy power

What dirty things you've done to be chased?
09 Nov 2022, 11:19am
Yuna SakashiroToday I was interdicted by the legendary CMDR Webgear! Been spending most of the session trading silver with MacLean City in the current CG system. Only 3.2M Cr profit per run, but a lot of incoming fire. Was hit by drag munitions and even followed to a nearby system after high-waking. Good stuff! Haven't had that much fun in the game for quite a while.

In a CG system? It's a warzone, all players that fight vs Azimut are chasing freighters.

Last edit: 09 Nov 2022, 11:27am
09 Nov 2022, 5:39pm
EpisparhWhat dirty things you've done to be chased?

I pledged to the blue-haired princess. Does that count?

MitxelIn a CG system? It's a warzone, all players that fight vs Azimut are chasing freighters.

Probably this. Although my trade is unrelated to the CG, but of course there's no way to tell from the outside.

Anyway, I don't mind the trouble.

I'm thinking about engineering an Adder for passenger missions, sort of like an Apex Interstellar shuttle.
09 Nov 2022, 5:55pm
Yuna SakashiroI'm thinking about engineering an Adder for passenger missions, sort of like an Apex Interstellar shuttle.
You could pick up folks who wait for their shuttles, pretending you're an Apex, and move them to some ugly distant places.
09 Nov 2022, 7:16pm
Yuna SakashiroI'm thinking about engineering an Adder for passenger missions, sort of like an Apex Interstellar shuttle.

You could pick up folks who wait for their shuttles, pretending you're an Apex, and move them to some ugly distant places.

If you have a beer with you- I'll fly anywhere, Idc
09 Nov 2022, 7:50pm
Yuna Sakashiro

I pledged to the blue-haired princess. Does that count?

As I said he usually engage powerplay enemies. So, he is probably pledged to some power that is enemy of the smurf princess.
09 Nov 2022, 11:42pm
This Adder build should be fairly gank-resilient. Enough room for two passengers but none for beer supplies, unfortunately. It's not a Saud-Kruger after all.

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