Elite: General talk

16 Oct 2022, 11:42am
Yuna SakashiroAm I imagining things, or is this place somewhat quiet lately?

I can post more if you like. I've also noticed things have been less lively here for several weeks now, at least when it comes to posting text. Posting images is still in full swing from what I can tell. If I catch myself posting regularly over the course of a few days without anyone commenting back, I usually cease and desist for a while afterward since I tend to feel like I'm taking over when that happens.
16 Oct 2022, 12:39pm
It's just a feeling. Some former regulars seem to have disappeared, there's less roleplaying going on, also fewer newbies asking questions about the game... I was just wondering if others have noticed it, too.
16 Oct 2022, 1:18pm
Yep. Quiet.

I've got square eyes from photo editing and not much spare time to play. Still love the game. Trying to write some role play starting out near the starless coalsack.
16 Oct 2022, 1:44pm
Yuna SakashiroI was just wondering if others have noticed it, too.
A long time ago.
16 Oct 2022, 1:52pm

15 mil in my new role as a bounty hunter looking for a 'master' pirate. Is it terribly wrong to enjoy the KABOOM
16 Oct 2022, 4:08pm
It's not so unusual, the traffic is still the same, people probably just don't have something to talk about.
17 Oct 2022, 7:33am
Hey I will have you know very much that i am 100% not role playing, I am a very serious and dedicated part time Azimuth Biotech employee who also just so happens to have nothing better to do right now but talk with other cmdrs here

So yea, how bout those um... Space things and stuff.
Also just been messing about with some BGS stuff, busy in 82 Eridani, backing random factions like Rhatigan Industries and also thinking maybe ill try to throw a monkey wrench in Boops war while im standing here doing nothing ...
Yes I am that bitch in your BGS mucking it up because I want to be the bad guy here, Someone has to do it! You think I started this game and went oh I know Ill just go work for Space Umbrella Corp because they have great benefits ( ok I admit the paint jobs were FREAKING SWEET GUYS) NO i did it because I decided if i could be famous then I was gonna be infamous, im gonna be the most hated non ganker in the galaxy ,

But seriously sorry about the whole Stargoids situation and the HIP 22460 stuff, had no idea things would go that south that fast...
God damn I really should be like arrested or something...
17 Oct 2022, 8:09am
I'm afraid if you want to be recognized as a villain, you have to gank. There's no way around it.
17 Oct 2022, 8:25am
Yuna SakashiroI'm afraid if you want to be recognized as a villain, you have to gank. There's no way around it.

but... but
I helped burn the bubble
Despise me ... Please

I never said this was a very well thought out plan , or even a real goal, im more team rocket then Thanos
17 Oct 2022, 8:28am
I find that gankers have lost their impact ever since credit earning inflation went through the roof.

I fondly remember when RoA took out my (poorly and mildly engineered) Corvette at the time this must've been around 2017 when I started to dip my feet into Open the first time, the rush from being shot at by an organised wing carrying all the nasty engineering mods... A 40m rebuy really hurt back then. Now it's a couple of A>B trading runs aka chump change. I suppose the ego can still take a beating if you're not used to it, so there's that at least still.
19 Oct 2022, 6:54am
before your ego take some damage you can also selfdestruct if there is no way to escape.. so there will be no satisfaction for the ganker for killing you.. the rebuy i see like you, peanuts..
on the last cg i got ganked in my corvette and cutter, damm fdl is to manoeuvrable. but than i took the mamba searched the ganker and attacked him ok, he got me again but it was funny.. and than he vanished -next time i got better ships prepared for anti ganking..
19 Oct 2022, 8:32am
Honestly, after eating a good number of rebuys the ego is no longer an issue, you get used to it. Plus, once you work out how to evade gankers (including wings of them, slightly more difficult but possible nonetheless) chances that a ganker will explode you are becoming quite slim unless you fly a slow and vulnerable ship. I can (and did) escape multiple gank attempts in a row in a shieldless Viper 4, but will accept that this will become very difficult if not impossible in my exploration AspX, and that's ok. Key here is to not get interdicted in the first place.

Once you nail all these tactics, it becomes a bit boring and pointless to be honest (if you're not into PvP - I was always 50/50 about it, nice distraction now and then playing cat & mouse but I normally focus on PvE)... but actively fighting back gankers is a thankless task, unless you're in a wing and the gankers play along. It's as easy for them to walk away as it is for you, probably even easier as they tend to fly fast and sturdy ships. Simple wake will do the trick.

What makes matters worse is that the game doesn't really reward PvP in-game, quite the opposite actually, as any bounties are capped at 2m credits (I understand why that is, but it still sucks). So I tend to ignore it, and escaping from gankers is not a problem, plus outside CGs they are quite hard to find really these days. 98% of my game experience (I play in Open by default) is no different to Solo mode, it used to be different until around Borann, but since... meh. It also seems that a lot of the newer gankers aren't really that great at it either:P I do miss some of the 'old guard', they instilled a bit of danger into the game.
21 Oct 2022, 11:40am
"-Hello, hello? Can you hear us? This is our last communication system from Anderson Arsenal in Mahimata. Today, Youbee Dominion mercenary units have taken over White City Station and are fighting to take Anderson Arsenal. We send a comradely greeting to the Unionist fighters fighting on the Hao Manufactory Forge, and everyone who fights anywhere. The revolution is still alive and will not lose! The cause of the revolution will live on and the Flame and the Zeal will not be extinguished! We will proudly and boldly raise the Red Banner of struggle!..."

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 21 Oct 2022, 2:01pm
21 Oct 2022, 3:01pm
22 Oct 2022, 3:23pm
Last night I used my Cutter to ship titanium to the CG system in open. And I have to say, the only thing that kept this activity from being utterly boring was the gankers. One guy in a Dolphin or Orca actually started roleplaying a pirate in local chat after interdicting me. Unfortunately my FSD was already done charging when I saw his message, so I had no time to reply. Otherwise I might even have dropped him some of my cargo. Most people just start shooting without saying a word, so this was quite a surprise. I sent him a friend request after reaching the station. Maybe he'll interdict me again some day.

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