Elite: General talk

12 Dec 2020, 8:47am
His last three posts were removed.

It appears his account was also cleared.
12 Dec 2020, 8:50am
SakashiroNo, it's better engineering. Piloting means navigating the ship.

It is also piloting since you are able to do it on the fly. Power priorities should be set before you leave but if you are carrying more equipment than your Powerplant can handle or you discover a previously unknown issue you change them on the fly making it piloting. For example turning off your fast boor FSD after being grommed so it reboots and allows you to escape. Or your powerplant is glitching and you need to adjust your power use.

Last edit: 12 Dec 2020, 8:56am
12 Dec 2020, 12:56pm
I think he meant that it wasn't skill inability or lack of grasp to manage pips, but it was a technical inability to manage pips as Power Distributor has been malfunctioning - likely somehow damaged within first minute of the encounter. From that point it could only spiral downwards fast: the broken shield that exposed ship and led into even more internal module damage. I guess being misunderstood is what got him mad in the first place.

Last edit: 12 Dec 2020, 1:19pm
12 Dec 2020, 4:48pm
Rho TefnutetI think he meant that it wasn't skill inability or lack of grasp to manage pips, but it was a technical inability to manage pips as Power Distributor has been malfunctioning - likely somehow damaged within first minute of the encounter. From that point it could only spiral downwards fast: the broken shield that exposed ship and led into even more internal module damage. I guess being misunderstood is what got him mad in the first place.

All we know for sure is that your friend deleted their posts and scrubbed their account because they were given critique and advice on a gaming forum.

RenraikuFor example turning off your fast boor FSD after being grommed so it reboots and allows you to escape.

Even though I don't play anymore, I still learn new things about this game!

Nice one Ren!
12 Dec 2020, 5:19pm
Rho TefnutetI think he meant that it wasn't skill inability or lack of grasp to manage pips, but it was a technical inability to manage pips as Power Distributor has been malfunctioning - likely somehow damaged within first minute of the encounter. From that point it could only spiral downwards fast: the broken shield that exposed ship and led into even more internal module damage. I guess being misunderstood is what got him mad in the first place.

He contacted me via PM, I asked for more details to assist, he refused and said nasty things.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Kari KerenskiEven though I don't play anymore, I still learn new things about this game!

Nice one Ren!

Always nice to hear people learning.
12 Dec 2020, 6:38pm
Power management bit me once in a CG conflict zone. I knew about the 50% output of a destroyed PP but not about the 40% output during a malfunction. That was the only time I had to rebuy my Courier.
12 Dec 2020, 6:46pm
I try to set my priorities so that my #1 group requires 40% power or under (thrusters, FSD, Power Distributor, or basically all the GTFO modules) EDSM or Coriolis helps experiment with that.
12 Dec 2020, 7:01pm
Silver TafferI try to set my priorities so that my #1 group requires 40% power or under (thrusters, FSD, Power Distributor, or basically all the GTFO modules) EDSM or Coriolis helps experiment with that.

One of the many bits of advice I've gotten from my squadron mates, Apes far more wise & experienced than my humble self.
12 Dec 2020, 7:08pm
I had to change my PP from low emissions to armored to get all the necessary modules into the 40% range. Enhanced performance thrusters require a lot of power.
12 Dec 2020, 10:21pm
SakashiroI had to change my PP from low emissions to armored to get all the necessary modules into the 40% range. Enhanced performance thrusters require a lot of power.

And the funny story is that you will get same speed with normal engines... Your mass makes enhanced performance thrusters useless.

Hm, I am wrong - edsy trolls me.
13 Dec 2020, 3:13am
Btw, when exporting my build to EDSY you won't see the exact power priorities I'm using. For some reason the cargo hatch always ends up in group 1. It's actually in group 2.
14 Dec 2020, 5:15pm
Fun was had

16 Dec 2020, 7:13am
yeah so hi im having issues remembering how to usae inara to search for nearby anarchy systems in famine
16 Dec 2020, 1:28pm
Wyntayeah so hi im having issues remembering how to usae inara to search for nearby anarchy systems in famine

I use eddb for that. Its easier and to the point
16 Dec 2020, 10:46pm
If you want to share your logbooks on discord all you have to do is create the entry on inara, then copy the link on your browser and paste it in discord. If I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct me, haha.

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