Elite: General talk

03 Dec 2022, 3:14am
ArtieEven if that will happen, it may trigger new interesting opportunities - as mankind will have nowhere to go, it may start to create new generation ships, trying to colonize new planets, build new stations there and then try to retake the "old home" guerrilla-style. It may be easier than current battles, if Thargoids will be spread too thin and too wide (if there is/will be such mechanics). So even the end of the Bubble/Colonia may not mean the end of everything.

Now that the Thargoids are autonomous, it would make sense to give players the means to colonize star systems. Build another bubble elsewhere, and then have Thargoids attack that as well, rinse, repeat.

This would turn the entire galaxy into a playground for this war, ideally with no further manual intervention by FDev. Maybe that is the plan. Make the entire game an open-ended sandbox running on auto-pilot, where all further narrative is determined by player actions. This could also be the end of community goals. The Thargoid war is the new permanent community goal with real consequences, and any future CG would just be a distraction.
03 Dec 2022, 6:41am
If you ask me, we could utilize those old Project Dynasty sites if things go too far against us, which I am going to state now I feel is a real possibility in the starting phase of this war we might find we are a lot more outmatched then we thought
03 Dec 2022, 8:56am
Yuna SakashiroWhat if we fail to defend the bubble and lose Colonia, too? What will the endgame look like?

It seems the only places immune to Thargoid attacks are fleet carriers and rescue ships. FDev will move these to a safe place automatically.

Or maybe the plan is to switch off the servers when humanity's last star system falls to the enemy.

Anyway, we are in "Shock and awe" phase now. Thargoid pest will spread for few months. Some BGS empires will shrink while smaller may even vanish.
Then we will start seeing CGs that will give us tools to fight them and probably disable maelstroms.

Giving the means to colonize is unlikely as this is just a way to prolong inevitable.

For now I am more interested if the invasion is linear or it depends on the number of controlled systems. If it is the former we will be fine, if it is the latter we may see huge part of the Bubble darked out for Easter.
03 Dec 2022, 12:07pm
This war will not get better until they make D-2 an engineer so she can give us guardian-thargoid tech that cost pickles and goid mats to upgrade. But you didn't hear that from me. Because I was never here.
03 Dec 2022, 6:03pm
Yuna SakashiroNow that the Thargoids are autonomous, it would make sense to give players the means to colonize star systems. Build another bubble elsewhere, and then have Thargoids attack that as well, rinse, repeat.

Wasn't Colonia the result of actual player interaction, or was that all virtual? What about player factions, can't they colonize systems? They're honest questions, I'm confused here.
03 Dec 2022, 9:21pm
Yuna SakashiroNow that the Thargoids are autonomous, it would make sense to give players the means to colonize star systems. Build another bubble elsewhere, and then have Thargoids attack that as well, rinse, repeat.

Wasn't Colonia the result of actual player interaction, or was that all virtual? What about player factions, can't they colonize systems? They're honest questions, I'm confused here.

Yes, but those were CGs where FDev chose the location. Players should be able to do this autonomously. How could this work? There could be some sort of a tech broker service on fleet carriers. Fill several carriers with specific building materials, park them in the designated system, unlock a Coriolis, Orbis, Ocellus station, an outpost, or maybe a surface starport. This would ensure that colonization isn't cheap, takes considerable time and effort, and can't be done by one player alone.
04 Dec 2022, 6:29am
UmbrellaCorpThis war will not get better until they make D-2 an engineer so she can give us guardian-thargoid tech that cost pickles and goid mats to upgrade. But you didn't hear that from me. Because I was never here.

Any TECH miss seo- jin-ae has is entirely the property of Azimuth Biotech and as such we demand a cut of the profits

I am joking please put your pistols down

Seriously though I agree that this invasion could indeed destroy many BGS factions if it is as bad as worst case scenario seems to be

I have floated the idea out there of maybe we can use those old Project Dynasty sites as a sort of hiding place
04 Dec 2022, 7:00am
I have been dreaming that FDev would grant more player freedom to actually do something with this galaxy they have given us. Currently we can explore it and look at it but that's about it. Would be awesome to allow players to leave the bubble and create their own settlements etc.....
04 Dec 2022, 7:54am
Thanks to the update, I finally finished all the rank-ups (except for CQC but who really counts that anyway?) and managed to get an Inara rank of 20. Will scale back playtime since I reached my goal. Still have a few odds and ends to do but nothing I feel like I need to grind. Maybe I will try dancing with some Thargoids...
04 Dec 2022, 9:06am
Elite V on everything...... I'm still struggling to get Elite on combat......
04 Dec 2022, 9:16am
I've only been playing about 3 months now and just hit Inara Rating #4552. Not sure what I'm doing to pass up 4/5 year veterans. I'm truly enjoying this game, I hope this whole Xeno thing isn't FDevs way of writing the final chapter to this game.
04 Dec 2022, 2:15pm
VIPER55I've only been playing about 3 months now and just hit Inara Rating #4552. Not sure what I'm doing to pass up 4/5 year veterans. I'm truly enjoying this game, I hope this whole Xeno thing isn't FDevs way of writing the final chapter to this game.

The changes of update 14 were expensive. Not what a developer would do if the product was about to be axed.

But then again, reception matters. If the community responds with a resounding "meh!" and there's no uptick in popularity and sales, FDev may still change their mind. But, looking at recent activity levels here, I think U14 is a winner. Certainly more so than Odyssey was. U14 may even help sell a few more copies of EDO, unlike the EDH 4.0 "tech demo" nonsense they tried to pull off before.
04 Dec 2022, 2:32pm
How "expensive" depends on how many devs are still assigned to ED. For a small team the size of 2-5 people I'd say from a McGyver perspective (i.e. repurposing and recycling many existing assets, rather than creating new ones) they've done a decent job, especially if you didn't expect too much to begin with ... as in no on-foot goids and the respective assets & gameplay loops needed for that, new ships, on-foot weapons, refining new gameloops and stomping out long standing bugs some of which are game breaking.

Where I personally applaud U14 the most is FDev throwing over their long established 'safety first' approach overboard and let the Thargoid invasion have real and noticeable consequences especially for BGS players. And while the first thought that came to my mind when I heard that the invasion is AI driven was "so they put it on autopilot to minimise having to handcraft stuff" it's an interesting experiment and it'll be fascinating to see how it'll pan out.

My only real concern is how many months (years?) they'll stretch this over, because while these are new scenarios, the underlying gameplay didn't really change all that much (shoot at Interceptors and scouts, or engaging in the usual trading/pax hauling aspect) - so if this just goes on and on people might burn out killing Interceptors until they're blue in the face and either do something else as a palate cleanser or stop altogether (mostly talking about long term players - for noobs it's the best time ever to start).

It is kinda funny though that this level of buzz was achieved by merely adding Horizons style content, and nothing that what would potentially increase Odyssey sales (i.e. anything that relies on the CMDR getting on their feet). You don't need that for any of what's been added in U14.
04 Dec 2022, 3:50pm
I'm glad to hear that you Veterans think this is a positive addition. Again, being new it kind of has me concerned, especially after 1 of the FDevs comments on how potentially the goids can destroy humanity within the bubble. I look forward to seeing a polarized community come together and deal these bugs a death blow. I want the bubble to remain intact as much as possible and continue on with my exploits and shenanigans. I bid all the CMDR's a glorious day.
04 Dec 2022, 7:38pm
The claim that Thargoids could wipe out the entire bubble is likely just PR spin. The Pilots' Federation District is safe because that's where Horizons newbies begin their journey. And once they leave that zone, there have to be places to go and things to do for them.

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