Elite: General talk

02 Apr 2021, 12:50am
I'm torn about ship interiors. They're unnecessary, unless there is something of interest and value to be done there. For example, getting your surface suit and weapons, or doing something to cargo or your SRV or whatever.

I dread getting ship interiors as a delay tactic to actual gameplay. For example, imagine having to go walking around in stations just to talk to people about getting missions. Nice and immersive for about a week, and then I would want my menu back.

What WOULD be interesting is having an airlock that pressurizes and depressurizes as a visual place holder for the black loading screen we currently get. Making the load screens part of the game experience would be an improvement.

But interiors just for the sake of HAVING to traverse them would get tedious fast.
02 Apr 2021, 1:02am
James HussarFor example, imagine having to go walking around in stations just to talk to people about getting missions.

That's already happening in Odyssey, but it's actually not redundant. The old mission board menu still exists, but NPCs add the option to haggle over the rewards, making the walk through the station worthwhile.
02 Apr 2021, 1:08am
James HussarFor example, imagine having to go walking around in stations just to talk to people about getting missions.

That's already happening in Odyssey, but it's actually not redundant. The old mission board menu still exists, but NPCs add the option to haggle over the rewards, making the walk through the station worthwhile.

Yeah, I've seen that and cringed a bit at first. I appreciate that there is the standard commodity missions through the board and "special" missions through shady characters hanging around in the lounge. That's a good way to do it - make you go out of your way for the more unusual experiences.
02 Apr 2021, 1:17am
I've seen concerns over Odyssey turning ED into a first-person shooter etc. But it's important to remember that Odyssey is a DLC, so everything it adds is optional. You can play the game exactly the way you did before; nothing is being removed. The only thing that'll change for everyone is the renderer and the planet surfaces.
02 Apr 2021, 1:38am
Oh definitely. I've managed to avoid Power Play and CQC for four years, and Thargoids since they showed up, so I've no qualms about not engaging in the aspects of the game that don't appeal to me. I do want to immerse in Odyssey, so I'm hoping the non FPS aspects of it are varied and interesting. I'm a bit disappointed that there will be no caves to explore - though I have to wonder what that means for the alien structures you could drive the SRV into. Clearly the means for cave and lava tube exploration are there. I'm also hoping that eventually we'll have zero-G EVA salvage and such. Not expecting it soon, but as a future upgrade. I don't mind a little PVP and NPC FPS but that's not why I play Elite, so hopefully it will be limited and contextualized in a way that makes sense. Certainly Amazon and GrubHub drivers don't need to shoot their way in or out on their errands, so I hope I won't have to either. OTOH, I'm not looking for Galaxy Truck Simulator either. Elite offers enough interesting stuff to do as it is and more can only be better.
02 Apr 2021, 2:04am
James HussarClearly the means for cave and lava tube exploration are there.

Planets in ED are just subdivided cubes with procedurally generated displacement maps and textures applied to them. In Odyssey they get a facelift, but the underlying tech won't change. That's why they indeed can't have caves. Thargoid caves are really just hand-modeled assets above the planet surface, like settlement buildings.
02 Apr 2021, 2:25am
James HussarClearly the means for cave and lava tube exploration are there.

Planets in ED are just subdivided cubes with procedurally generated displacement maps and textures applied to them. In Odyssey they get a facelift, but the underlying tech won't change. That's why they indeed can't have caves. Thargoid caves are really just hand-modeled assets above the planet surface, like settlement buildings.

So, what I hear you say is we could have caves, but it would take work. Settlements are similar but made up of reused modules to give them a good bit of variety. It seems like a reasonably finite amount of effort to make caves. As much effort as settlements.
02 Apr 2021, 3:20am
MeowersStrange. I was jumping in-out for several times and it was the same combat with same current scores.

If you were in open mode, it's possible you re-entered the same instance. Not sure if that can happen in solo mode.

SmalooLiving in Australia does have some downsides!

Isn't entire Australia downside?

It's "down-unda"

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 02 Apr 2021, 3:46pm
02 Apr 2021, 5:51am
SmalooLiving in Australia does have some downsides!

Isn't entire Australia downside? [/quote]

It's "down-unda" [/quote]

Where beer does flow and men plunder.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 02 Apr 2021, 3:46pm
02 Apr 2021, 6:06am
Where women glow...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 02 Apr 2021, 3:46pm
02 Apr 2021, 6:15am
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 02 Apr 2021, 3:46pm
02 Apr 2021, 7:26am
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
She took me in and missed the Twitch Drops

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 02 Apr 2021, 3:46pm
02 Apr 2021, 8:15am
I didn't met any lady.
I've got twitch drop.
Reject ladies, embrace ED.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 02 Apr 2021, 3:46pm
02 Apr 2021, 8:19am
I did got the twitch drops by AFKing while doing stuff with the lady under threat of slapping

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 02 Apr 2021, 3:46pm
02 Apr 2021, 9:15am
Amata LireinLive-Stream by FDevs today, Twitch-Drops are on.

Noooooooo! I missed it AGAIN! Living in Australia does have some downsides!

It sure does.

That and the fact most of the wild life is out to kill us.


10 deadliest animals and proud of it!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 02 Apr 2021, 3:46pm

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