Elite: General talk

07 Oct 2023, 9:02am
madamepestilenceTIL I can manually update my Ranks/Reputation to accurately reflect what's going on on the untrackable PS4 version

I appreciate that Inara prevents unlinked accounts from being part of the site rankings so people can't artificially inflate their accounts. Good detail
07 Oct 2023, 9:04pm
Bodgester **edit: it just started happening recently. Up to Odyssey all was fine, but I stopped playing until a week ago. The problem started a couple of days later.

Seems really like a game bug. Since you've checked everything else quite rigorously. Sadly, there's a lot of bugs in Elite. Have you tried re-assigning those to keyboard or mouse buttons to check the input that way, without using the sticks in USS/FSS? Like, to figure out, is it the interface bug or incorrect mapping? Also, you could check for conflicts in your mappings, I can't remember exactly but it seems like Elite doesn't have any kind of warning text persistent on the screen if some of your mappings are conflicting.

Not yet - tbh this bug is happening so often now it put me off space today. I play in VR so using keyboard or mouse isn't ideal, but for testing purposes, I'll give it a go.
I think it will work with the deafult keys as i think it's just Elite not recognising the joystick input intermittently. It's weird that the throttle (also Virpil T50) never has the issue. I will also send the maker a query about it - maybe they are aware of this happening to other customers.

I'm also thinking of trying a different stick for a session to check how that goes. I only have basic ones apart from the Virpil, but they will do for testing.
07 Oct 2023, 9:06pm
BodgesterI'm also thinking of trying a different stick for a session to check how that goes. I only have basic ones apart from the Virpil, but they will do for testing.
Yep, that's a great idea too. Elite utilises its own game engine that might work... not quite flawlessly.
07 Oct 2023, 9:27pm
Key mapping loss? Also happens with me at my keyboard my guess is it happens because we don't talk about a standards USA / UK QUERTY keyboard but QUERTZ with some alphabets not present at standard 101 keyboards, since its only happens with keys such as í ó ü ú and the likes to me. Most likely the character table mismatch causes it, but i can't tell this one for sure.

(yet again another issue i mentioned long ago but nothing happened about it)
09 Oct 2023, 5:59am
I use a HOTAS as well and sometimes buttons vanished or got reassigned, if that is your problem as well.
I used to copy the keybinds file, rename it and write-protected it. That way ED cant play with it.
In very rare cases (that I cant reproduce) ED activates the "custom" file, but switching back never was a problem.

maybe that helps as a workaround =)
09 Oct 2023, 11:11am
I also regularly back up the custom file and always when I make changes - but when I tried to use my latest one, made in February just for this kind of situation, the game wouldn't recognise it. The error file didn't make sense to me, either.

I noticed at least one assignment that has been added since I last actually played, and wondered if that extra command (there may be more I didn't notice, considering I don't use Odyssey DLC) is what made the game unhappy with my custom file which stemmed from before the changes.

However, I reassaigned all my commands when that happened just 2 weeks ago, and the problem is happening with those. I also changed the assignments for the stick, but same problem. All of them stop working intermittently in USS and FSS

09 Oct 2023, 12:29pm
there are a few threads in the frontier forums where I have given explanations for usb ports causing these issues
find and read them
the jist is if you are not using an asus or a gigabyte motherboard, then you should be using an external POWERED usb3 hub for your flight sticks.
or a power splitter adapter for a usb device to take power from 2 ports.

as long as the voltage from the port dips at all due to the pc's other power usage/requirements it is enough to cause windows to lose a device.
windows will find it and restore it likely before you notice it, but not before ED notices it and make your binds suck jello.

NOT ONE flight stick manufacturer tells the truth or rather has a voltmeter that works, they all lie so you will buy.

the worst offender being saitek, but only because they refused to fix and instead sold it off. and so it continues under another name, again and again..

BUT they all follow the exact same path which is poorly designed electronics and worse drivers to make it barely usable.
If ANYONE could make their OWN instead of everyone copying everyone else....maybe one day a new stick will appear on the market with the electronics and the drivers done properly.
first they need to all buy a multi-meter that works and is accurate.
and I suggest they also learn how to properly control power devices. so sad that its all because of led's that are incorrectly controlled.
if mercedes benz made a walkman, would it be any good?

if you can make a jet engine puur, are you any good with usb technology?
remember stereo's that had a radio, record player and 8-track?
no single company is good at everything.
do what YOU are good at and pay others to do the rest.

why are there no power indicators/meters on any port on any pc?
yet a duracell has one built into its packaging.

they used to sell desktops with a 200 to 250watt pS....the PC uses 200 when new, a year later it uses 250 to 300watts and dies.
only the manufacturer and pc tech knew why.
problem was sooo many billions straight into the garbage
because idiots made a product they only knew a little about. math and power was not on that list.
no electronic device uses the rated power, forever. it degrades, resistance is built up from use, it starts taking more power to do the same stuff.
this is normal
but if i sell you a battery that puts out exactly what you need, you will destroy the battery
if i sell you a battery that is 2 to 10 times what you need, it will barely notice it is being used and will last so much longer.
BUT, PUT a meter on it so we can see what you DON"T want us to see.
It is known as free enterprise, comes with a cavaet - buyer beware...thats fair. everyone is a mechanic and rocket scientist.

imo every device that can bee attached to a pc should have a power meter on it. they are soooo cheap yet can save you huge bucks from preventing serious damage by showing you you do NOT have the power.

or just move this post to rants....
09 Oct 2023, 1:07pm
Have Docking Computers been HACKED by the Thargoid ?

Has anyone else noticed docking computes acting odd?
Especially during takeoffs, by slamming into walls, or other stationary objects, attempting to turn back into the station by flying into the station exit port.

This has happened a few times this week.

Last edit: 09 Oct 2023, 10:32pm
09 Oct 2023, 1:08pm
Long ago
09 Oct 2023, 2:06pm
Titanium A SmithHave Docking Computers have they been HACKED by the Thargoid ?

Has anyone else noticed docking computes acting odd?
Especially during takeoffs, by slamming into walls, or other stationary objects, attempting to turn back into the station by flying into the station exit port.

This has happened a few times this week.

Honestly I've seen this problem since launch; I think it's just a bit of jank coding from rushed programmers
09 Oct 2023, 3:24pm
Titanium A SmithHave Docking Computers have they been HACKED by the Thargoid ?

Has anyone else noticed docking computes acting odd?
Especially during takeoffs, by slamming into walls, or other stationary objects, attempting to turn back into the station by flying into the station exit port.

This has happened a few times this week.

Honestly I've seen this problem since launch; I think it's just a bit of jank coding from rushed programmers

I've only seen it recently. I usually fly out manually but when I get lazy and let the computer fly, the problem seems like it happens to me only if there is a queue and my ship ends up queueing close to the exit. All the ship does when it is time to leave is drift back and forth, never moving to align with the slot and leave the station.
12 Oct 2023, 10:27pm
kind of a weird question here. so our FSD can activate while not mass locked and relatively close to a planet right? well hypothetically speaking what do we think would happen if say a malfunctioning FSD activated while landed on a planet. So say the FSD mass lock failed and the FSD was able to activate what would happen?
12 Oct 2023, 11:09pm
I have another question. WHY the FSD have 5 km distance with capital class ships and stations, but 2 km with the whole planet? it actually should work around 40 km with planet's mass corrections (gliding area altitude is already suitable point). Only above you're cleared to go.
12 Oct 2023, 11:32pm
A.G.DuranI have another question. WHY the FSD have 5 km distance with capital class ships and stations, but 2 km with the whole planet? it actually should work around 40 km with planet's mass corrections (gliding area altitude is already suitable point). Only above you're cleared to go.

I assume the reasoning for this is that the space warpage at 2km from a station or capital ship would be enough to destroy it less risk of it shattering a planet at 2km than a capital ship. or at least that's what makes sense to me.
13 Oct 2023, 12:03am
A.G.DuranI have another question. WHY the FSD have 5 km distance with capital class ships and stations, but 2 km with the whole planet? it actually should work around 40 km with planet's mass corrections (gliding area altitude is already suitable point). Only above you're cleared to go.

Just what she said, for safety reasons. To lessen the risks for accidents and disturbances warped space can create. Not to mention anything moves in war speed. I don't think it's healthy to low wake into anything.

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