Elite: General talk

09 Dec 2020, 11:04pm
Rebecca HailI gank, therefore I am.

Now I am become death, the ganker of worlds.
09 Dec 2020, 11:11pm
Rebecca HailI gank, therefore I am.

"Wing-gank with a man and he shall have salt for a day...

Teach a man how to gank and he shall have salt for a lifetime."
09 Dec 2020, 11:24pm
Rebecca HailI gank, therefore I am.

Now I am become death, the ganker of worlds.

JB Threepwood
Rebecca HailI gank, therefore I am.

"Wing-gank with a man and he shall have salt for a day...

Teach a man how to gank and he shall have salt for a lifetime."

I'mma steal both of these.
10 Dec 2020, 2:09am
RenraikuThere are simply too many variables for Ganking and other PvP to be all lumped in together.

I disagree. It's impossible to draw a line between ganking and PvP because what an attacker considers legitimate PvP may be perceived as ganking by the player being attacked. On the other hand, when a wing of three players attack my Courier, it's clearly a gank attempt but also the type of PvP I am looking for. There is no objective standard for PvP vs. ganking, and that's why they're lumped together.

There is, however, a way to tell ganking from piracy.

Still not true, Ganking has been defined. Any PvP outside of this defined category is not ganking.
10 Dec 2020, 5:24pm
In addition to the excellent list that Renraiku provided as to the relevance of PvP, there was also an entire Powerplay cycle that was determined at the last minute because Isaiah Evanson destroyed or drove away a wing of Federal CMDRs from the seat of his Fer de Lance, thereby preventing the merits they held from being delivered. It ended up being a very narrow victory for Patreus that cycle, one that would have been reversed had those Feds been able to deliver their merits.

On another occasion, Drew Wagar's character Salome was gunned down by the Besieger in the Salome event, determining the outcome of an entire novel (Premonition) and a significant bit of Elite lore along with it. Incidentally, Isaiah was also part of that encounter.

PvP is relevant to the larger game.
10 Dec 2020, 5:43pm
Your ship has hardpoints for guns. The game is multiplayer. 

Draw your own conclusions.
10 Dec 2020, 8:30pm
In all honesty, Salome event's is very controversial, given Besieger a.k.a. Harry Potter used cheats in that encounter. And while I wouldn't mind sudden plot-twist, the means were basically winning a chess game through slamming the other player's face with the chessboard. While, by all means, it would mean that player cannot move - the sole goal of the chess - there are rules binding both players, aside of basic social norms obviously.

Also, Elite: Dangerous isn't PVP-focused game. It offers activities that are. If it had PVP focus, the Engineers would need to go out for sake of the balance in order to allow equal-ground ad hoc engagements with equal access to the same equipment. There's a difference between getting skills on how-to and difference in spending hundreds of hours on engineering - putting the players who play less than ten hours a week in several disadvantage. Thing is, Elite: Dangerous has some mechanics - such as Engineering - that work perfectly on paper, but fall into category of unfair-but-allowed advantages that render many encounters one-sided, even if the defender has a ship more than enough equipped for combat, at least according to the in-game logic as presented to the player.

I'd like to point out that the balance of the other multiplayer games - that relies on (relatively) instantaneous and equal availability of the equipment to all the players - gives fuel to negative perception of PVP. Elite: Dangerous requires a lot of commitment to even consider PVP - unlike other multiplayer-oriented games - unless someone's idea about PVP is running away again, and again, and again. However take into consideration that Elite: Dangerous relies heavily on choosing your own fights and even encourages you to run away if necessary, but quite a lot of PVP encounters cannot be avoided (that includes High Wake) due to multitude of factors - part of them, again, connected to how ships are Engineered.

This is why E:D has Solo/PG: for the players who are interested into more relaxed gameplay without additional stress, because competitive gaming can be stressful and exhausting - even discouraging. And this is what people seek, because space sim scene is barren and Elite: Dangerous is one of its kind. Especially when people who own consoles and have no actual space sims of such a scale.
11 Dec 2020, 3:16am
Re: the Salome event - please don't talk about things you don't understand. Potter didn't cheat, he got lucky. His engineered modules weren't the reason she died, instancing was. I was there, that's firsthand knowledge.

Secondly, the rest of your paragraph is absolutely wrong. However, I'm not going to waste my time trying to change a made up mind.
11 Dec 2020, 3:23am
Re: Salome event.

I also was involved with the event. I saw both Potter and Isaiah's footage. There was no cheating.

It was instancing, pure and simple.
11 Dec 2020, 6:52am
Oh, Salome again.... Sorry guys, I read the books. Premonition is far more boring than Reclamation, probably because Drew used the in-game events ....Seriously "I am blue tunneling" in a book's grand final.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad you had some good time back then but that events are just a proof that the p2p mechanics of PvP is flawed and the game is not implemented with PvP in mind. It was just a wishful thinking.
11 Dec 2020, 8:23am
So replacing "with all honesty" with "In my own imagination" would be much more accurate for that particular post and all of it's contents, because the rest of it is inaccurate too.

Grind walls for levelling, equipment, skills, feats, abilities, etc. are in a very large proportion of PvP games.
Not to mention the time it takes to actually be skilled at the games and their nuances.

All of the Tools in elite are available to all CMDRs, except for the Cobra MkIV and a few recent CG Modules, hardly Game balance breaking.

Elite: Dangerous may be vast and encounters few, this does not make it less of a PvP game, it makes it a more realistic open dystopian environment filled with danger and intrigue.

PG and Solo were tacked on to placate those that wanted an offline mode. They are legitimate modes, they are not the original vision.
11 Dec 2020, 8:25am
EpisparhOh, Salome again.... Sorry guys, I read the books. Premonition is far more boring than Reclamation, probably because Drew used the in-game events ....Seriously "I am blue tunneling" in a book's grand final.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad you had some good time back then but that events are just a proof that the p2p mechanics of PvP is flawed and the game is not implemented with PvP in mind. It was just a wishful thinking.

if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

You are also repeating yourself.
11 Dec 2020, 8:36am
Sorry, Ren, it is personal character - I am a very direct person.

As for the repeating - this is caused by repetition of the arguments. Not sure why this card is pulled always. The thing is done and gone.
11 Dec 2020, 8:47am
RenraikuPG and Solo were tacked on to placate those that wanted an offline mode. They are legitimate modes, they are not the original vision.

If anything was "tacked on", it's the always-on requirement to ED's offline mode that was originally promised during crowdfunding.

Renraikuif you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

Excuse me, but who are you to tell others to shut up?
11 Dec 2020, 10:13am

Excuse me, but who are you to tell others to shut up?

I do not consider Ren's comment as attempt to silence me, but thanks for being my lawyer

As I said I am very direct person and I treat both "good" and "bad" opinion giving/receiving equally.

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