Elite: General talk

07 Jan 2021, 10:23am
I prefer Elite: Dangerous over Star Citizen. It's not even about the questionable approach to funding. It's more about that Elite: Dangerous tries to keep stuff as hard as possible, with certain exceptions for sake of Rule Of Cool. Back at the lore however, it's a hardened dystopia bound by real life astrophysics knowledge (as we know now) in which the biggest threat is human itself. Meanwhile, Star Citizen is your generic space opera with "good" humans and "bad" aliens.

As for the ship, it's not the first time Star Citizen "borrowed" the design.
07 Jan 2021, 2:22pm
I used to think highly of SC. It seemed like it might be going somewhere at some point. Seeing as it's almost exactly where it was back then with little to no progress and the same questionable funding (and the above mentioned generic space opera). Meanwhile Elite has been under almost constant development. FDev is not a group of gods making the perfect game and they made a fair few mistakes but I'm rather pleased with recent development. One could argue that there are things either game does better than the other game design wise but with this upcoming expansion I think that will turn that in Elite's favour by a lot.
07 Jan 2021, 3:05pm
07 Jan 2021, 4:23pm
Synthya WylderFor The Expanse fans... Why The Expanse has the most realistic space combat

The link is a 404

No idea why, it's YouTube... Not sure if I placed it here in full-frame whether that would make any difference. It might be region-locked...?
07 Jan 2021, 4:30pm
08 Jan 2021, 3:17pm
Is there any sort of killboard site for this game like EVE's zkill?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:46pm
08 Jan 2021, 3:23pm
Not that I know but that doesn't mean too much tbh. Elite is not PvP focused in the slightest so I don't think anyone bothered with actual kb stats. Ships are also not lost for good so that would make it a bit different. Inara does have a combat log somewhere I think but no zkill. It would be pretty empty anyway

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:47pm
08 Jan 2021, 10:55pm
so i was wondering...im begining to feel like i gave these people 50 bucks and ummmmm, when is odyssey coming out again?
09 Jan 2021, 12:19am
I  am 50 but have always enjoyed ELITE. My wife moans about the time i spend on it bit it keeps me quiet.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:47pm
09 Jan 2021, 12:32am
I think that a higher than average age can be found playing E:D vs most other games in the genre.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:47pm
09 Jan 2021, 12:33am
"Soon (TM)"
09 Jan 2021, 12:56am
Synthya Wylder"Soon (TM)"

i soulda said just that when they pushed the preorder adds on me....i see the faults of my ways.
09 Jan 2021, 1:56am
"Patience, Grasshopper."
09 Jan 2021, 10:25am
I do find the minority view that this game should be PvP focussed amusing...

Even sillier that open is considered something special and deserving some 'reward'!

Usually such tat is spouted by males who still believe something small is actually important

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:47pm

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Anything at least partially related to the Elite:Dangerous, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread. Elite community, astrophysics and so on...