Elite: General talk
29 Nov 2022, 5:49pm
50/50 on whether I should just watch those videos and get the "surprise!" bit out of the way, given that at this rate I won't be playing much at all today anyways.
29 Nov 2022, 5:52pm
Start learning AX combat NOW!
29 Nov 2022, 6:02pm
Broken MessDidn't seem to stop releasing spoilers by Youtubers and even magazines from what I read. Seems it's a classic FDev rollout /rollseyes
50/50 on whether I should just watch those videos and get the "surprise!" bit out of the way, given that at this rate I won't be playing much at all today anyways.
Well, moaning here about this and that certainly won't help anything. It's best to provide a constructive feedback to Frontier directly.
29 Nov 2022, 6:12pm
ArtieBroken MessDidn't seem to stop releasing spoilers by Youtubers and even magazines from what I read. Seems it's a classic FDev rollout /rollseyes
50/50 on whether I should just watch those videos and get the "surprise!" bit out of the way, given that at this rate I won't be playing much at all today anyways.
Well, moaning here about this and that certainly won't help anything. It's best to provide a constructive feedback to Frontier directly.
On your first point, I agree, but I don't really expect it to change I thought that was clear from the tone of my post - on your second, do you honestly believe this?
29 Nov 2022, 6:17pm
EpisparhWell, I've checked the spoilers and have a hint for those who never fought a thargoids.
Just watched D2EA's video...
If I hadn't wiped my account last year which had all the Guardian gear unlocked, I'd be delighted - now I only have the Gauss Cannons and FSD booster, and not sure how I feel about it all... will need to look at other options than grinding mats at Guardian sites and see how much work that'll be. Unless the non-Guardian weapons have been buffed sufficiently (which would be great - will hold my breath until we see the numbers though). It does seem though that Guardian HRPs are becoming almost a necessity if you want to explore the new content in more detail...
29 Nov 2022, 6:20pm
EpisparhWell, I've checked the spoilers and have a hint for those who never fought a thargoids.
Don't scare me like that!
29 Nov 2022, 6:35pm
And while I do enjoy the odd AX combat, too much of it would become boring/monotonous quickly, so it's good to hear that non-combat options will be provided. Cautiously optimistic about it now, despite the rotten technical state 4.0 is still in.
29 Nov 2022, 6:44pm
29 Nov 2022, 6:59pm
The cinematic was good though. And the main menu hangar is on fire!
29 Nov 2022, 6:59pm
Broken MessIt wants me to update the launcher, when I install the exe it downloads, I launch and it wants to do the same thing again.
If you are using EPIC, Log out of it and log back in. It should allow you to auto download the update.
29 Nov 2022, 7:00pm
Yuna SakashiroI got a Black Adder right after the opening cinematic. Now the servers seem to be offline again.
The cinematic was good though. And the main menu hangar is on fire!
Were you landed somewhere in a system where the Taranis would arrive?
But yes, servers seems down now.
29 Nov 2022, 7:03pm
EpisparhWere you landed somewhere in a system where the Taranis would arrive?
I'm at Davy Beacon in Hupang. It's one jump away.