Elite: General talk

21 Dec 2020, 6:55pm
MAVERICKbirdyI feel so damn good. Just broke 100+ million in spending cash. God, do I love bounty hunting solo! Especially after the buff.

Yeah, I could’ve made over 100x that amount by staring at rocks for several weeks and hauling said rocks around like a school bus full of expensive orphans, but that’s boring, not to mention that it plasters a big ol’ “HATCH BREAK ME DADDY” sign for every pirate in a 100+ ly radius.

The sad thing is they buffed combat in the wrong way. Assassination missions still barely pay you enough to rearm and player bounty hunting is even worse. Flying around in a haz res killing novice Eagles isnt much more entertaining than mining.

I haven't been on ED in awhile since Control came into my life. What's an example of the buff in numbers?

I saw they fixed the PWA finally, so deep core mining now might have overtaken laser mining. Which, if people haven't experienced deep core, it's not boring at all.

At least to me.
21 Dec 2020, 6:56pm
Sir Sprockett

I'm afraid that ticket is going to be a wasted endeavour, pirates are a part of the game and rather than submitting a ticket you should be considering where you went wrong, the mistakes made and how to learn from them and avoid repeating them. In addition there is a lot of context missing in this post, not having a go. I just think that there is probably room for improvement here

The problem is that I had hit J to drop out of suspercruise to arrive at my station destination, then in between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at my station - I got intradicted... that is my ticket...

Of all of the game breaking problems one might experience, you are complaining about about NPC interdictions?

indeed - an asture obersevation. Yes NPC pirates knocking me down... I got my revenge on said NPC but you re right - it is not game breaking, more ball breaking!
21 Dec 2020, 7:07pm
Aleksander Majjam
MAVERICKbirdyI feel so damn good. Just broke 100+ million in spending cash. God, do I love bounty hunting solo! Especially after the buff.

Yeah, I could’ve made over 100x that amount by staring at rocks for several weeks and hauling said rocks around like a school bus full of expensive orphans, but that’s boring, not to mention that it plasters a big ol’ “HATCH BREAK ME DADDY” sign for every pirate in a 100+ ly radius.

The sad thing is they buffed combat in the wrong way. Assassination missions still barely pay you enough to rearm and player bounty hunting is even worse. Flying around in a haz res killing novice Eagles isnt much more entertaining than mining.

I haven't been on ED in awhile since Control came into my life. What's an example of the buff in numbers?

I saw they fixed the PWA finally, so deep core mining now might have overtaken laser mining. Which, if people haven't experienced deep core, it's not boring at all.

At least to me.

Massacre 30 pirates from [x] faction for 40 million cr.
21 Dec 2020, 8:01pm

Massacre 30 pirates from [x] faction for 40 million cr.

+ 200-800k CR bounty voucher per killed ship
21 Dec 2020, 8:23pm
Good money for killing Thargoids, get good at killing cyclops and you can make 32M per run. Definitely more fun than mining.
21 Dec 2020, 8:49pm
I...um, kinda think mining is fun.




I'll go away now.
21 Dec 2020, 9:04pm
KobatoI...um, kinda think mining is fun.




I'll go away now.

Combat plebs have no idea how us mining plebs live...

..and we live lavishly.
21 Dec 2020, 9:15pm
Aleksander Majjam
KobatoI...um, kinda think mining is fun.




I'll go away now.

Combat plebs have no idea how us mining plebs live...

..and we live lavishly.

It is always good fun to see novices flying around in Imperial Cutters, in any case combat elites are the only "real" elite in my view, haha. That or Triple Elites.
21 Dec 2020, 9:23pm
KobatoI...um, kinda think mining is fun.




I'll go away now.

I really enjoy mining as well. It's relaxing. Even with the nerfs, it still makes pretty good money.
21 Dec 2020, 10:23pm
I’m a miner too...but I like to mine arbitrary ice rings...not hotspots. I also prefer deep core mining. It’s really personally satisfying to mine where no one else goes to mine. I typically fill my hold with a mix of randomly found Alexandrite, Granderite, Low Temp. Diamonds and Void Opals. Kind of like fishing in real life.
22 Dec 2020, 6:24am
I tried mining. Once. I wanted to literally walk outta the Keelback I was driving and aim the mining lasers directly at my face because oh god that’s so boring please no. I still stand by my decision to sell that thing, by the way; it was taking up space and I was hard up on cash.

At least bounty hunting pays a decent amount nowadays, compared to two months ago. God, I can’t believe I considered those paydays worthwhile (~125k+ credits for a Novice rated pirate massacre? Really?). Now, if it’s not at least ~1+ million, I don’t give it the time of day unless it’s in the same direction I’m going. I mean, I’m pulling in north of ~400k on every Harmless rated pirate massacre. Lemme reiterate that: I’m making ~400k. On a Harmless rated mission! And that’s not even mentioning that I’m getting ~7-8+ million on Novice and Competent rated missions!

Plus, I’ve been raking in ~2-3+ million per session of bounties, which means that now I can start to plan out my engineering stops (ie which engineers to visit first) once I reach a decent bankroll (I’m thinking maybe ~500+ million, plus/minus a couple hundred thousand as a cushion in case something goes wrong). Plus, all these bounties certainly help grind rep, however small those contributions are.

Hell, at this rate, I might just consider buying a Krait Mk II outright and grinding for the PP I want for it. At the very least I’ll be able to finally upgrade my ride. The Bad Moon Rising is a wonderful little number, don’t get me wrong, but she’s showing her age and that Guardian PP is a long ways away for me.
22 Dec 2020, 6:33am
Welp, I guess sitting around the campfire and swapping mining stories is out of the question.
22 Dec 2020, 6:54am
Aleksander MajjamWelp, I guess sitting around the campfire and swapping mining stories is out of the question.

I’m here for you, bro.

<walks over to coffee pot, spits, farts, scratches nuts, pours coffee, spits, ambles over to fire>

„Long day?“
22 Dec 2020, 7:01am
Aleksander MajjamWelp, I guess sitting around the campfire and swapping mining stories is out of the question.

I’m here for you, bro.

<walks over to coffee pot, spits, farts, scratches nuts, pours coffee, spits, ambles over to fire>

„Long day?“

Long day. Slim pickins over at Hyades Sector DB-X. Wrastlin' rocks these days ain't just what it used t'be.
22 Dec 2020, 8:02am
Aleksander MajjamWelp, I guess sitting around the campfire and swapping mining stories is out of the question.

With me? Yes. I’ve had my taste of idly staring at rocks until my eyes bled and found it bitter. I will never buy a Keelback for mining ever again; if I do purchase another one, it’ll be outfitted as a cargo hauler with a fighter bay to keep the pirates away from me. And because I find such a thing funny.

It’ll be good training for when I buy my Krait, at least.

Last edit: 23 Dec 2020, 8:26am

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