Elite: General talk

11 Dec 2020, 11:45am
RenraikuPG and Solo were tacked on to placate those that wanted an offline mode. They are legitimate modes, they are not the original vision.

If anything was "tacked on", it's the always-on requirement to ED's offline mode that was originally promised during crowdfunding.

That's not tacked on, that's a necessity due to how the game evolved.

Requirements change in development and that's one of them ^^
11 Dec 2020, 11:46am

Excuse me, but who are you to tell others to shut up?

I do not consider Ren's comment as attempt to silence me, but thanks for being my lawyer

As I said I am very direct person and I treat both "good" and "bad" opinion giving/receiving equally.

lawyer or not..."if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" just seems like "be nice and say what I want to hear or shut up and fuck off" and that is, no matter the context or participants of the conversation, just not right.
11 Dec 2020, 12:02pm
Igneel Prime

lawyer or not..."if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" just seems like "be nice and say what I want to hear or shut up and fuck off" and that is, no matter the context or participants of the conversation, just not right.

See, I do take this as personal opinion/character remark as else it contradicts with the person saying it usually Makes the life easier  for me. And I know that my personal real life character directness is considered offensive even by my most close one but at least they know me.
11 Dec 2020, 12:03pm
Rebecca Hail
RenraikuPG and Solo were tacked on to placate those that wanted an offline mode. They are legitimate modes, they are not the original vision.

If anything was "tacked on", it's the always-on requirement to ED's offline mode that was originally promised during crowdfunding.

That's not tacked on, that's a necessity due to how the game evolved.

Requirements change in development and that's one of them ^^

Just pointing out that a true single player mode was promised from the get-go, not "tacked on" later.
11 Dec 2020, 12:11pm
Rebecca Hail

If anything was "tacked on", it's the always-on requirement to ED's offline mode that was originally promised during crowdfunding.

That's not tacked on, that's a necessity due to how the game evolved.

Requirements change in development and that's one of them ^^

Just pointing out that a true single player mode was promised from the get-go, not "tacked on" later.

Yeah, and they went back on that promise because a true solo mode wasn't feasible for them anymore.
11 Dec 2020, 12:52pm
EpisparhOh, Salome again.... Sorry guys, I read the books. Premonition is far more boring than Reclamation, probably because Drew used the in-game events ....Seriously "I am blue tunneling" in a book's grand final.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad you had some good time back then but that events are just a proof that the p2p mechanics of PvP is flawed and the game is not implemented with PvP in mind. It was just a wishful thinking.

The largest event in the game's history was a PvP event. It was marketed as such and played out as such. The circumstances surrounding the outcome notwithstanding, it made for many battles in and around the route of the VIPs.

This cannot be dismissed as an accident or unintentional.
11 Dec 2020, 1:23pm
Isn't it also true that the game event format was not Frontier's decision thus using it as argument in a pvp discusion is questionable.
11 Dec 2020, 1:40pm
Doesn't matter if it was Frontier's decision or not - it is the largest in game live event in its history. It was in open and it saw players clash with each other to either hunt or protect a major character in the story. It couldn't be experienced in solo or private, you had to be there.

This game is rooted in conflict, from the BGS to Powerplay to interactions between commanders. That is a fact. You can go out of your way to avoid it - most do - but you cannot escape it.
11 Dec 2020, 1:53pm
You can very much just escape and avoid PvP. And whether it was FDev's choice to make it a PvP event definitely matters because one clearly shows intent to have PvP as part of the game.
11 Dec 2020, 1:59pm
Frontier made it a multiplayer game. That by itself is the biggest indicator of Frontier intending for the game to have PvP as part of the game. Powerplay's concept doubles down on this fact.

Arguing as if Frontier never intended for PvP to exist in Elite is to pretend they didn't know what would happen when they were designing the game to have multiplayer.
11 Dec 2020, 2:15pm
No one ever said they didn't intend PVP as part of ED. If anything, I said that PVP is not focus, but one of the (optional) activities. That's it.
11 Dec 2020, 2:20pm
In ED, multiplayer and PvP are separate things. Even solo mode is multiplayer, precisely because of BGS, powerplay, fleet carriers and system chat, but it isn't PvP.
11 Dec 2020, 2:31pm
lol okay. You're wrong, but okay.
11 Dec 2020, 2:51pm
Isaiah EvansonDoesn't matter if it was Frontier's decision or not - it is the largest in game live event in its history. It was in open and it saw players clash with each other to either hunt or protect a major character in the story. It couldn't be experienced in solo or private, you had to be there.

This game is rooted in conflict, from the BGS to Powerplay to interactions between commanders. That is a fact. You can go out of your way to avoid it - most do - but you cannot escape it.

And yet again I will repeat:
It might been the largest in-game event but the facts that the game cannot deal with such load due to it's flawed mechanic cannot be denied. Did you had any such events afterwards? I wonder why not?
11 Dec 2020, 3:06pm
The backlash from people accusing Drew of scripting things, of conspiring with Potter to kill Salome, etc. ad nauseum probably had more to do with it than the game limitations.

This community is vicious and the reason it was never done again was because Drew was basically eviscerated by the community for what they perceived as "rigging" the event, despite all claims and evidence to the contrary.

No one in their right mind would ever try to put on an event like the Premonition finale with the kind of vitriol and outright malevolence on display by the community.

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