Elite: General talk

28 Dec 2020, 12:50pm
Not yet just PC but coming to consoles as well

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:38pm
28 Dec 2020, 3:29pm
EpisparhImperial Courier is not very good combat ship as its name suggest different applications.

I concur, but that mostly depends on what kind of flight-to-fight philosophy you use. If you fly it as a bigger Eagle Mk II, then you should be okay. When you fly the Courier, you want to do something rather illogical on paper: flying the stock Lightweight or Reinforced Alloys, because any change of mass heavily influences this ship in maneuverability. Alternatively, you may try experimenting with Guardian Shield Reinforcements, aside of standard 3x Shield Boosters*, but then you really need to know your limits and when to flee - because you will be boned once the shield goes down.

Example of that idea for PVE, with no serious engineering applied though.

*NEVER fly without chaff in a small ship unless you know what you are doing.

Last edit: 28 Dec 2020, 3:43pm
28 Dec 2020, 4:00pm
SakashiroIs anyone here going to participate in the Odyssey alpha? I'm pondering which DLC to preorder.

Indeed, I have pre-ordered the alpha. Can't wait!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:38pm
28 Dec 2020, 6:37pm
Imperial Courier is not very good combat ship as its name suggest different applications.

You are talking absolute bollocks, my friend. The Courier is amazing in combat with its hard points being tightly packed together, plus being small and agile. The thing is an absolute beast when outfit correctly.
28 Dec 2020, 6:55pm
I have pre-ordered the Alpha access too.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:39pm
28 Dec 2020, 6:59pm
Rat CatcherI have pre-ordered the Alpha access too.

my man i think so have we all...i swear it makes it almost worth it if it was just atmospheric entries, but space legs too? listen man....its preordered, im staying awake for release and im one of those that will partly responsible for the first server crash after teh patch because ill be playing the F out of it..even the wife knows im gonna be unaccesible for at least 3 days.

bring me sandwiches and water...ill be fine..

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:39pm
28 Dec 2020, 8:23pm
Yep, I had a combat Courier and it was good at sniping a few good hits and running untill I could get another good attack line. For its price range it was a good fighter.

You gotta fly what ya buy. Some pilots can make a Winder look like a good combat ship. . . I'm not one of them.
28 Dec 2020, 8:33pm
Some pilots can make a Winder look like a good combat ship. . . I'm not one of them.

Hull tanked with railguns is the right way to combat-fit a 'winder.
28 Dec 2020, 9:57pm
Rat CatcherI have pre-ordered the Alpha access too.

my man i think so have we all...i swear it makes it almost worth it if it was just atmospheric entries, but space legs too? listen man....its preordered, im staying awake for release and im one of those that will partly responsible for the first server crash after teh patch because ill be playing the F out of it..even the wife knows im gonna be unaccesible for at least 3 days.

bring me sandwiches and water...ill be fine..

I usually never pre-order. I wait patiently, have a giggle at the bugs and people who spent extra money and then get it when it's cheap. Not this time tho

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:39pm
28 Dec 2020, 10:26pm
Yeah, sure any ship can do combat.
Can I see that proper build? Seriously, I know that it can get up to 1700+ MJ raw but then the speed is joke and the damage output is same as Viper. Vulture is far superior.

I do not see it as a  ship that can spend a day in CZ or Haz RES.... and definitely not without any engineering.

28 Dec 2020, 10:39pm
My Courier is doing quite well in CZ and hazRES. But I agree, sacrificing its speed for more shields or hull is a bad idea.

Btw I'm using scramble spectrum on one of my lasers now. It does funny things to those NPC ships.
28 Dec 2020, 11:22pm
Rat CatcherI have pre-ordered the Alpha access too.

my man i think so have we all...i swear it makes it almost worth it if it was just atmospheric entries, but space legs too? listen man....its preordered, im staying awake for release and im one of those that will partly responsible for the first server crash after teh patch because ill be playing the F out of it..even the wife knows im gonna be unaccesible for at least 3 days.

bring me sandwiches and water...ill be fine..

I will swap your water for beer, but yeah me too, I am with ya!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:40pm
30 Dec 2020, 4:47am
I flew my Courier on many o'combat mission. Did me well, and I looked damn sexy too.
30 Dec 2020, 5:29am
SakashiroIs anyone here going to participate in the Odyssey alpha? I'm pondering which DLC to preorder.

Pre-order just on a marketing video which is combination of footage and art with no actual release date is something I wouldn't support ever nor I have plans to be a Tester for Frontier.

Tell this to "Star Citizen" players =D

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:40pm
30 Dec 2020, 6:51am
( : Pro : )

Tell this to "Star Citizen" players =D

Everyone can make owns judgment. IMHO, those are not players but victims. Backing a project during a kick starter is one thing but failing for such low baits after is a different story.

This is exactly a behavior I would not support.  We still do not know what the game play in Odyssey will be nor we know release date. So why bother with pre-order? There is not limit for accounts that will have access to it nor digital licenses require production and delivery to actual location.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:41pm

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