Elite: General talk

04 Dec 2020, 8:49am
EizoeAnd what would we refer to the Alliance as?

04 Dec 2020, 8:49am
Synthya Wylder
Sir Sprockett"It's a wonder I'm here at all. My pussy got soakin' wet. I had to dry it out in front of the fire before I left."

Don't make me post That Song...

<struggles with the temptation>

Give in to your desires!
04 Dec 2020, 9:08am
Synthya Wylder
Sir Sprockett"It's a wonder I'm here at all. My pussy got soakin' wet. I had to dry it out in front of the fire before I left."

Don't make me post That Song...

<struggles with the temptation>

what this :

04 Dec 2020, 10:01am
Jubei Himura
SakashiroBtw, nice new profile pic, Himura-sensei.

Thank you, Yuna. I change it from time to time depending on mood, story, or haircut. Helps to know a little Photoshop too. Gotta take out the dead look to the HoloMe.  :D

You do very well with your character too.

Thank you.

I've recently worked on a method to remove the wide angle lens distortion from HoloMe editor screenshots, so you can take pics of your avatar standing straight and not looking like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It's not perfect yet but already works quite well. Not sure if it can be done with Photoshop though, as it involves projecting the screenshot onto a surface that reverses and cancels out the original distortion. Blender can do these things.
04 Dec 2020, 6:50pm
What we might see in Odyssey

05 Dec 2020, 4:04am
Hello, I was looking for a FAQ but couldnt seem to locate one. Where should I post to try and figure out why my carrier market data doesnt show?

05 Dec 2020, 4:27am
CalsarHello, I was looking for a FAQ but couldnt seem to locate one. Where should I post to try and figure out why my carrier market data doesnt show?


I don't have an FC but some very knowledge people on here will help. Look out for Epi and Alex in particular.
05 Dec 2020, 4:49am
It seems that about 95% of PvP in ED is ganking. Listen to the numbers mentioned in this stream.
05 Dec 2020, 6:59am
SakashiroIt seems that about 95% of PvP in ED is ganking. Listen to the numbers mentioned in this stream.

Lol. Who should be surprised by this? PvP in ED is a damn joke and serves no other purpose except to just shoot shit when you're bored, and there are obviously a lot of bored people in this game. No one will ever convince me otherwise.

15592 kills and 25 deaths for that one CMDR who ganks and just avoids getting into a real fight himself. Haha.
05 Dec 2020, 12:38pm
PvP serves no purpose because this is a mainly PvE game. Even if you want to the take over a system with your player group there can be no PvP involved even if you're trying to take it from another player group. There's nothing that you need to directly confront players over because the game isn't designed for that and couldn't handle it anyway. Even small player groups with only a few dozen members (if that) going to war like in EVE would be problematic. For PvP to be made relevant FDev would first have to fix net code and instancing which most likely means ripping the entire net code out and making a new one leaving lots of room for more instabilities that take long to fix... and then they'd have to implement mechanics like EVE's territorial claim units, hopefully without entosis mechanics... So a lot of work for something not a huge lot of people are asking for and depending on how they do it there might be a good amount of backlash.
05 Dec 2020, 1:19pm
CalsarHello, I was looking for a FAQ but couldnt seem to locate one. Where should I post to try and figure out why my carrier market data doesnt show?


Hello, if you mean the market data, please try to suspend your black market. There is an annoying problem on Frontier's server where black market is overriding the regular market data in their API (which is Inara using for updates). Also, please add your report about the problem here: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/18892
05 Dec 2020, 3:17pm
ArtieHello, if you mean the market data, please try to suspend your black market. There is an annoying problem on Frontier's server where black market is overriding the regular market data in their API (which is Inara using for updates). Also, please add your report about the problem here: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/18892

Thank you very much, that cleared up the problem. Sad, I just put it on there as a convenience to others but its removed now.

05 Dec 2020, 3:51pm
Aleksander Majjam15592 kills and 25 deaths for that one CMDR who ganks and just avoids getting into a real fight himself. Haha.

Case in point: Here's CMDR Tony Curtis, baby seal clubber extraordinaire, complaining about "silly PvPers" and their "meta builds" after the odds turned against him and he had to run, lol. Turns out he himself is the saltiest of all carebears.


"I want some of that friction."

Yeah, right...
05 Dec 2020, 5:21pm
Aleksander Majjam15592 kills and 25 deaths for that one CMDR who ganks and just avoids getting into a real fight himself. Haha.

Case in point: Here's CMDR Tony Curtis, baby seal clubber extraordinaire, complaining about "silly PvPers" and their "meta builds" after the odds turned against him and he had to run, lol. Turns out he himself is the saltiest of all carebears.


"I want some of that friction."

Yeah, right...

Wow...he IS a salty carebear.....what a loser....

Grandma used to say...."there are more horses asses in the world than horses"
05 Dec 2020, 6:02pm
Yet another salty ganker...

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