Elite: General talk

02 Dec 2020, 9:19pm
Claude_GlystraPft. I really don’t care about color, it all feels the same when the lights are off or the gimp hood is on.


That is NOT Aisling Duval, just saying.

I can't tell the difference tbh.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:01pm
02 Dec 2020, 9:23pm
if you ever need a non judgemental and patient sparring partner feel free to reach out, Sakashiro. I think i can qualify for target practice, at least.
02 Dec 2020, 9:23pm

Claude_GlystraThat is NOT Aisling Duval, just saying.

Here's Aisling wearing Remlok:

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:01pm
02 Dec 2020, 9:28pm
02 Dec 2020, 9:31pm
SakashiroThe Pilot just now on livestream:

"The likelihood of getting ganked in this game is extremely low."

*gets insta-killed in his shieldless DBX*

"Come on, you could at least have announced yourself."


LMFAO. Ganked right after leaving the station.

The moment he knew he was hititng that rebuy.

02 Dec 2020, 9:37pm
Jubei Himura

Ugh... smurf feet. Dear Space-Christ, why?!


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind guys with a foot fetish but no one has ever seen Aisling's lower half, right? Her feet might indeed be blue, for all we know.

This detail could ruin the whole aesthetic of Aisling Duvall. Quite sad. I would like quote Helmut Newton: "Only a man without any talent have no obsessions"


Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:01pm
02 Dec 2020, 9:39pm
Igneel Prime

I think we tried that on Sunday. It was very ... non-interactive

Oh really? Krait and Python or Krait and Cutter? One was me trying to get to my friend who was already fighting someone else and the other time I noticed my own weapons being used against me which wouldn't have gone too well.

Krait and Python, if I remember correctly. I don't think we got through the Cutter's (not 100% sure if it was you, actually) first shield ring...

Yeah was me. You got the first ring low. I was flying in a straight line plotting the route to the exit system from the galaxy map lol. And that ship is still missing 3.5k shield strength from the target build.
02 Dec 2020, 9:47pm
SakashiroThe Pilot just now on livestream:

"The likelihood of getting ganked in this game is extremely low."

*gets insta-killed in his shieldless DBX*

"Come on, you could at least have announced yourself."


The likelihood of getting ganked while streaming is extremely high. I was in VC with the people doing the ganking.
02 Dec 2020, 9:52pm
Aleksander MajjamLMFAO. Ganked right after leaving the station.

The moment he knew he was hititng that rebuy.


Even worse: When he accidentally hit a cop in a RES, his own wing mate instantly turned on him.

02 Dec 2020, 11:10pm


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind guys with a foot fetish but no one has ever seen Aisling's lower half, right? Her feet might indeed be blue, for all we know.

This detail could ruin the whole aesthetic of Aisling Duvall. Quite sad. I would like quote Helmut Newton: "Only a man without any talent have no obsessions"


Always better than an hobbit

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:01pm
02 Dec 2020, 11:32pm
I've streamed 1nce or 2wice while taking a shower.

I couldn't even tell - the water was just as warm.
02 Dec 2020, 11:52pm
03 Dec 2020, 2:09am
Jubei Himura
SakashiroAlso typical Deciat: talking about Aisling's feet.

Ugh... smurf feet. Dear Space-Christ, why?!

Well, it's better than discussing Zemina Torval's feet, I can tell you that.

This is speaking from experience? O.o

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:01pm
03 Dec 2020, 2:14am
SakashiroThanks for the encouragement.

It felt good when I was ganked the other night by the Code pirate, I fought back and made him earn my kill. taught me lots.. I am still mostly playing in Solo, but will hope into All Right Guv? and did some over watch in open... fun.
03 Dec 2020, 3:54am
Jubei Himura

Ugh... smurf feet. Dear Space-Christ, why?!

Well, it's better than discussing Zemina Torval's feet, I can tell you that.

This is speaking from experience? O.o

I was young. Onionhead was involved. I don't like talking about it.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:02pm

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