Elite: General talk

29 Dec 2022, 7:35am
My profile data hasn’t updated since July? How do I get it to update?
29 Dec 2022, 10:54am
WiemsMy profile data hasn’t updated since July? How do I get it to update?

Click the import button, then follow the instructions.
30 Dec 2022, 3:47pm
My New Year's resolution for 2023: Become a ganker.
30 Dec 2022, 4:10pm
Yuna SakashiroMy New Year's resolution for 2023: Become a ganker.

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
05 Jan 2023, 10:30am
Anyone here playing both clients?

Since the bugs and glitches keep piling up in 4.0 which affect almost all major game loops one way or another with no fixes in sight, I was thinking I might sidestep this situation by playing in 3.8 instead (at least until the story progresses again) so I sold my FC in 4.0 but kept it in 3.8, where I might also continue mining now and then to fund it.

But if I understand the BGS correctly, since player activity in 3.8 is likely much reduced, system states will over time revert to 'none' which means market prices will remain at their standard levels so no more Platinum and core commodities at high prices etc.?

(not to mention that without external tool support, finding those high price markets will be much more difficult anyways)

Last edit: 05 Jan 2023, 10:35am
06 Jan 2023, 7:50pm
question about getting the "The Samaritan" I have only 4/50 settlements rebooted, while I have unlocked Jude Navarro which implies to me I should have at least 10 settlements rebooted. any hints on getting these faster?
11 Jan 2023, 2:41am
Any news about our missing girl Sao
I dunno if anyone has made any updates on the forums here about her or not but I hope a few people are looking for clues

Ive been doing some checking , HIP 22460 doesnt seem to be the spot, but its hard to check anything long enough to be sure with out a team there to back you up.
Bright Sentinel looks the same though, no undead old man manning a ghost ship
Im going to follow leads starting with the Aegis Research faction, hoping raising my rep will get me in on Alba's good list.

Good luck guys, I have a feeling Sae is the key to a peaceful resolution

Last edit: 11 Jan 2023, 7:30pm
12 Jan 2023, 8:11pm
Yuna SakashiroAchievement unlocked! I am now perma-banned from Frontier's forums.

SAME welcome to the club.

hey how come i pay monthly to have that inara supporter badge under my picture and it doesnt show.
12 Jan 2023, 9:17pm
ask artie, he will fix it
13 Jan 2023, 2:10pm
Hello all,

do we have an option to set the number of results per page? - atm, the results are very limited and i have to change the filters all the time.
13 Jan 2023, 5:44pm

Good luck guys, I have a feeling Sae is the key to a peaceful resolution

That is to say wooden homes one day will come to peace with termites because one scientist decoded how they communicate. At the end of the day, to them The Thargoids) we are a parasite, and to us they are a resource, we do not need to kill them all, we just need to farm their barnacles. I say subdue them and enslave them for our own use. In the same way, humans enslave animals for consumption, the thargoids need not be wiped out simply caged and farmed for their very precious and useful meta-alloys.
14 Jan 2023, 9:49am
I actually am of the personal belief that human farming of Meta alloys is also something that could be key to peace, If we could establish a simple understanding maybe they would just show us how to grow the things and we would happily seed more planets for them easily, both parties could benefit
14 Jan 2023, 10:12am
Cephy Cyclops Devinesimply caged and farmed for their very precious and useful meta-alloys.
Thargoid Cowboy sounds interesting. YEE-HAW!
14 Jan 2023, 2:56pm
Didn't the Thargoids pick up occupied escape pods recently?

They might be farming us already.
16 Jan 2023, 6:21am
I have an E:D tinfoil hat conspiracy theory.

Here me out: Zachary Hudson and Zachary Rackham are the same person.

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